Regulatory Support for South Coast AQMD Rule 2305
Implement an effective compliance strategy to avoid financial penalties.
South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (AQMD) Warehouse Indirect Source Rule 2305 (WAIRE) is a compliance program for larger warehouses within South Coast AQMD’s jurisdictions – including Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, and Riverside counties. The program is designed to mitigate emissions produced by heavy and medium-duty traffic that services the warehouses within the district through warehouse operators’ participation in WAIRE.
With over 4,000 warehouses impacted by AQMD Rule 2305, it’s essential to stay ahead of federal and state air quality standards. TRC can help warehouse operators understand their obligations under this rule and how best to meet those obligations in a cost-effective manner.
Notice! South Coast AQMD’s first reporting deadlines have already passed, and the financial impact of being out of compliance can be significant.
By The Numbers
In-House Regulatory Specialists
Compliance Fines Avoided
Warehouses Supported
Create New Pathways to Offset Financial Impacts
Warehouse operators can take several pathways to comply with the WAIRE program and offset its financial impact:
- Pay a fee for each truck trip to your warehouse
- Acquire or operate zero-emission (ZE) or near-zero-emission (NZE) trucks
- Acquire or operate ZE yard trucks
- Install on-site ZE charging or fueling infrastructure
- Install on-site solar panels
- Install MERV 16+ filters or filter systems in residences, schools, daycares, hospitals or community centers
- Contact TRC to develop a custom plan
Advisory and Advocacy Solutions to Support WAIRE Compliance
If you need assistance achieving WAIRE compliance, improving operational practices and reducing emissions, TRC offers a range of solutions that help warehouse operators:
- Identify and project their compliance needs under this rule
- Ensure the procurement plan meets the demands of this rule and other related regulations
- Advocate to shape rule components
- Develop cost-effective compliance plans to offset the WPCO
- Secure funding to reduce compliance costs
- Understand the rule’s recordkeeping and reporting requirements
- Facilitate the data gathering from individual sites
- File the required reports such as the Initial Site Information Report (ISIR), Annual WAIRE Report (AWR) and Warehouse Operation Notification (WON)
Calculate Your WAIRE Point Compliance Obligation (WPCO)
The main factor in determining an individual warehouse’s WAIRE Point Compliance Obligation (WPCO) is its annual truck traffic. TRC developed a calculator to determine clients’ WPCO and translate that truck traffic into the financial penalties that will be charged for non-compliance. This simplified version provides an estimate of potential fees if no action is taken to offset the WPCO of the warehouse.
Achieve WAIRE Objectives With TRC
If you have concerns about the financial impact WAIRE non-compliance could have on your warehouse, you need forward-thinking solutions from a firm that understands regulatory challenges within the South Coast AQMD. Contact TRC for comprehensive WAIRE compliance support.
Sharing Our Perspectives
Our practitioners share their insights and perspectives on the trends and challenges shaping the market.
Best Practices for Scaling and Optimizing EV Charging Infrastructure: Six Steps for Success
September 23, 2024
TRC works with hundreds of organizations who have made investments in fleet electrification and EV charging infrastructure as means to achieving their carbon, climate and clean transportation goals.
TRC Companies Announces $1.5B in Funding for Clients’ Sustainable Transportation Projects, Including Zero Emission Trucking, and Critical Charging Stations and Low Carbon Fueling Infrastructure
May 20, 2024
TRC surpassed $1.5 billion in funding to support its clients’ clean commercial transportation projects. The achievement comes less than two years after reaching the $1 billion milestone.
Championing the Crucial Dialogue to Advance Fleet Electrification
May 7, 2024
In the actively changing landscape of transportation, the electrification of fleets has emerged as a pivotal step towards a sustainable and clean energy future. Electrification can, in the right applications, help fleets drastically cut emissions, reducetotal lifetime operating costs and improve the air quality in and around their communities.
Embracing the Advanced Clean Trucks Rule, or Not?
January 10, 2024
Despite the many states who quickly adopted the ACT rule, 2023 saw the first instances of unexpected retreats from the effort, reflecting an evolution in the zero emissions approaches taken by medium- and heavy-duty fleets.
