Seattle, Washington
A large, nationally-recognized real estate developer retained TRC just prior to breaking ground on a property in South Lake Union, Seattle, to aid in the soil characterization, waste disposal support, and over-arching regulatory approach during redevelopment of the Site. Due to the presence of off-site soil and groundwater contamination surrounding the property, TRC worked closely with the Client to develop a clear approach to handle the contamination within and beyond the property boundaries in a manner consistent with state regulations. This will ultimately allow the Clients to sell the property with little, or no, remaining environmental liability in order to retain its maximum resale value.
During the installation of below-ground shoring features and soil removal efforts, TRC worked with the Client’s geotechnical, shoring, and general contractors to efficiently and cost-effectively gather important environmental data while minimizing disruptions to ongoing site operations. By understanding the fundamental belief that “time is money”, TRC was able to efficiently work on multiple work areas within the same property and coordinate with the different contractors to maximize production and remain on schedule.
As part of our commitment to continually serve our Clients, TRC provided the Clients with strategic data objectives to aid in the potential development of cost-recovery claims if the Clients decided to evaluate that option. In addition, our experience with the real, or perceived threat of vapor intrusion and the potential for considerable devaluation of the property following development, TRC worked with the Client to properly select a vapor barrier for the buildings to effectively mitigate the potential threat resulting from an off-property groundwater plume containing chlorinated solvents.
Related Projects
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E-Waste Remediation at Former Recycling Facility
Developing Tailored Climate Adaptation Strategies to Safeguard Operations
3D Visualization of PCE in Groundwater using Earth Volumetric Studio (EVS) Software
TRC implemented an innovative modeling and visualization approach leveraging the power of 3D volumetric technology.
Creating Solutions: Organic Disposal Reduction Status Impact Reporting
TRC became one of the first firms to successfully complete a Status Impact Report (SIR) in accordance with California’s effort …
Long-term Comprehensive Management of Environmental Programs for Beacon Capital
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Connecticut Department of Transportation Environmental Consulting Services
TRCs services are completed on an on-call and emergency response basis throughout Connecticut.
Lead Contamination Testing of Drinking Water For Portland Public Schools
TRC was tasked with sampling all potential drinking water outlets from every facility within the District.
Sharing Our Perspectives
Our practitioners share their insights and perspectives on the trends and challenges shaping the market.
TDU Webinar- Bioventing Residual LNAPL Plumes
August 27, 2024
TRC’s expert discusses the basics of hydrocarbon bioventing and bioventing system and well design. Two case studies are also provided to demonstrate examples of bioventing source remediation and the installation of a bioventing system at a refinery and a bulk fuel farm.
Microplastics ITRC Guidance Document and Training Available Soon!
February 23, 2023
Microplastic particles have been found in nearly every corner of the globe, but health effects and toxicity are only beginning to be understood. Because of their ubiquitous nature, microplastics present a challenge in both accurate sampling and source attribution. Microplastics are emerging as an environmental issue that regulators and industry will be increasingly focusing on in the coming years.
Odor Evaluation Services
February 23, 2023
TRC is nationally recognized as an expert in the field of odor measurement, identification, modeling and control engineering. This presentation includes an overview of odor properties, odor evaluation, modeling and odor thresholds and outlines the four sensory properties: detectability, intensity, character and hedonic tone.
EPA Announces $2 Billion in Funding to Address Emerging Contaminants in Drinking Water
February 14, 2023
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan announced $2 Billion in infrastructure funding to help the nation’s rural water supplies.
Metals 101
February 8, 2023
Metals are naturally occurring elements in the Earth’s crust that enter the environment through natural processes. They can be found in groundwater, soil and sediment. The trophic transfer of these elements in aquatic and terrestrial food chains has important implications for wildlife and human health.
Biotic and Abiotic Reduction to Achieve Groundwater Compliance at CCR Sites
November 22, 2022
TRC conducted two case studies to test different EA strategies. In both studies, chemical and biological reduction to stabilize metals at former CCR sites were evaluated.
