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Forks, Washington

Complex Site Characterization at Decommissioned Lumber Mill

TRC assisted a Client to evaluate their saw mill property near Forks, Washington, for potential environmental liabilities as part of their pre-sale due diligence. The saw mill and associated lumber industry facilities operated at the subject property from 1956 until July 2015 when the mill and facilities were shut down in anticipation of a potential sale of the property. EPI performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), a subsequent Phase I ESA, an asbestos survey, and demolition/remediation oversight.

Complex Site Characterization at Decommissioned Lumber Mill

Complex Site Characterization at Decommissioned Lumber Mill in Forks, Washington.

Data generated by the Phase II ESA demonstrated that contamination at the property was found in several areas of potential concern and the constituents of concern were: petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, dioxins/furans, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The PCB impacts were limited to one piece of hydraulic equipment in the saw mill.

The asbestos survey sampled 127 different materials throughout more than 25 structures on the property and identified 19 asbestos-containing materials (ACMs), which required special handling and disposal during planned demolition activities.

TRC worked with the Client and multiple demolition contractors to perform focused soil remediation tasks that could effectively be coordinated with demolition and decommissioning activities to achieve cost savings. These remediation tasks include excavation and disposal of boiler ash containing dioxins and furans, excavation and disposal of petroleum-contaminated soil (PCS) at an on-site vehicle maintenance facility, removal and disposal of aboveground and subsurface components of an oil/water separator, and excavation and disposal of PCS from the boneyard area of the property.

Confidential Client

Project Location
Forks, Washington

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