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United States

Statewide Residential New Construction Program Supports California’s Zero Net Energy Goals

The California Energy-Smart Homes program, implemented by TRC, provides incentives for adopting advanced energy measures and transitioning to all-electric residential construction. The program is a customer-friendly solution that offers incentives for single family, duplex, multifamily low-rise, additions, alterations, and accessory dwelling units.

To help achieve California’s ambitious energy policy goals and climate objectives, this innovative program prioritizes electrification through the installation of heat pump technologies in new and existing homes.  Heat pumps are important tools for decarbonization, as they are typically two to three times more efficient than traditional fossil fuel space heating and provide clean heating and cooling in one piece of equipment. By replacing typical fossil fuel-based home heating equipment with heat pumps, the potential for carbon emissions reduction is significant.

The Energy-Smart Homes Program is available to utility customers in the SoCalGas, San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E), Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), and Southern California Edison Company (SCE) territories through 2025.

With a budget of $40.5 million, the program will support California’s statewide energy efficiency and carbon reduction objectives, which include a goal of 100% zero net energy (ZNE) for new residential construction. TRC is proud to contribute implementation strategies to move the statewide new construction market beyond ZNE, resulting in homes that are deeply energy-efficient, have a smaller carbon footprint, and can integrate with distributed energy resources like solar technology and battery storage.

As lead implementer, TRC is responsible for program design and strategy, engineering support, stakeholder outreach, technical analysis, energy savings verification, and incentive payment to customers across all four of the utility territories in California.

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