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United States

New York Power Authority Poletti RE POWER® Project

Project Challenges 

The New York Power Authority (NYPA) planned to decommission its 850 MW Poletti Generating Site in Astoria NY in accordance with approved plans. NYPA required Owner’s Engineering Services for abatement, decommissioning, demolition and restoration of this site, which is located along the East River in NYC. The project scope includes protection of other generating stations on this critical infrastructure site .

TRC Solutions

TRC provided Owner’s Engineering Services including program and project management, structural surveys, asbestos and regulated material surveys, asset valuations, closure of cooling water structures, plans and specifications and procurement support services. NYPA issued these detailed plans and specifications for bid. NYPA and TRC evaluated fixed price proposal prior to awarding a contract.

Client Benefits
• Safety was our highest priority, and NYPA and TRC completed the design and procurement phases of this project with ZERO incidents or accidents.

• NYPA and TRC developed a detailed scope of work, a baseline schedule and cost estimate, including a significant credit for scrap and salvage value.

• During the procurement phase, NYPA obtained competitive bid based on a defined scope of work and implementation schedule. The TRC budget and schedule validated the TRC estimates.

• During the construction phase, TRC successfully performed resident inspection service ensuring compliance with safety, environmental and contract requirements.
Project Location Astoria Queens NYC
Contract Award July 2011
Completion Date March 2015

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