June 26, 2020

Anyone who works in utility engineering or asset management knows the challenge of accessing the system data they need to do their jobs and to make critical decisions. PLS-CADD models are often stored on individual computers, so no one is sure what versions are most up-to-date, and there may be inconsistencies in the methods and tools used to generate the various models. And when accuracy is needed, this leaves utilities having to spend more time reviewing and piecing together information or worse yet, dispatching crews to the field to confirm or recapture the data.

TRC’s LineHub™ solution is helping to solve this problem through the digitization of utility engineering data.

LineHub is the first enterprise class, digital design workflow and PLS-CADD data management solution for transmission and distribution engineering projects. The solution brings data together from across a utility, giving transmission engineers, asset managers and IT professionals a single, holistic view of the grid so they can make better informed business and operational decisions.

LineHub delivers powerful data visualization and a customer-centric user interface through a partnership with Treverity. The burden to operate complex, specialized utility IT and OT systems is increasingly falling on users. Treverity’s solutions provide a buffer between users and systems, alleviating the need for people to access and manage complex information across multiple platforms.

“As part of the LineHub solution, Treverity helps put the transmission engineer back at the center of the user interface,” says Michael Breen, CEO of Treverity. “We want to provide each user with the data they need, in the format they need – and make it easy and intuitive. We used our Utility 360 portal and TreverityEdge platform to configure a robust outcome for utilizing PLS-CADD data.”

Data isn’t overly helpful if it can’t be easily communicated to people within the utility and beyond (for example regulators and auditors).

Treverity powers the user interface for LineHub with benefits for:

  • Visualization: An enterprise-wide view of transmission asset health, project activity and structure details along with a mobile capability, delivering value throughout the engineering lifecycle.
  • Data Quality: Siloed systems are now unified with centralized data quality and exception management practices.
  • Improved Compliance: Data validation and digital audit trails help minimize risk and improve compliance.

For more information about LineHub and digitizing your engineering, design workflow and data management visit www.trccompanies.com/linehub.