Limit Future Liability and Satisfy Due Diligence Requirements

Evaluate the environmental risk of acquiring, leasing or divesting property.

TRC’s environmental phase 1 site assessments review current and historical information on your property and evaluate the risks of developing property for other uses. The Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase 1 ESA) identifies Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) pursuant to ASTM standards through comprehensive evaluations of site history and current environmental reports. Through this, we can assess if the property currently or has at any point in the past posed a threat to the environment or the health and safety of the surrounding community.

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Facilitate Successful Property Transactions

Environmental site assessments are often a requirement for anyone participating in a property transaction, including owners, buyers and tenants, as well as lenders and property managers. By completing this evaluation prior to purchase, stakeholders can qualify as an innocent landowner, contiguous property owner or bona fide prospective purchaser and avoid Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) liability. Many lending institutions also require environmental site assessments as part of the due diligence process.

At TRC, we have led thousands of environmental site assessments, protecting our clients from being held liable under environmental compliance regulations. Our Phase 1 ESA professionals have worked with lending institutions, real estate developers and public and private entities who demand excellence, and our due diligence has delivered. Together with our Transaction Advisory Services (TAS) team, they develop thorough and detailed assessments that limit future liability and meet innocent purchaser defense requirements.


Integrated Due Diligence Solutions for Environmental Site Assessments

TRC can provide comprehensive due diligence services:

  • Preliminary Assessment Reports for New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
  • Massachusetts Licensed Site Professionals (LSPs)
  • Aerial Photography, Videography, and Mapping
  • Agency Consultations and Negotiations
  • Conceptual Civil Engineering Services
  • Preliminary or Supplemental Investigation and Remediation Costing (Short and Long Term)
  • Visual Impact Assessments and Simulations
  • Water Supply and Irrigation Alternative Assessments
  • Permitting Strategy and Agency Consultations
  • Environmental Constraints Analysis
  • Funding and Grant Support
  • Civil Engineering – Final Design
  • Hazardous Building Materials Surveys (ACM, LBP, PCBs)
  • Storage Tank Inspections
  • Vapor Intrusion Assessments
  • Hydrogeologic Investigations (Water Supply/Irrigation)
  • Subsurface Investigations
  • Indoor Air Quality Assessments
  • Environmental Data Management

Related Materials

Gain insight into the industry’s challenges and opportunities by reading our research reports.

Achieve Results With TRC

Safeguard your investment with TRC’s nationwide team of environmental professionals. Contact us today for a detailed environmental site assessment that gives you peace of mind and comprehensive environmental insights.

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Sharing Our Perspectives

Our practitioners share their insights and perspectives on the trends and challenges shaping the market.


Risk Assessments for Your Environmental Permit

February 1, 2024

Environmental risk assessments help protect facilities, workers and the environment. Learn more about the importance of environmental risk assessments today.


Filling Vapor Intrusion Data Gaps During Property Transaction Due Diligence

October 18, 2023

Environmental due diligence for property transactions is an incredibly dynamic business process


Environmental Site Assessments for Forest and Rural Properties

July 25, 2023

Key considerations for leveraging ASTM E2247 vs. E1527


The Rise of Agrivoltaics

July 18, 2023

This article explores the tensions between traditional agriculture and solar development, as well as the financial benefits for farmers who lease their land for solar projects.

Regulatory Updates

Changes to EPA’s Risk Management Program (RMP) Regulations Are Coming

April 14, 2023

Changes to the Risk Management Program (RMP) regulations were signed into a final rule on February 27, 2024, by EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan.


Routinely Evaluating the Health & Effectiveness of Integrated Systems to Manage EHS/ESG Risks – Part 2

March 15, 2023

Systematic monitoring and continuous improvement is important to achieve an effective EHS/ESG management system within an organization.

Regulatory Updates

Deadline Approaching for Utilities to Report SF₆ Emissions to EPA

March 8, 2023

The EPA regulates greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) and has recently decided to place renewed emphasis on sulfur hexafluoride (SF₆).


Recognizing, Identifying, Prioritizing and Addressing EHS & ESG Risks

March 3, 2023

A clear view and understanding of the environmental, health and safety (EHS) risks created by a business is paramount to its success and longevity.


Routinely Evaluating the Health & Effectiveness of Integrated Systems to Manage EHS/ESG Risks – Part I

March 1, 2023

Once established, an EHS/ESG management system must be routinely evaluated to ensure it remains effective to identify and control risks, as well as accommodate and adjust for changes that occur to/within the organization.


ASTM Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Updates

February 1, 2023

Environmental due diligence is the first step in identifying potential environmental liabilities prior to the acquisition of real estate or business transfers.

Regulatory Updates

Phase I ESA ASTM Standard Update: The Wait is Over

December 21, 2022

The USEPA published a Final Rule making the ASTM E1527-21 Phase I ESA standard AAI compliant.


