Santa Monica, California

Communities leading the way towards advanced energy standards 

As California marches towards bold zero net energy (ZNE) and climate objectiveslocal communities are becoming leaders in this initiative: adopting and implementing building “reach codes” that require better energy performance than the state.  TRC is partnering with cities, utilities, and community choice aggregators across California to set reach code goals, gain community support, and demonstrate cost effectiveness 

One example is the City of Santa Monica which set aggressive reach codes for residential and nonresidential buildings, including a first-of-its-kind ZNE code for single family and multifamily homes. This reach code went into effect in May 2017 and ushers in a host of new, high-performance buildings for the City of Santa Monica, and the code is a key driver of the city’s goal to become carbon-neutral by 2050.  

As explained by Santa Monica Mayor Tony Vazquez, “Santa Monica is proud to take a global lead in zero-net energy building standards that put the State’s environmental policy to action”.   

  • Client: City of Santa Monica
  • Project Location: Santa Monica, California

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Sharing Our Perspectives

Our practitioners share their insights and perspectives on the trends and challenges shaping the market.


3D Visualizations

January 9, 2023

3D visualizations can improve communication with stakeholders, illustrate approaches and establish confidence in a proposed strategy.


System Design to Site Closure: Enhanced Anaerobic Biodegradation

January 9, 2023

Enhanced anaerobic biodegradation (EAB) can be utilized for the remediation of petroleum, chlorinated solvents and hydrocarbons.


Carbon Sequestration

December 14, 2022

Carbon Sequestration is an emerging technology to combat climate change by mitigating carbon emissions.


Advanced NAPL Site Characterization Tools

December 14, 2022

Advanced NAPL site characterization tools can improve site understanding and remediation performance.


Modeling: Convincing Visualizations Are Key to Successful Projects

December 5, 2022

This presentation provides guidance on steps and methods to utilize 3D and other visualization software to present complex sites and illustrate solutions to complex problems, such as remedial solutions and future site development. These methods involve 3 key concepts: data management coordination, conceptual site modeling and visual clarity. TRC’s experts also breakdown the different types of visualization software and their applications to specific scenarios.


TRC and Slipstream partner with the Minnesota Department of Commerce to launch energy conservation R&D project

June 24, 2021

TRC, Slipstream, and the University of Minnesota are working with controls system manufacturers and contractors to develop such a standardized and streamlined building control retrofit process leveraging ASHRAE Guideline 36


Transforming Commercial New Construction

March 3, 2020

Commercial buildings today represent about 16% of energy use (30% of electricity) and a key source of GHG emissions across the US.


Tackling the Advanced Energy Frontier with TRC at ACEEE Summer Study

July 24, 2018

What will the grid of the future look like? Where are scientists and engineers breaking new ground to push energy efficiency even further? Join TRC at ACEEE Summer Study to find out.


3D Visualizations

January 9, 2023

3D visualizations can improve communication with stakeholders, illustrate approaches and establish confidence in a proposed strategy.


System Design to Site Closure: Enhanced Anaerobic Biodegradation

January 9, 2023

Enhanced anaerobic biodegradation (EAB) can be utilized for the remediation of petroleum, chlorinated solvents and hydrocarbons.


Modeling: Convincing Visualizations Are Key to Successful Projects

December 5, 2022

This presentation provides guidance on steps and methods to utilize 3D and other visualization software to present complex sites and illustrate solutions to complex problems, such as remedial solutions and future site development. These methods involve 3 key concepts: data management coordination, conceptual site modeling and visual clarity. TRC’s experts also breakdown the different types of visualization software and their applications to specific scenarios.


TRC Companies Welcomes New Power Sector President Ed Myszka

September 2, 2020

Myszka brings over 30 years of innovation, market development and operations experience to TRC.


Transforming Commercial New Construction

March 3, 2020

Commercial buildings today represent about 16% of energy use (30% of electricity) and a key source of GHG emissions across the US.


INGAA Foundation Elects TRC’s Lauren O’Donnell as Chair

February 5, 2020

The board of directors of the INGAA Foundation elected Lauren O’Donnell as its chair for a one-year term.


Tackling the Advanced Energy Frontier with TRC at ACEEE Summer Study

July 24, 2018

What will the grid of the future look like? Where are scientists and engineers breaking new ground to push energy efficiency even further? Join TRC at ACEEE Summer Study to find out.