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Connected FieldForward Land Title Services


The land acquisition process is a challenging and time-consuming part of any project that requires multiple miles of land. Since land is a finite resource and land-driven projects are often met with legal challenges, completing the initial phases quickly is critical to ensure overall project success. Obtaining land titles is one time-consuming phase that can impact project timelines tremendously depending on the location and number of parcels and available records. As a result, it is hard for companies to estimate an exact timeline and budget. Most field services teams quote projects on a time and materials basis. Initial cost estimates may start with a seemingly lower price; however, the time needed to complete the land acquisition typically ends up being significantly longer than originally anticipated. This results in numerous change orders along the way and ultimately increased project costs and an extended timeline.


Using text analytics, natural language processing and data management, TRC has developed a proprietary document aggregation and integrated project workflow solution that allows us to provide clients more cost certainty and faster speed to market. Our technology is also platform agnostic – which means your data will seamlessly transfer between software programs used by land, survey and engineering teams within your project scope – regardless of whether those elements are also managed by TRC.


TRC’s field services technology gives us the confidence and accuracy our competitors don’t have –allowing us to offer title services for a fixed price per parcel. Our team can accurately predict project costs upfront, provide clients budget and timeline certainty and eliminate the need for change orders.

Looking for effective solutions to your problems?

Turn to the experts at TRC.

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