Our clients rely upon the budgets we develop for their remediation projects because we share in the financial outcome (benefit and pain) where project cleanup resolves easily and when challenges arise. Our clients’ GFPR plans are developed and executed to reliably resolve environmentally contaminated assets.
Transform Environmentally Impaired Real Estate into Valuable Assets
Industry-leading solutions for the comprehensive resolution of environmental cleanup liability.
Environmental cleanup liabilities are financially unpredictable because despite the best efforts at due diligence, actual site conditions remain largely uncertain until the work is well underway. Such uncertainties can make remediation projects unmanageable with significant budgets and deadlines overrun and increased risks. TRC’s guaranteed fixed-price remediation (GFPR) program provides financial predictability and cost-effective and efficient solutions to help clients manage environmental risks and clean up contaminated properties.
Expert Insights to Resolve Environmental Cleanup Risks
TRC’s tested practitioners develop and implement remediation strategies and solutions tailored to the unique complexities of your operations and properties. Our approach goes beyond standard procedures; we immerse ourselves in your environment to understand your challenges fully. Our multidisciplinary teams assess your concerns and provide a fair and accurate remediation price that reflects the true scope of your project.
Our extensive experience and deep understanding of local, state and federal laws ensure that you remain compliant throughout the remediation process. By leveraging our expertise, we can address your environmental cleanup concerns efficiently, ensuring that you meet both your operational goals and regulatory requirements.
TRC’s GFPR Program Incorporates Five Elements of Risk Management to Fully Resolve Environmental Cleanup Risks
Our 5,000 technical experts — comprising highly experienced engineers, scientists, MBAs, attorneys and insurance professionals — develop site-specific regulatory strategies and remedial risk modeling to effectively budget and design projects from inception to completion. The services provided include:
- Regulatory Compliance
- Remediation Engineering Services
- Phase I / Site Assessment Services
- Risk Assessment & Toxicology Services
- Sediment Remediation Services
- Program Management
- Construction Management
- Litigation expert support
- Life-cycle cost and footprint analysis
Our clients’ GFPR plans are designed to achieve projected goals for environmentally contaminated properties, including:
- Purchase/Sale transactions
- Resolution of a legacy liability
- Cleanup/Re-Positioning of a currently operating asset
GFPR employs the full array of risk mitigation tools—contractual protections, cash-flow projections/management, site-specific insurance products—while working closely with our clients’ legal and insurance advisors to address and resolve all remedial risks associated with their contaminated asset.
Since 1996, we have provided clients with expert GFPR contracts that mitigate the risk of cleanup cost overruns for both Seller and Buyer, providing a remedial liability resolution for a reliable cost. Our GFPR team has resolved:
- $650 MM remediation risk
- 115 sites
- 50 contracts
- $7 BB existing/planned asset value
- $200 BB aggregate enterprise value of environmental risk assessed
- A proven success with no further action at >75% sites (2018)
Minimize Your Environmental Liability With TRC’s GFPR Solutions
TRC’s GFPR program has helped numerous property developers, industrial facilities, government agencies and others protect their interests and reduce environmental liability, now and far into the future. With our decades of compliance expertise, you can feel confident that we know how to mitigate your most pressing risks and deliver the latest information on regulatory changes and environmental risk compliance.
Contact us today to minimize your environmental cleanup risks.