Resolving Challenges Across the Structural Lifecycle

Foundational ideas for rebuilding critical infrastructure.

Both reducing the number of poor bridges and ensuring new bridge infrastructure is built to stand the test of time are ongoing priorities throughout the U.S. Undertaking significant maintenance, rehabilitation or replacement projects requires new perspectives, flexible approaches and pragmatic solutions. TRC’s tested engineers have the tools and the talent to resolve even your most complex bridge-related challenges and help you achieve new pathways to thrive.

Expertise to Address Any Critical Infrastructure Need

TRC resolves bridge and related structural challenges at any stage of the project life cycle. From planning and permitting to design and construction, to safety inspection and load ratings we serve as the foundation to support your critical infrastructure needs. We support projects h through a traditional design-bid-build approach or through a variety of alternative delivery methods. Led by dozens of structural engineers with a passion for bridges and related structures, our resources in the environmental, geotechnical and construction fields offer a value-added benefit that helps proactively explore and define the regulatory impacts, constructability issues, seismic concerns and subsurface complexities that impact your project.

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Achieve Success With TRC’s Seamlessly Integrated Structural Solutions

Inspections and Ratings
Bridge Studies and Design
Construction Solutions
Source Inspection
Environmental Solutions

Inspections and Ratings

Our bridge and highway infrastructure experts have experience in a range of structures, including small and medium-sized bridges, highways, railroad-grade separations, culverts and viaducts in rural and urban environments. Our inspections identify any areas on these structures in distress, combating them through detailed, actionable suggestions that ensure appropriate maintenance practices.

Every inspection we complete is fully in accordance with the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS), AASHTO, FHWA and QC/QA procedures. This process encourages better motorist safety, more accurate and consistent structures and lower life cycle costs.


Bridge Studies and Design

TRC provides ideas to build upon and serves as the foundation to support your needs, from conceptual studies to the evaluation of rehabilitation or replacement options to the load rating of structures and anything in between. While the majority of our work follows the traditional design-bid-build process, we are very well-versed in the advantages of pursuing alternative delivery mechanisms, such as design-build and public-private partnerships, and actively participate in such projects when possible.

Leveraging the talents of seasoned professionals across a broad spectrum of disciplines, TRC confronts head-on the many regulatory, design and construction challenges you face.


Construction Solutions

Our construction solutions professionals ensure that constructed elements achieve detailed design objectives while applying effective management and QA techniques to control schedule, cost and quality. From pre-construction through construction closeout, TRC serves as your on-site expert to manage project execution and quickly resolve obstacles to completion.

With a bench strength of several hundred construction engineers and inspectors nationwide, we can precisely match your project’s needs with qualified personnel regardless of scope, size or complexity.


Source Inspection

Reliable structural concrete and steel products are vital to constructing safe, aesthetically pleasing structures that survive the test of time. Deficiencies in fabrication are quickly exposed, resulting in lost time, wasted money and potential claims. To ensure products perform as intended, TRC offers robust in-plant quality assurance, auditing and non-destructive testing capabilities to confirm that thresholds for quality are achieved. We employ more than 100 source inspection staff globally, all of whom are equipped with the needed certifications and testing equipment to effectively carry out their role.


Environmental Solutions

A proven leader in solving complex environmental challenges, our ecological, cultural resources, hazardous waste and air and noise professionals work cohesively to develop comprehensive NEPA-compliant documents that satisfy project regulatory requirements. As a valued partner to our design staff, they identify potential impacts to the environment and provide recommendations to avoid, minimize and/or mitigate environmental impacts while supporting public involvement efforts.


By The Numbers


National Bridge Inventory


Percentage of Bridges Rated Poorly



Embrace The Shift

Partner With TRC’s Tested Practitioners

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Connect With TRC’s Bridge and Highway Infrastructure Specialists Today

For decades, TRC has been the trusted partner for transforming complex highway infrastructure challenges into successful, sustainable projects. We deliver innovative solutions that minimize risks, optimize budgets and exceed expectations. Partner with TRC and unlock the full potential of your next highway project. Our experts are ready to guide you through every stage of development, ensuring optimal outcomes that benefit your organization and community.

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Sharing Our Perspectives

Our practitioners share their insights and perspectives on the trends and challenges shaping the market.


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