May 17, 2021

TRC Experts Present Innovative Bioremediation Approaches at Battelle Conference

For specialists in the field of bioremediation, one of the most exciting opportunities for learning and sharing information is the Battelle Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies, coming to Miami May 22-25 with more than 500 platform talks, poster presentations, specialized sessions, and panel discussions.

TRC experts are making several presentations at the Battelle conference about innovative approaches they have developed for implementing and monitoring bioremediation and the use of naturally-occurring or deliberately-introduced micro-organisms to break down environmental pollutants.

Here’s a look at what TRC team members are discussing, with information about times and locations for their presentations during the Battelle conference.

Fingerprint Evaluation of PFAS Source, Identification of Surface Partitioning, and Associated Remedial Implications

TRC Program Manager Michael Eberle’s presentation outlines new considerations that remediation specialists need to take into account when sampling bodies of water for the presence of perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS), widely used to make products that repel water, grease, or stains. Based on a forensic evaluation of four areas from which PFAS spread to contaminate a drinking water reservoir in the northeastern United States. Michael’s team identified ways in which the tensioactive properties of PFAS can cause it to form an invisible sheen on the surface of the water, biasing sampling results when extremely high surface concentrations are not representative of the contamination level in most of the body of water. Michael will discuss development of new remedial strategies to account for and take advantage of this “partitioning” of PFAS in certain water bodies. (Tuesday, May 23, at 9:40 a.m. at Hyatt Regency Miami, Terrace Level, Tuttle Hall, Session F1)

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Optimization Strategies for In Situ Bioremediation of a TCE Plume at a Complex Site under a Regulatory Paradigm Shift

TRC Project Director Brendan Lazar will describe a New Jersey bioremediation project in which emulsified vegetable oil, baking soda, and specialized bacteria (Dehalococcoides) were injected into hundreds of temporary injection points to break down trichloroethylene (TCE), an industrial degreasing solvent, in a complex, acidic aquifer. The TRC team incorporated large datasets from various media into a 3-D visual model.  The presentation highlights the importance of iterative characterization and visualization tools to assess preferential pathways and inform remedial decisions and designs at complex sites. (Tuesday, May 23, at 2:40 p.m. at Hyatt Regency Miami, Terrace Level, Flagler Hall, Session D3)

Insights from Continuous Monitoring of LNAPL Natural Source Zone Depletion Rates for over Two Years

TRC Technical Director Keith Piontek will present the results of work done at a petroleum terminal to measure the mass loss of fuel hydrocarbons by measuring the heat produced by naturally occurring hydrocarbon biodegradation in the subsurface.  TRC’s project was one of the first systems ever installed, and today is one of only about a half-dozen in the U.S., to remotely and continuously monitor natural source zone depletion (NSZD) through subsurface temperature monitoring.  The thermal monitoring system constitutes a more accurate and less expensive alternative to other methods requiring periodic site visits by bioremediation specialists. (Wednesday, May 24, at 9:15 a.m. at Hyatt Regency Miami, Terrace Level, Orchid Hall, Session B5)

A Multi-Year Evaluation of Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Ethenes and Methanes Using CSIA

TRC Technical Director Amy Wilson will review a multi-year monitoring of the breakdown of volatile organic contaminants using compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) at a challenging hazardous waste landfill site involving multiple landfill sources and releases, and highly variable groundwater geochemistry. TRC’s work included collecting CSIA data annually since 2011, which has rigorously documented a complex natural degradation system while also reducing the scope and cost of the monitoring program. Adding CSIA to routine groundwater monitoring can enable an ongoing demonstration of natural attenuation (NA), potentially leading to wider use of monitored NA as an alternative to more expensive approaches. (Wednesday, May 24, at 4:20 p.m. at Hyatt Regency Miami, Terrace Level, Monroe Hall, Session E7)

TRC specialists are continually developing and refining innovative solutions for clients, and we are excited to be presenting and learning at the Battelle Bioremediation Symposium.

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Sharing Our Perspectives

Our practitioners share their insights and perspectives on the trends and challenges shaping the market.


Innovative PFAS Active In-Situ Remediation Breakthroughs

September 27, 2024

Don’t Miss TRC’s Presentation and Workshop at the 40th Annual AEHS International Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water and Energy


TDU Webinar- Bioventing Residual LNAPL Plumes

August 27, 2024

TRC’s expert discusses the basics of hydrocarbon bioventing and bioventing system and well design. Two case studies are also provided to demonstrate examples of bioventing source remediation and the installation of a bioventing system at a refinery and a bulk fuel farm.


LNAPL Recovery Tips For Unconsolidated Media

August 20, 2024

Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) is a groundwater contaminant that is not soluble in water.


Preventing Contaminant Releases in Water Resources

April 22, 2024

TRC’s patented NAPL-Trapping Cap Technology addresses contaminants at the sediment source.


UAVs for HABs: Navigating the Skies for Environmental Monitoring

February 5, 2024

Eutrophication and harmful algal blooms pose a threat to the ecological health and community enjoyment of global freshwater and coastal ecosystems


Solvent Plume Dechlorination

December 13, 2023

Anaerobic dechlorination is a biological process that occurs in the absence of oxygen and is primarily used to remediate chlorinated compounds, such as chlorinated solvents.


