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United States

Top 25 Electric Utility NERC-CIP Security Assessment/Planning/Design

TRC was retained by a utility, to assess critical elements of its electric transmission substations and grid control centers.  


TRC evaluated security at over 2 dozen critical facilities in multiple states, and identified various security concerns at several facilities, including a grid control center. While utility security had responsibility for securing these facilities, these facilities were controlled by other entities.    



TRC worked with various departments within the utility to initially brainstorm about potential solutions, some of which helped the site from an operations and maintenance perspective. This broad approach of inclusion resulted in the project approval. The security upgrade project included mitigation options rerouting pedestrian and vehicle traffic, hardening a critical building for blast and wind loads, increased surveillance, anti-ram and anti-climb fencing and other measures.   



Construction for control center hardening, approximately one mile of anti-climb/anti-cut/anti-ram fencing, as well as a new/expanded guard house is currently underway and expected to be completed in 2022-2023.


Confidential Client

Project Location
United States

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