Download White Paper: State of Sustainable Fleets: 2023 Market Brief
May 16, 2023
2023 Market Brief clean transportation trends
‘Sunset of the Diesel Era’ is Upon Us, Study Finds
May 3, 2023
Source: Fleet Owner ANAHEIM, California—The Diesel Era is ending, but it won’t be easy for fleets. However, public policy and financial and other incentives are pushing transportation into a cleaner future, according to the fourth State of Sustainable Fleets Market Brief, which also notes that transitioning to new power technologies faces financial and supply hurdles. “It’s no surprise that one of the findings is that we’re starting to hear folks talk about the sunset of the Diesel Era,” said Erik Neandross, which produced the annual study. “We believe that 2027 could very well be the last of the major diesel engine development programs that we see out there in the world—which is pretty amazing.” Last year, Navistar said its new S13 Integrated Powertrain includes the final internal combustion engine the producer of International Trucks will develop. Navistar and other major North American OEMs have some zero-emission trucks and goals to develop and expand those ZE offerings. Regulators also are pushing OEMs and engine-makers to find cleaner ways to move goods and people in the coming years. The 2023 report from clean technology consultants TRC (formerly GNA) was released on the opening day of the firm’s Advanced Clean Transportation Expo, which drew another record crowd to Orange County. Organizers said about 13,000 people are attending the show, a 50% increase from 2022. “Of course, the record attendance that we have here is really indicative of the growth and investment that we’ve seen in the clean fuels and fleet industry in the last couple of years,” Neandross said during a main stage presentation on May 1 in front of thousands of fleet and transportation executives. The State of Sustainable Fleets report shows a future where new diesel engine development programs slow as zero-emission vehicles become the centerpiece of regulations in states representing about half of the U.S. economy. Nearly 80% of air pollutants come from “mobile sources. That’s why clean transportation technologies are so important,” Wayne Nastri, South Coast Air Quality Management District executive officer, said on May 1. “They’re so needed in order for us to meet not only federal and state air-quality standards—as well to reduce some of the toxic emissions and the climate pollutants—but the key is that we need to transition to zero-emission as quickly as possible.” Continue reading on Fleet Owner
SoSF 2023: Diesel Engine Development Begins to Sunset as Funding, Fleets, Regulators Focus on ZEVs
May 1, 2023
Source: ACT News In the fourth annual State of Sustainable Fleets Market Brief, a new trend is clear — public policy and funding has shifted sharply to build the ZEV market and sunset diesel engine development on an accelerated timeframe. Report author and leading clean technology consulting firm, TRC (formerly GNA), unveiled the findings at the Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo, a four-day conference which drew more than 10,000 attendees to Anaheim, California. This year’s Market Brief illustrates much more about the future, one where new diesel engine development programs are moving towards a sunset, and zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) will be the “law of the land” in states representing approximately half of the U.S. economy. The past 18 months have laid the roadmap for a zero-emission (ZE) future in many states and produced early signals that the era of the diesel engine, the workhorse of heavy-duty vehicles, will end sooner than many predicted. Previously, the State of Sustainable Fleets demonstrated that some clean fuels and vehicles are now superior to gasoline- and diesel-fueled vehicles for many fleet applications, and adoption of renewable fuels and advanced technology drivetrains is accelerating. “The past year has brought a historic amount of investment from the federal government, as well as from private industry,” said Erik Neandross. “Across clean fuel types, we’re seeing accelerating momentum and an increasing commitment to low carbon fuels and zero emission commercial vehicles.” This year’s report offers another deep analysis into the alternative fuels and clean transportation markets, with the following findings: Continue reading on ACT News
Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo Announces Dates and Locations for 2024 and 2025 Shows
May 1, 2023
Organizers of the Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo announced the dates and locations for the next two years of its rapidly growing conference.
Download White Paper: 2021 Feasibility Assessment for Drayage Trucks
February 7, 2023
2021 Feasibility Assessment for Drayage Trucks San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan
NACFE Podcast: Erik Neandross Navigates the Future of Fleet Sustainability
August 31, 2022
Erik Neandross recently joined NACFE’s Mike Roeth to discuss working with OEMs and fleets on transitioning to clean fuels, the importance of TCO, and the main drivers of the accelerated sustainable transportation movement.
Hyliion, Cummins Collaborate on Electric and NG Range-extender
June 29, 2022
The State of Sustainable Fleets report found that fuel-cost savings is the primary advantage for deploying NG units among 79% of the surveyed fleets. Hyliion and Cummins announced a collaboration to optimize Cummins’ ISX12N natural gas engine as the onboard generator for Hyliion’s Hypertruck ERX powertrain.
ISR Compliance Could Save Warehouse Operators Thousands
June 8, 2022
Sean Cocca, director of compliance at TRC, provides insights on South Coast AQMD’s Warehouse Indirect Source Rule, which requires warehouse operators to keep a record of the frequency of truck trips and take actions to help mitigate the environmental impact of those activities at their locations.
State of Sustainable Fleets Report Finds Fleets Are Accelerating Use of Clean Vehicles
May 9, 2022
In the third annual State of Sustainable Fleets Market Brief, transportation fleets continued to report a resounding trend — their use of clean fuels and advanced vehicle technologies is rapidly progressing.