From Triage to Prevention: Microplastics Management Using a Healthcare Framework

September 21, 2023

Microplastics Management Using a Healthcare Framework


Virginia Water and Wastewater Rate 2023 Report is Now Available

July 24, 2023

Keys to a successful technical impracticability evaluation are sound data collection, documentation and effective communication of site conditions and groundwater restoration potential.


Microplastics ITRC Guidance Document and Training Available Soon!

February 23, 2023

Microplastic particles have been found in nearly every corner of the globe, but health effects and toxicity are only beginning to be understood. Because of their ubiquitous nature, microplastics present a challenge in both accurate sampling and source attribution. Microplastics are emerging as an environmental issue that regulators and industry will be increasingly focusing on in the coming years.


Vapor Intrusion Assessment and Mitigation Case Study

February 23, 2023

Keys to a successful technical impracticability evaluation are sound data collection, documentation and effective communication of site conditions and groundwater restoration potential.


Odor Evaluation Services

February 23, 2023

TRC is nationally recognized as an expert in the field of odor measurement, identification, modeling and control engineering. This presentation includes an overview of odor properties, odor evaluation, modeling and odor thresholds and outlines the four sensory properties: detectability, intensity, character and hedonic tone.

Regulatory Updates

EPA Announces $2 Billion in Funding to Address Emerging Contaminants in Drinking Water

February 14, 2023

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan announced $2 Billion in infrastructure funding to help the nation’s rural water supplies.


Metals 101

February 8, 2023

Metals are naturally occurring elements in the Earth’s crust that enter the environment through natural processes. They can be found in groundwater, soil and sediment. The trophic transfer of these elements in aquatic and terrestrial food chains has important implications for wildlife and human health.


Green and Sustainable Remediation

January 9, 2023

Green and sustainable remediation (GSR) can optimize remedial activities, minimize environmental footprints and reduce social and economic impacts.


Chlorinated Solvents 101

January 9, 2023

Chlorinated solvents are present in industrial chemicals and can post risks to the environment and human health.


Equipment Decontamination and Replacement of Legacy Aqueous Film Forming Foams

December 21, 2022

Legacy AFFF used for firefighting are a significant source of PFAS in the environment. With current and expected regulation, many entities are looking for replacements.


Advanced NAPL Site Characterization Tools

December 14, 2022

Advanced NAPL site characterization tools can improve site understanding and remediation performance.


Preparing Your RMP Facility for a Future of Extreme Weather

November 29, 2022

Facilities dealing with hazardous materials must prepare for extreme weather events that pose a risk to their operations and the community.

White Papers / Reports

Biotic and Abiotic Reduction to Achieve Groundwater Compliance at CCR Sites

November 22, 2022

TRC conducted two case studies to test different EA strategies. In both studies, chemical and biological reduction to stabilize metals at former CCR sites were evaluated.


New York State Updates Recommended Vapor Intrusion Actions

July 17, 2021

The process for addressing vapor intrusion (VI) continues to evolve and recently updated guidance in New York State could have potentially significant impacts to various stakeholders.


Implementing bioremediation at environmental cleanup sites: TRC experts weigh in at leading industry conference

May 17, 2021

TRC experts make several presentations at the Battelle conference about innovative approaches they have developed for implementing and monitoring bioremediation and the use of naturally-occurring or deliberately-introduced micro-organisms to break down environmental pollutants.


Iron sulfide: The “miracle mineral” in environmental remediation

April 26, 2021

Whether it’s treating an arsenic spill at a railroad site in Wisconsin or releases of chromium and other metals or metal-cleaning solvents at manufacturing sites in California, New Jersey, and South Carolina, a mineral marrying iron and sulfur -iron sulfide- is emerging as a powerful and versatile tool in the environmental remediation toolbox.


TRC Awarded a Yahara WINS Grant

August 28, 2020

TRC was recently awarded a Yahara WINS grant to develop a pilot scale simple aeration method for removing phosphorous from the discharge of manure digesters. The grant application was developed and submitted by: Bob Stanforth, Alyssa Sellwood, Mike Ursin, Ted O’Connell, Ken Quinn, and John Rice, who are members of multiple TRC CORE teams.

Snipe at the edge of the swamp

Ecological Risk of PFAS from AFFF-Impacted Sites

June 30, 2020

The facts on evaluating exposure to wildlife


TRC and Environmental Partners, Inc. (EPI) have entered into definitive agreement for the sale of EPI’s business

November 25, 2019

TRC and Environmental Partners, Inc. (EPI) have entered into definitive agreement for the sale of EPI’s business


World Health Organization Examines Danger of Microplastics in Drinking Water

November 5, 2019

There’s growing concern that microscopic plastic particles could be having a detrimental effect on drinking water quality.


Groundwater Recharge: How It Affects Your Decisions

May 30, 2018

Often misunderstood, groundwater recharge rate is an important consideration when assessing groundwater supply or aquifer vulnerability.