Optimizing EHS/ESG Information Management and Reporting Systems by Leveraging Innovative Digital Technology Solutions

August 10, 2022

A single, integrated enterprise wide EHS/ESG IMS can significantly improve performance and communicate progress towards organizational requirements and goals.


Regulatory Compliance Items to Consider as Part of Transactional Due Diligence

July 19, 2022

Performing a limited environmental regulatory review can identify potential deficiencies with the environmental management of an acquisition.


Support an Integrated EHS/ESG Management System

June 10, 2022

While a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is a common method for identifying environmental liabilities during transactional due diligence, the ASTM International standard for Phase I ESAs (E1527-13, with proposed E1527-21 awaiting adoption) omits regulatory compliance from its scope. For properties containing operations that may be applicable to environmental compliance regulations, performing a limited environmental regulatory review can identify potential deficiencies with the environmental management of the facility. A limited environmental compliance review typically evaluates the presence of material findings that may exist in a facility’s management of its environmental compliance requirements. Material findings are defined as a condition of non-compliance that could necessitate expenditures, not including attorney fees or regulatory agency penalties, in excess of a specified dollar amount or materiality threshold. The materiality threshold is based on the client’s risk tolerance and is often in the range of $50,000. However, this amount is arbitrary and can be revised as appropriate. Non-material deficiencies, those identified below the materiality threshold, would still require action but are within the client’s risk tolerance.


How to Use an Integrated Approach To Manage EHS and ESG Risks

April 20, 2022

While a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is a common method for identifying environmental liabilities during transactional due diligence, the ASTM International standard for Phase I ESAs (E1527-13, with proposed E1527-21 awaiting adoption) omits regulatory compliance from its scope. For properties containing operations that may be applicable to environmental compliance regulations, performing a limited environmental regulatory review can identify potential deficiencies with the environmental management of the facility. A limited environmental compliance review typically evaluates the presence of material findings that may exist in a facility’s management of its environmental compliance requirements. Material findings are defined as a condition of non-compliance that could necessitate expenditures, not including attorney fees or regulatory agency penalties, in excess of a specified dollar amount or materiality threshold. The materiality threshold is based on the client’s risk tolerance and is often in the range of $50,000. However, this amount is arbitrary and can be revised as appropriate. Non-material deficiencies, those identified below the materiality threshold, would still require action but are within the client’s risk tolerance.

Regulatory Updates

New Phase I ESA Standard Will Affect Environmental Due Diligence

January 25, 2022

After years of review, revisions and discussions, the new ASTM E1527 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA) standard has been published. The new standard includes updates to definitions, clarifications on processes and requirements, and guidance for emerging contaminants.

White Papers / Reports

Managing EHS & ESG Risks Through Integrated Systems Today and Beyond

July 22, 2021

It has been more than 50 years since the development and establishment of the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the federal Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) which were formed to protect our environment and workplaces across the United States. Significant laws, policies and regulations followed to establish the “regulatory programs” that all applicable businesses and entities must address and meet to ensure these compliance-driven legislative programs would create a foundation to protect our society.


Environmental Impacts of Transitioning to Renewables

May 15, 2021

The transition to renewable energy sources will have notable environmental impacts as well as economic impacts. To understand the possible implications, you’ll need some background knowledge of the ways fossil fuels affect the environment.


Controlling volatile organic emissions from RCRA hazardous waste activities

May 14, 2021

EPA identifies National Compliance Initiative FY2020-2023 for reducing hazardous air emissions from hazardous waste facilities.


PFAS Sampling Advisory on Aqueous Samples

April 1, 2021

Advisory on collecting aqueous samples (e.g., groundwater, wastewater, stormwater, etc.) for PFAS analysis.

Regulatory Updates

Interim Guidance on Destruction and Disposal of PFAS & Materials Containing PFAS

February 19, 2021

Interim Guidance from EPA identifies 6 materials that use or manufacture PFAS and approaches for disposal.


EPA Issues PFAS Air Emissions Draft Test Method OTM-45

February 5, 2021

First Air Emissions Draft Test for the Measurement of Selected Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances from Stationary Sources


TRC Companies Inc. Expands Environmental and Renewable Energy Capabilities with the Acquisition of Shoener Environmental

December 2, 2020

Today TRC Companies, announces the expansion of its environmental and renewable energy capabilities with the acquisition of Shoener Environmental.


TRC Talks – Renewable Energy

November 24, 2020

Our experts discuss TRC’s integrated approach to renewable energy development.


TRC Companies Inc. Acquires 1Source Safety and Health

November 11, 2020

TRC Companies (“TRC”), a leading technology-driven provider of end-to-end engineering, consulting and construction management solutions, has acquired 1Source Safety and Health, a firm that provides management consulting services in areas such as indoor air quality, asbestos management, industrial hygiene and safety management systems.

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