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National Lime Association Annual Meeting 2023

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Jun 12 - Jun 14, 2023

Silverado Resort and Spa
1600 Atlas Peak Road
Napa Valley, CA 94558

The National Lime Association will hold its annual meeting. TRC’s Anita Doepke and Chris Andrews will present:

Influencing Safe Workplace Behaviors, Chris Andrews
A safe and healthy workplace is the overall goal of any safety program, but how do we achieve this in all aspects of our business operations. This presentation will discuss the background of what drives our behavior, methods of altering behaviors, how to identify types of safety cultures, and why an opportunity of influence is key to achieving desired outcomes and changing behaviors. This presentation will also focus on the different models within the behavior-based safety concept and how they are used within operational safety programs. Additionally, the program will identify how to leverage the opportunities of influence and communication of behavioral safety.

Preparing for Modification of the NAAQS PM2.5 Standard, Anita Doepke
On January 27, 2023, EPA announced its Proposed Draft Rule decision to lower the primary (health-based) annual PM2.5 ambient air quality standard from its current level of 12.0 μg/m3 to within the range of 9.0 to 10.0 μg/m3. In addition, EPA proposed revisions to other key aspects related to the PM NAAQS, including revisions to the Air Quality Index (AQI) and monitoring requirements. The public comment period ended in March 2023.

When final, the new Standard would potentially impact air quality permitting in a number of ways. New sources of particulate matter emissions and modifications of existing sources will have to consider their potential ability to meet the new NAAQS. Experience with permitting for PM2.5 emissions over the last few years has shown that the issues can create permitting delays and result in greater levels of emission control and lower discharge stack emissions than otherwise required. As part of this presentation, we will discuss key considerations in evaluating the potential impact of the proposed modifications including:

  1. Defining the applicable ambient background concentration
  2. Potential of new non-attainment areas
  3. Limitations with current modeling procedures
  4. Determining the facility’s existing PM2.5 emissions and estimating future emissions
  5. Modeling to determine if contribution of other emission sources, which includes long-range transport of fine particles from outside the local area (including wildfires and even foreign sources) would impact permitting.

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