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United States

Remediation Services for Former Landfill

The Olalla Landfill is a small municipal solid waste landfill owned by Kitsap County Public Works (KCPW) that is located approximately 0.75 miles east of Highway 16 at the intersection of SE Burley-Olalla Road and Bandix Road in Kitsap County. The parcel contains the landfill and contains the adjacent Olalla Recycling and Garbage Facility, which was never used as a landfill and was established as a transfer station at the time the landfill stopped accepting waste in 1988.

Olalla Landfill Closure

Olalla Landfill Closure

The landfill was officially closed in 1989 in accordance with the Olalla Final Closure Plan. Post-closure activities have been ongoing since closure of the landfill. Post-closure activities consist primarily of quarterly monitoring and maintenance per Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 173-304-407 (Minimum Functional Standards for Solid Waste Handling), “General Closure and Post Closure Requirements,” Kitsap County Board of Health Ordinance 2004-2 and 2010-1, “Solid Waste Regulations,” and Post Closure Solid Waste Handling Permits issued annually by Kitsap Public Health District (KPHD).

EPI also performed a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) for the landfill, which included installing, developing, and sampling two additional downgradient monitoring wells, which required building a gravel road to allow access, temporarily plugging the landfill gas flares and obtaining representative landfill gas samples, performing a test pit investigation to evaluate the nature of material contained in one of the landfill’s two cells, sampling off-site water supply wells, and developing two additional surface water monitoring locations.

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