Los Angeles, California

TRC delivered a robust countywide public involvement program in support of Metro’s Expenditure Plan for Measure M.

The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) began a collaborative regional process to update its Long-Range Transportation Plan. Outreach efforts were essential for Metro to identify regional transportation priorities, solicit feedback, and develop an Expenditure Plan to fund a variety of transit and highway projects, roadway improvements, and active transportation projects through a county-wide transportation sales tax measure.

  • Client: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
  • Project Location: Los Angeles, California

TRC as a subconsultant provided on-call community relations services to the Metro Community Relations Department to help them meet their strategic objectives and goal for a robust county- wide public involvement process that solicited the public’s opinions and perspectives on the long-term mobility needs for the region.

The inclusive outreach and public engagement process included an aggressive schedule of 11 public meetings and presentations throughout the County, providing multiple opportunities for public participation and comment. A bi-lingual virtual town hall was also part of the public outreach plan. A Community Meeting notification schedule was also created that included scheduling of the following: social media posts, paid advertising, email notifications, website updates, canvassing, as well as a press conference.

Over 1,500 public comments were summarized, and key themes were developed by our team to help shape the final Expenditure Plan and proposed ballot measure and support the approval by the Metro Board.

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Community Benefits Plans – A Winning Formula for Federal Funding

May 12, 2023

The CBP acts as the project’s roadmap for ensuring communities workers, and other stakeholders have opportunities for meaningful engagement.


Risk Communication Challenges for Emerging Issues

February 8, 2023

Risk communication is the exchange of real-time information, advice and opinions between experts and people facing threats to their health, economic or social well-being.

Regulatory Updates

NJDEP Implements New Jersey Environmental Justice Law Through Administrative Order

October 5, 2021

On September 22, 2021, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Commissioner announced the issuance of Administrative Order (AO) No. 2021-25 to implement New Jersey’s Environmental Justice (EJ) Law. This order is effective immediately, and applicants seeking to site new major source facilities, renew major source permits or expand existing facilities with major source permits (e.g., Title V air permits) in overburdened communities are affected. There are more than 4.5 million people that live within 331 municipalities that are overburdened communities in the state of New Jersey.


The Making of a Mural

December 22, 2020

Watch workers in Los Angeles transform this aging storage tank into a vibrant, three-story work of art that’s visible from miles away.