Various locations in NH
Steel products bound for transportation projects in New Hampshire are fabricated under the watchful eye of TRC materials specialists.
TRC is under contract to the New Hampshire Department of Transportation to provide quality assurance structural steel shop fabrication and NACE/SSPC coatings inspection for various bridge components, including Fracture Critical Members, in accordance with contract requirements and all applicable codes and standards. Inspectors that are assigned under this contract are required to maintain active certification from the American Welding Society (CWI), the American Society for Non-destructive Testing (ASNT) and NACE International (Coatings).
Typical duties of our Shop Inspectors include:
- Verification of all welder qualifications
- Examination of all welding equipment for conformance to specifications and approved welding procedures
- Verification that materials being used meet the requirements of contract documents
- Examination of the work to ensure that preparation, fit-up and welding are all in conformance with the specifications
- Visual inspection of 100% of all welds
- Witnessing the nondestructive testing of welds as required
- Maintaining records of non-conforming and rejectable members
- Inspection of such fabrication procedures as heat curving, cambering, field splice alignment, drilling, punching, reaming, cleaning, painting, handling, storage, transportation and assembly
Types of structural steel items that TRC’s shop inspectors have been charged with inspecting include, but are not limited to: bridge plate girders / welded structural beams, overhead sign structures, steel piling, pin and hangar assemblies, and steel decking. Types of non-destructive testingthat are regularly performedinclude: visual CWI inspection; ultrasonic flaw detection of welded assemblies; magnetic particle; liquid penetrant; portable hardness evaluation; and NACE/SSPC shop and field coatings inspection.
- Client: New Hampshire Department of Transportation
- Project Location: Various locations in NH
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