Pleasantville/Briarcliff/White Plains, New York

Representing one of the largest universities in New York State, Pace University is a private metropolitan university with campuses in New York City, Pleasantville, Briarcliff and White Plains that boasts a diverse population of over 13,000 students. Over the years, the University has repeatedly engaged TRC’s expertise to provide creative and effective engineering support for their planning programs and for various development projects across the University’s various campuses.

In conjunction with development of a Generic Environmental Impact Statement for the Pleasantville campus, TRC performed Site/Civil and Traffic Engineering for the long range Campus Master Plan which has enabled the University to provide high quality educational services on its campuses that exceed accepted standards in terms of safety, access and functionality. TRC’s Traffic Engineering services included 20-year projections access various scenarios, special event analysis, and coordination with the New York State Department of Transportation. TRC also conducted various Parking Studies and prepared detailed parking layouts and designs in conjunction with the need for additional parking.

In addition to our involvement with on-going Campus Master Planning efforts, TRC has performed Engineering Services for various development projects at the Pleasantville Campus, including Site Plans for the Health and Fitness and Goldstein Centers; developed parking modifications for the Briarcliff campus; and prepared site plans and parking layouts for the University’s Law School located on the White Plains campus.

  • Client: Pace University
  • Project Location: Pleasantville/Briarcliff/White Plains, New York

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Sharing Our Perspectives

Our practitioners share their insights and perspectives on the trends and challenges shaping the market.


Updating Your Emergency Preparedness Plan

August 8, 2023

This article discusses the importance of updating emergency preparedness plans for industrial, commercial and public facilities. Many regulations require these plans, but they often lack updates to address newer threats, technologies and best practices.


New Jersey Implements Landmark Environmental Justice Regulations

August 2, 2023

A new landmark Environmental Justice (EJ) law is now effective in New Jersey following a lengthy rulemaking process surrounding the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s (NJDEP) Administration Order (AO) No. 2021-25. It is the first rule of its kind and the strongest EJ regulation in the nation.


Conducting an IAQ Inspection

September 1, 2022

Many investigation strategies can help you uncover IAQ concerns and sources. An initial inspection can help you get started. Learn more from our guide.


The View on Climate Change has Changed in Washington

March 1, 2021

The Biden Administration signals both a renewed and accelerated focus on climate change.


Security Stew: How to Follow the Federal Regulatory Recipe for Safe Chemical Storage

September 19, 2017

Three different federal agencies regulate the storage of chemicals at facilities in the United States – and each for different reasons. Learn about the various rules from the alphabet soup of agencies (DHS, EPA and OSHA) involved and how to keep your business compliant.


New Paper Examines PCBs in the Built Environment

October 22, 2013

A new paper from the AIHA reviews the issue of PBCs in buildings, evaluates the exposure potential for building occupants, and identifies gaps in the current knowledge base that would help occupational and environmental health professionals better understand the associated public health risks.


Empowering Stakeholders to Co-Create Solutions that Address Inequity

April 23, 2024

Addressing inequality and ensuring that the benefits of the clean energy transition are accessible to all requires close examination of long-relied-upon processes that may have hidden inequities ingrained within them.


Environmental Site Assessments for Forest and Rural Properties

July 25, 2023

Key considerations for leveraging ASTM E2247 vs. E1527


Conducting an IAQ Inspection

September 1, 2022

Many investigation strategies can help you uncover IAQ concerns and sources. An initial inspection can help you get started. Learn more from our guide.


Screening ESG Risks in Autonomous Robotics Investments

September 9, 2021

Environmental, social & governance (ESG) issues are important considerations with autonomous robotics due to potential reputational risks.


The View on Climate Change has Changed in Washington

March 1, 2021

The Biden Administration signals both a renewed and accelerated focus on climate change.


Vapor Intrusion Mitigation – Let Me Count the Ways

March 2, 2020

Industry’s increased focus on vapor intrusion has escalated to the point where we regularly receive calls from clients saying, “Help! I have a vapor intrusion (VI) problem! How much will it cost to fix?” New technologies are emerging, offering multiple methods of mitigating indoor air inhalation risks and meeting increasingly stringent screening levels.


Shaping the Future of Energy Efficiency for Oregon’s Affordable Housing

February 27, 2019

Oregon embarks on a bold initiative to reduce energy costs among low income residents with the help of TRC.


TRC to Cap High-Profile Los Angeles Landfill as First Step in Ambitious Mixed-Use Makeover

November 28, 2018

TRC has been awarded a $100 million environmental management contract to help bring a former Los Angeles county landfill next to I-405 back to life.

Regulatory Updates

EPA Revises Regulations for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Equipment

March 1, 2018

The EPA’s has revised its regulations regarding ozone-depleting refrigerant. Learn more about the new rules, which go into effect in 2019.


Security Stew: How to Follow the Federal Regulatory Recipe for Safe Chemical Storage

September 19, 2017

Three different federal agencies regulate the storage of chemicals at facilities in the United States – and each for different reasons. Learn about the various rules from the alphabet soup of agencies (DHS, EPA and OSHA) involved and how to keep your business compliant.