Authors: Jenny Phillips | February 8, 2023

Risk communication is the exchange of real-time information, advice and opinions between experts and people facing threats to their health, economic or social well-being. The main communication challenges for emerging contaminants are a lack of federal standards and consensus among regulatory agencies, along with keeping pace with scientific developments. This presentation details how risk communication is used and tools for risk communication and highlights TRC’s evolving COVID-19 response services.


About the CORE

The Center of Research and Expertise (CORE) is a multidisci­plinary team led by proven subject matter experts who are rec­ognized for their technical contributions and knowledge in a wide range of environmental subjects and specialties. Our purpose is to promote the expertise and talents of our team while enabling them to work at the forefront of emerging challenges and solutions. The CORE Teams contribute to the technical advancement of our professional, academic and client communities, as we work to solve clients’ issues through the improvement of science and technologies in our industry. Our CORE Teams also contrib­ute significantly to our culture at TRC, with the intent to support and sustain growth. The work we do within TRC brings immense value to our clients, our company, and our team, and differenti­ates TRC’s leadership in the markets we serve.

This team supports the growth and promotion of our staff and their technical skills, in over 25 different specialized technical areas.

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Jenny Phillips

Jenny Phillips, Director of Technical Development, VP – Jenny Phillips leads the Technical Development Unit of TRC, focusing on Emerging Contaminants. She is an expert in human health and ecological risk assessment with a focus in risk communication and stakeholder discussions. Ms. Phillips also leads TRC’s Center for Research and Expertise which includes 30+ technical teams. Contact Ms. Phillips at