Download White Paper: State of Sustainable Fleets: 2022 Market Brief
May 9, 2022
2022 Market Brief clean transportation trends
Study: ClearFlame Helps Fleets Lower TCO, Meet Sustainability Goals
May 5, 2022
The study, conducted by TRC and commissioned by Geneva, Illinois-based ClearFlame itself, analyzed the total cost of ownership and the expected emission performance of the company’s engine modification technology in the over-the-road heavy truck market vs. other options.
Start Your Batteries: Mass Fleet Electrification is Coming (And What We Can do to Prepare)
April 13, 2022
As we plan for and make early investments for fleets, we’ll be paving the way for higher degrees of market penetration of passenger vehicles and other modes of transportation as well.
Obtaining Funding for Clean Transportation Projects in North America: Q&A with TRC (Formerly GNA) Senior Vice President Joe Annotti
March 30, 2022
Net-Zero Business Daily by S&P Global Commodity Insights speaks with Joe Annotti about strategies for seeking funding, what funders are looking for, and where opportunities are growing.
TRC (formerly GNA) Electrification Project Selected for New York Program
March 2, 2022
The Electrify the Empire State: Empowering Zero Emission Solutions project aims to deploy 38 electric medium- and heavy-duty vehicles and supporting infrastructure in underserved communities in New York City and upstate New York.
Amplifying the Next Phase of Fleet Electrification: The Pickup
September 30, 2021
TRC’s analysis for one client fleet shows that even a $70,000 EV can compete on cost with a comparable gas-hybrid vehicle priced at $40,000 – at least in California where upfront and ongoing incentives stack up quickly.
Download White Paper: State of Sustainable Fleets 2021: Market and Trends Brief
May 10, 2021
2021 Market and Trends Brief for clean fleet industry
Download Whitepaper: California Heavy-Duty Fleet Electrification
March 9, 2021
Charging systems and cost analysis for electric heavy-duty commercial fleets
Download White Paper: Sustainable Aviation Fuel: Greenhouse Gas Reductions from Bay Area Commercial Aircraft
October 13, 2020
Sustainable aviation fuel impact on greenhouse gas emissions
Download White Paper: An Assessment: California’s In-State RNG Supply for Transportation 2020-2024
July 7, 2020
California RNG production estimates and HVIP funding
Download White Paper: State of Sustainable Fleets 2020
May 12, 2020
2020 Market and Trends Brief for clean fleet industry
Download White Paper: RIPTA Sustainable Fleet Transition Plan
September 19, 2019
RIPTA Sustainable Fleet Transition Plan
Download White Paper: Electric Vehicle Charging Guidebook for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Commercial Fleets
September 17, 2019
Guidebook for adopting electric charging solutions for fleet managers in California
Download White Paper: 2018 Feasibility Assessment for Cargo-Handling Equipment
September 10, 2019
2018 Feasibility Assessment for Zero-emission Cargo-Handling Equipment
Download White Paper: 2018 Feasibility Assessment for Drayage Trucks
April 9, 2019
2018 Feasibility Assessment for Drayage Trucks report
Download White Paper: The Feasibility, Issues, and Benefits Associated with Expanded Use of Natural Gas at Seaports and Other High Horsepower Applications
October 10, 2017
Natural gas use in Californias seaports report
Download White Paper: Renewable Diesel as a Major Transportation Fuel in California: Opportunities, Benefits & Challenges
August 15, 2017
Renewable diesel benefits and future in California
Download White Paper: Game Changer: Next Generation Heavy-Duty Natural Gas Engines Fueled by Renewable Natural Gas
May 10, 2016
Zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles United States
Download White Paper: Dumping Dirty Diesels in Latin America
November 12, 2014
Reducing black carbon emissions in Latin America
Download White Paper: LNG Opportunities for Marine and Rail in the Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico, and Inland Waterways
October 13, 2014
Liquefied natural gas growth opportunities in marine and rail operations
Download White Paper: Equivalent Strategies for the ARB Zero Emission Bus Regulation
June 11, 2014
California Air Resources Board Fleet Rule for Transit Agencies report
Download White Paper: Pathways to Near-Zero-Emission Natural Gas Heavy-Duty Vehicles
May 13, 2014
California air quality and climate protection policies
Download White Paper: Wyoming Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Roadmap
April 16, 2014
LNG production and usage in Wyoming
Download White Paper: Moving California Forward: Zero and Low-Emission Goods Movement Pathways
November 12, 2013
California Cleaner Freight Coalition report on zero-emission strategies
Download White Paper: Ultrafine Particulate Matter and the Benefits of Reducing Particle Numbers in the U.S.
July 15, 2013
EPA regulations on vehicle emissions and health impacts
Download White Paper: Zero-Emission Catenary Hybrid Truck Market Study
March 13, 2012
Zero-emission trucks and electric catenary highway technology in Southern California
Download White Paper: NGV Roadmap for Pennsylvania Jobs, Energy Security and Clean Air
April 13, 2011
Marcellus Shale Coalition natural gas transportation fuel report
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