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Download White Paper: 2018 Feasibility Assessment for Cargo-Handling Equipment

Assessing the feasibility of zero- and near-zero cargo-handling equipment for large-scale deployment

This 2018 Feasibility Assessment for Cargo-Handling Equipment applied five key parameters to examine which (if any) emerging zero-emission (ZE) and/or near-zero-emission (NZE) fuel-technology platforms for CHE are demonstrably capable of and ready for broad deployment in revenue CHE service at the two Ports, in 2018 or within approximately three years. 

Collectively, about 3,500 individual CHE serve the two Ports. Seventy percent (2,447 CHE) are powered by relatively large diesel engines. Heavy-duty diesel engines, in general, emit high levels of key air pollutants. Four types of high-horsepower diesel-powered CHE collectively emit more than 85 percent of the total pollutants from the San Pedro Bay Ports’ collective CHE fleet — and are therefore key targets for reducing emissions under the 2017 CAAP Update. These are: 

  • Yard tractors 
  • Top handlers 
  • Rubber tired gantry (RTG) cranes 
  • Large-capacity forklifts 

Consequently, this 2018 Assessment focuses on the above four CHE types to characterize their overall feasibility for transitioning large numbers to ZE and/or NZE fuel-technology platforms within approximately three years. 

Download the 2018 Feasibility Assessment

for Cargo-Handling Equipment White Paper

Publish Date: September 2019

Client: Port of Long Beach, Port of Los Angeles 

This white paper was authored by GNA, which is now TRC’s clean transportation solutions team. 


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