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Bainbridge Island, Washington

Soil and Groundwater Investigation at Former Texaco

TRC was retained in 2005 to evaluate the status of the Island Center Texaco site on Bainbridge Island and to make recommendations for moving the site toward regulatory closure. A historical release of gasoline fuel impacted soil, shallow groundwater, and the deeper aquifer at the Texaco station and at adjacent properties to the west. TRC conducted a Remedial Investigation (RI) and Focused Feasibility Study (FFS) to characterize the nature and extent of soil and groundwater impacts and develop a remedial approach.

Island Center Texaco

Island Center Texaco

The FFS identified LNAPL removal with air sparging (AS) and soil vapor extraction (SVE) as the remedial alternative appropriate for the site. TRC installed the product recovery equipment and AS/SVE wells and conducted pilot tests to determine the effectiveness of the selected remedial alternative. The pilot tests were successful and the site is currently being remediated with the selected remedial alternative.

The site is currently moving toward regulatory closure through the Washington State Department of Ecology’s (Ecology’s) Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP).

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