United States
Development of EHS Corporate Standards and Programs for Commercial Operations
TRC developed an EHS management program and corporate standards by following site-specific program templates.
Establishing A Comprehensive Framework For A Corporate EHS Program
A startup Life Sciences company needed to develop an entire set of environmental, health and safety (EHS) corporate standards and site-specific program templates for use and implementation in their operations across the United States.
TRC accomplished this project using the following steps in the overall development of an EHS management program:
- Created an overall EHS Framework of all applicable programs/procedures for facility operations that included administration, safety, health and environmental topics
- Development of corporate standards
- Development of site-level program templates TRC developed the set of corporate EHS standards and site-specific program templates for the following four subjects:
- EHS Management Program and Training
- Incident Reporting and Investigation
- Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
- Vehicle Safety Policy
- Recordkeeping
- EHS Auditing and Inspections
- Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout)
- Cranes, Slings and Hoists
- Emergency Planning and Response
- Electrical Safety
- Fall Prevention and Protection
- Fire Protection
- Flammable and Combustible Liquids
- Hand, Power Tools and Machine Guarding
- Material Handling – Power Industrial Trucks
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Hazard Communication
- Emergency Eyewash and Showers
- Ergonomics
- First Aid, CPR and AED
- Waste Management
- Wastewater and Stormwater
- Air Compliance
TRC also developed a complimentary set of training
programs for each of the subject areas for the client to
self-perform the training. The training programs included
the following information and materials:
- Course Attendance Roster and Agenda
- Instructor’s Guide and Presentation Materials/Slides with Instructor’s Notes
- Student Manuals and Handouts
- Competency Evaluations (Quiz, Exams, And Exercises)
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