United States


The rebuild and reconductoring of the Mohican-Battenkill 115kV transmission line seeks to relieve current and project load constraints in New York’s northeast region. Approximately 14 miles long, the existing Mohican-Battenkill 115kV transmission line constitutes a major electric transmission facility subject to multiple state and federal approvals, including Article VII certification and approvals by the State of New York Public Service Commission and US Army Corps of engineers. Therefore, the project required multi-disciplinary assessments, engineering support, and environmental monitoring during the project’s planning, permitting, and construction to ensure the power line’s responsible development and successful outcome.



TRC scientists conducted and coordinated multiple technical studies to assess potential impacts and mitigation to wetlands, invasive plants, endangered and threatened species, archeology/cultural resources and abutting landowners. TRC’s proactive approach and early identification of potential impacts provided an opportunity for informed decision-making and the ability to consider these factors during the project’s design phase. Prior to the design, TRC also assisted with the identification and layout of permanent access roads along the right-of-way to facilitate construction and future maintenance activities.

To comply with the project’s regulatory requirements, TRC developed multiple environmental protection plans and protocols for invasive species, threatened and endangered birds, stormwater pollution prevention, and erosion control. During the licensing and permitting proceedings, TRC attended public and agency meetings and hearings, helped prepare interrogatories and data request responses, and provided expert witness testimony.


Using the results from technical studies, environmental impact assessments, and engineering consulting, the project has been designed for minimal environmental impact to the greatest extent possible. All required permits were received by September 2013, and the project is now under way. Throughout the construction phase, TRC is providing environmental and agricultural inspection support including environmental monitoring to ensure compliance with the conditions of the project’s Article VII approval.

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