Implementing bioremediation at environmental cleanup sites: TRC experts weigh in at leading industry conference
May 17, 2021
TRC experts make several presentations at the Battelle conference about innovative approaches they have developed for implementing and monitoring bioremediation and the use of naturally-occurring or deliberately-introduced micro-organisms to break down environmental pollutants.
Iron sulfide: The “miracle mineral” in environmental remediation
April 26, 2021
Whether it’s treating an arsenic spill at a railroad site in Wisconsin or releases of chromium and other metals or metal-cleaning solvents at manufacturing sites in California, New Jersey, and South Carolina, a mineral marrying iron and sulfur -iron sulfide- is emerging as a powerful and versatile tool in the environmental remediation toolbox.
TRC Awarded a Yahara WINS Grant
August 28, 2020
TRC was recently awarded a Yahara WINS grant to develop a pilot scale simple aeration method for removing phosphorous from the discharge of manure digesters. The grant application was developed and submitted by: Bob Stanforth, Alyssa Sellwood, Mike Ursin, Ted O’Connell, Ken Quinn, and John Rice, who are members of multiple TRC CORE teams.
Ecological Risk of PFAS from AFFF-Impacted Sites
June 30, 2020
The facts on evaluating exposure to wildlife
New Jersey Implements Landmark Environmental Justice Regulations
August 2, 2023
A new landmark Environmental Justice (EJ) law is now effective in New Jersey following a lengthy rulemaking process surrounding the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s (NJDEP) Administration Order (AO) No. 2021-25. It is the first rule of its kind and the strongest EJ regulation in the nation.
New Phase I ESA Standard Will Affect Environmental Due Diligence
January 25, 2022
After years of review, revisions and discussions, the new ASTM E1527 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA) standard has been published. The new standard includes updates to definitions, clarifications on processes and requirements, and guidance for emerging contaminants.
Managing EHS & ESG Risks Through Integrated Systems Today and Beyond
July 22, 2021
It has been more than 50 years since the development and establishment of the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the federal Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) which were formed to protect our environment and workplaces across the United States. Significant laws, policies and regulations followed to establish the “regulatory programs” that all applicable businesses and entities must address and meet to ensure these compliance-driven legislative programs would create a foundation to protect our society.
A billion-dollar BrewDog: TRC advises private-equity client on major craft beer investment deal
April 19, 2021
When one of America’s leading private-equity companies decided recently to buy a stake in one of the world’s fastest-growing craft-beer brewers, the deal team sought advice from TRC.
TRC Announces Collaboration with Greenstone Reinforcing Integrated ESG, Sustainability and Climate Risk Solutions
June 26, 2020
Recently TRC’s Rick Sisk, Vice President – Transaction Advisory Services, was part of Intralinks virtual roundtable series Oil & Gas Part II, “Has Oil & Gas Run Out of Steam?” Like many industries, oil and gas has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the first part of our industry roundtable on the topic held this past spring, a distinguished panel of experts outlined how the dramatic plunge in oil demand hit the industry hard. There was little optimism for quick recovery at the time. So where are we now? To learn more, Intralinks reconvened a panel of experts — Jamie Garrett, Principal at JoyCap Advisory LLC (formerly VP M&A, Direct Energy); Ian Graham, Senior Finance Director, Corporate Development Tax & Treasury at Trican Well Service, and Rick Sisk, Vice President, Transaction Advisory Services (oil & gas) at TRC Companies — to see the how oil and gas market has fared over the past few quarters. We also considered what 2021 might look like for an industry in flux.
COVID-19 and Implications for ESG Investing
June 3, 2020
This global pandemic has exposed business vulnerabilities and recalibrated material Environmental Social and Governance factors for investors.
TRC Brings Environmental Services to Manchester with Second UK Office
March 5, 2020
In continuing to expand our presence in a key British market, TRC is opening our second UK office in Manchester, England