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United States

Large-Scale Asset Knowledge Gathering

Opportunistic Field Data Capture


TRC was challenged by a large multi-state gas utility company to validate potential third-party damage from vehicles to several thousand regulator stations and pipeline crossings across multiple states. The project would also include a significant data mining and quality control element as multiple sources of data were needed to form a complete asset register for over 10,000 assets.

TRC - Large-Scale Asset Knowledge Gathering


In an effort to create efficiencies and optimize on mobilizations for the client, TRC’s team realized that so much more information could be gathered about these assets beyond the original traffic evaluation. Working with the client, a comprehensive set of attributes was generated, covering physical security, environmental conditions, asset conditions and others. A risk assessment project became an asset knowledge gathering project with negligible cost increase. TRC’s engineers and project manager assisted the client in the creation of asset database from which to execute and developed a digital workflow. This allowed TRC’s pipeline engineers across the country to perform threat assessments on each asset as the pictures, videos and attributes came in from the field in real-time.


Due to the technology TRC employed, including GPS coordinate capturing at all sites, this client was able to immediately visualize and use the data in risk modeling, project prioritization, security analysis and rate case preparation. TRC utilized a 5-tier severity scale and threat matrix to categorize each finding and define which assets required more immediate attention. We were also able to create a complete asset database for loading into the client’s GIS system of record which resulted in high-quality, up-to-date, reliable and clean data for the safe and reliable operation of their systems.

Utilizing multiple field crews and a diverse team of engineers and data analysts, TRC completed the 7-state, 4-month project on time and under budget. In fact, the total cost of the project came in at $200 per unit. Our team was commended on our speed, safety, quality and accuracy. The client has recommended TRC and our processes for other asset knowledge projects both internally and with sister companies.


  • Individual reports, analysis and photos for each asset
  • Complete asset database with all attributes
  • Summary reports with trends, analysis and process improvement opportunities

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Turn to the experts at TRC.

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