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Santa Monica, California

Local Building Energy Reach Codes

 Communities leading the way towards advanced energy standards 


As California marches towards bold zero net energy (ZNE) and climate objectiveslocal communities are becoming leaders in this initiative: adopting and implementing building “reach codes” that require better energy performance than the state.  TRC is partnering with cities, utilities, and community choice aggregators across California to set reach code goals, gain community support, and demonstrate cost effectiveness 

One example is the City of Santa Monica which set aggressive reach codes for residential and nonresidential buildings, including a first-of-its-kind ZNE code for single family and multifamily homes. This reach code went into effect in May 2017 and ushers in a host of new, high-performance buildings for the City of Santa Monica, and the code is a key driver of the city’s goal to become carbon-neutral by 2050.  

As explained by Santa Monica Mayor Tony Vazquez, “Santa Monica is proud to take a global lead in zero-net energy building standards that put the State’s environmental policy to action”.   



City of Santa Monica

Project Location

Santa Monica, California

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