Industry-Leading Risk Management Program Expertise

Flexible solutions to meet your facility and operational compliance needs.

In the United States, many facilities face the challenge of navigating regulatory requirements associated with the management of hazardous chemicals. Both the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have developed standards for industry to follow related to the safe processing, handling and storage of “highly hazardous chemicals” under OSHA, and ”regulated toxic and flammable substances” under the EPA.

TRC’s experts help you determine applicable requirements for your facility and develop and implement effective safety and compliance-focused programs.

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Ensure Compliance with Expert Guidance From TRC

With decades of experience learning the latest compliance regulations and how they apply to real-world circumstances, TRC is ready to give you unique insights into your workflow. We’ve implemented hundreds of process safety management (PSM) programs for construction teams, manufacturers, energy companies and more. Trust us to deliver innovative solutions for your specific practices through carefully curated PSM and RMP services.

OSHA’s Process Safety Management for Highly Hazardous Chemicals
Benefits of an Effective PSM Program
EPA’s Chemical Accident Prevention and Risk Management Plan

OSHA’s Process Safety Management for Highly Hazardous Chemicals

Process Safety Management (PSM) is a framework program developed by OSHA to reduce safety risks to employees and contractors associated with processes utilizing highly hazardous chemicals, thereby avoiding potential incidents such as fires, spills or explosions. To be effective, the PSM program requires proactive management and continual improvement to properly mitigate and control risks.


Benefits of an Effective PSM Program

The development, implementation and maintenance of a comprehensive PSM program can significantly lower or avoid incidents at an applicable facility by eliminating or minimizing the release of highly hazardous chemicals. Other benefits include prevention of injuries, decrease in down time, improvement in safety culture, stabilizing business continuity and reducing response times to incidents. Also, companies that implement and maintain an effective PSM program demonstrate corporate responsibility by ensuring the health and safety of employees and preventing harm to the environment and surrounding community.


EPA’s Chemical Accident Prevention and Risk Management Plan

Facilities that are subject to OSHA’s PSM program requirements are also likely obligated to meet the requirements under EPA’s Chemical Accident Prevention rule to communicate and manage risks to communities and the environment. Known as the Risk Management Program (RMP) rule, it requires facilities with covered processes that use a regulated substance at or above the chemical-specific threshold quantity to develop, implement and maintain an RMP.


Maintain Safety and Compliance with our Hazardous Chemical Consulting Solutions

TRC supports all aspects and requirements of OSHA’s Process Safety Management for Highly Hazardous Chemicals and EPA’s Chemical Accident Prevention/Risk Management Program. Our highly experienced engineers and consultants can help you develop a plan for creating compliant PSM and RMP programs, evaluate your existing programs and help you prepare for likely regulatory agency compliance audits. Our PSM and RMP program engineers and consultants have decades of experience and hold prestigious safety and environmental professional certifications like CSP, ASP, PE, CPEA and CPSA. We assist a range of industries including Oil and Gas, Petrochemical, Chemical, Pulp and Paper, Food and Beverage, Consumer Products, Renewable Energy, Hydrogen Production, Battery Systems and others with the development, maintenance and improvement of PSM and/or RMP programs that are complaint with all applicable regulatory requirements.


Our Services Include:

  • Process Hazard Analysis (PHA): Identification of the Hazards associated with your covered PSM process(es)
  • Operating Procedures: Development of Operating Procedures for your covered processes regarding normal, emergency and startup/shutdown operations
  • Training: Development and delivery of training modules aligned with the facility PSM program to enhance proper implementation and compliance
  • Contractor Management: Development of programs for safety management of contractors of your facility to comply to PSM requirements
  • Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR): Safety review of your projects before being put into operation
  • Mechanical Integrity (MI): Development of programs for the long-term safety of your machines and equipment
  • Management of Change (MOC): Development of programs to avoid uncontrolled and unauthorized changes to your covered processes at the facility
  • Incident Investigation: Helping your organization investigate any incidents to learn from them and prevent recurrence
  • Regulatory Compliance Audits: Helping your organization conduct audits to assess compliance with the OSHA PSM requirements and fulfill the auditing requirements of OSHA’s PSM Standard


Partner With TRC’s Tested Practitioners

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Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to learn more about our process safety management and risk management program services? Explore these frequently asked questions or contact us and start improving today.

In many ways, process safety management is a flexible set of standards that employers and project managers can tailor to their specific processes. However, there are 14 key features every organization is required to address within them:

  1. Training
  2. Employee participation
  3. Contractors
  4. Operating procedures
  5. Hot Work permits
  6. Compliance audits
  7. Incident investigations
  8. Process Hazard Analysis (PHA)
  9. Process Safety Information (PSI)
  10. Pre-startup Safety Review (PSSR)
  11. Management of Change (MOC)
  12. Mechanical Integrity (MI)
  13. Emergency planning and response
  14. Trade secrets

In most cases, these base categories are enough to establish a thorough response to any issues a project site faces.

Protect Your Staff and Bottom Line With TRC

Implementing a Process Safety Management (PSM) program is one of the most effective steps you can take to ensure regulatory compliance while safeguarding your employees and enhancing operational efficiency. A robust PSM program not only meets regulatory mandates but also fosters a culture of safety that can lead to reduced incidents and improved morale. By prioritizing safety, you can enhance productivity and ultimately boost your bottom line.

Join us at TRC in our mission to create safer and healthier workplaces. By connecting with us, you can begin developing tailored process safety management solutions specifically designed for your operations. Reach out today to start your journey towards enhanced safety and operational excellence.

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Sharing Our Perspectives

Our practitioners share their insights and perspectives on the trends and challenges shaping the market.


OSHA Enforces New National Emphasis Program to Address Concerns with Warehouses and Distribution Centers

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How to Prevent Accident & Injury in the Workplace

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Safety and Health Audits Benchmarking for Performance Improvement

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How to Use an Integrated Approach To Manage EHS and ESG Risks

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The Pro’s and Con’s of EHS Outsourcing

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