North Carolina

TRC coordinates and engineers various types of small cell attachment requests throughout Duke Energy’s Carolina Region. Whether installing on distribution, lighting, or carrier-owned standalone structures, our solutions help to feed power to the asset through Overhead (OH) or Underground (UG) services. Our team takes into account the needs of both the electric utility as well as the service provider when making project decisions.

Also, with respect to local jurisdictions, there may be requirements for the aesthetics of the structures. When custom made, decorative poles are needed, TRC works with the pole supplier.

Our team is well versed in the design concepts of what is required for these multiuse pole designs and various applications. We provide turnkey management of this entire project. The process starts with reviewing construction drawings, researching ROW and easements and validating the completeness of the application. One of the most successful aspects of our process with Duke Energy is conducting field walkouts with the applicant. This allows us to assist in selecting the final location and contributes to greater approval of applications. For Duke Energy, pole loading analysis and clearance analysis are completed in conjunction with determination of the power path. After the design is completed, TRC completes work orders in Duke Energy’s work management system and submits permits for construction. Once the estimate is complete, TRC invoices the provider and schedules the work after payment is received. TRC oversees the construction aspects of the project and finalizes power delivery to the new meter base.

Throughout the entire process, we communicate with the proposing company and work to meet the needs of both Duke Energy and the Attacher. Coordination between small cell companies and Duke Energy’s management, scheduling, and construction phases are carried on throughout the life of the project. Through phone calls, emails, and regular meetings, all concerned parties are notified and updated.

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