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Meet Our Team

Alex Tang

Alex Tang

The energy industry is changing so quickly, it takes comfort with ambiguity and out-of-the-box thinking to redefine our forward-looking industry. It is this creative energy that Alex applies through his work as a distributed energy consultant at TRC. “Every day our clients are not just seeking solutions, but they are facing challenges so new that the industry provides little guidance and few best practices. What the clients need is a dynamic, creative, and multi-disciplined partner to help navigate these problems.”

When Alex began his career as a mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) engineering consultant, he saw how the best designs respond to fundamental client challenges, not simply issues that seem most urgent. He recalls being excited by the innovation in advanced energy, such as high efficiency LED lighting and rooftop solar, when Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certifications became standard building practice. However, implementation of these sustainable designs could be difficult as the urgency to get the project under budget often took priority over the fundamental value of long-term cost savings and realizing a high return-on-investment.

To gain deeper insight and better address these issues, Alex pursued an MBA at Boston University where he probed into the economic and market drivers behind energy transformation. At TRC, Alex brings together his technical and business expertise to help clients uncover needs, consider their challenges from all angles, and develop solutions in an industry where best practices are still being developed.

Today, Alex is a Senior Project Manager in Boston helping utilities and communities identify, plan and implement systems from utility-scale energy storage to microgrids and other distributed solutions. For example, Alex manages TRC’s work with Eversource on a first-of-its-kind energy storage project. He leads a cross-functional team in energy, environment, and infrastructure, taking the project from early site selection and scope definition through engineering design. And as TRC explores new territory in community microgrids, Alex works with utilities and municipalities to assess the commercial feasibility of their projects and engineer solutions.

Alex says he thrives in TRC’s culture which “supports an entrepreneurial spirit and emphasizes out-of-the-box thinking, reminding me of the best part of a start-up company—and yet I’m backed by a trusted network of colleagues and industry experts—all of which makes the challenges we solve exciting rather than daunting.”

Contact Alex for more insight on his experience or to discuss his distributed energy work.

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