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Scranton, Pennsylvania

Eighth Street Bridge over the Susquehanna River

TRC was retained by the project Geotechnical Engineer to provide the needed test boring services for this major $23 million bridge replacement project in northeastern Pennsylvania.

The investigation encompassed the drilling of 57 test bor¬ings on both land and water totaling approximately 5,736 LF, including both soil sampling and HQ/NQ rock coring. Types of equipment that were deployed for the project consisted of the following:

  • CME 55 truck-mounted drill rig
  • Track-mounted Acker XLS mobilized on land
  • Track/skid-mounted Acker XLS drill rig operating from a Flexi-Float barge anchored in the Susquehanna River
  • Track-mounted Acker Soil Scout drill rig operating from a Flexi-Float barge

The bridge is underlain by abandoned coal mines that required the borings be taken to depths of 350 LF in order to extend through the mine shafts and tunnels. The borings also required the use of casing to maintain vertical orientation through the mines.


Project Geotechnical Engineer

Project Location

Scranton, Pennsylvania

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