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Download White Paper: State of Sustainable Fleets 2021: Market and Trends Brief

2021 market brief highlights significant trends and developments that occurred over the course of 2020—a landmark year for the clean fleet industry

The 2021 State of Sustainable Fleets Market and Trends Brief is a technology-neutral analysis of key insights and critical trends for today’s leading on-road clean vehicle technologies.

While the previous year’s State of Sustainable Fleets report serves as a foundation, the 2021 update builds upon this introductory resource and provides concise insight into the significant trends and developments that occurred over the course of 2020.

Download the State of Sustainable Fleets 2021:

Market and Trends Brief

Publish Date: May 2021

Client: State of Sustainable Fleets

This white paper was authored by GNA, which is now TRC’s clean transportation solutions team. 


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