Southeast US
Coal Ash Landfill and Recycle Pond Consulting
Coal Ash Landfill and Recycle Pond Consulting
TRC supported a confidential utility client in the Southeast US by delivering consulting services under Federal regulations for their coal combustion residuals (CCR) program at two coal fired power plants with coal ash disposal units and recycle ponds. Both plants store CCRs in units both pre-existing the CCR regulations and units regulated by the CCR Rule. At one facility the configuration of pre-existing and regulated units is side by side and the other facility constructed the regulated units on top of the pre CCR Rule units. Additionally, one facility has potential connectivity between the uppermost aquifer and the underlying water bearing unit while the other facility has seasonal variations in groundwater flow limiting the placement of upgradient/background wells.
Each plant uses a wet handling system for bottom ash consisting of sluice lines for conveyance of ash, hydrobins for settling of ash, and a series of two ponds for storage and recycling of water. While carryover to the ponds of ash was minimal, there was a concern regarding the regulatory classification and compliance status of the recycle ponds.
TRC’s team of experts with CCR, Effluent Guidelines, engineering, construction and power plant operations and compliance strategy experience delivered the following solutions:
- High level review of client compliance with the CCR rule recommending additions to groundwater monitoring networks and geochemical/geotechnical sampling
- Development of site conceptual and hydrogeologic models to evaluate and provide basis for the groundwater monitoring programs
- Development of groundwater flow and transport models evaluating alternate sampling frequencies
- Development of a CCR timeline to ensure compliance with CCR rule milestone dates and planning future CCR activities
- Preparation of closure, post-closure, inflow flood design, history of construction, inspection, and fugitive dust control plans for the Recycle Ponds
- Preparation of Alternative Source Demonstrations (ASD) including recommendation and design of investigation and additional data collection for support of ASDs
- Evaluation of pond closure options and ash handling procedure
- Review of additional CCR and state program reporting
- Review of client strategy and discussions with clients and legal counsel on path forwards
Confidential Utility Client
Project Location
Southeast US
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