United States and Europe

TRC provides water loss and microbial (mold) assessment services, indoor air quality (IAQ) assessment services, industrial hygiene (IH) services, asbestos-containing materials (ACM) consulting services, and lead-based paint (LBP) consulting services at a number of Beacon Capital commercial property locations throughout the United States and Europe.

  • Client: Beacon Capital Partners, LLC
  • Project Location: United States and Europe

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Water Loss and Microbial Assessment Services

TRC’s water loss and microbial assessment services for Beacon Capital employ the use of real-time instruments and various methods of microbial sampling to help detect moisture intrusion issues and evaluate indoor environments for conditions conducive to mold growth.  Based on the data collected and the field inspections conducted by TRC’s experienced industrial hygienists/field personnel and Certified Industrial Hygienists, recommendations and specifications are developed to remediate microbial contamination, and relegate moisture intrusion sources/conditions.

TRC provides IAQ assessments consisting of measuring carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), relative humidity (RH) and temperature using direct-read instruments and comparing the findings to applicable standards published by industry associations. In addition, TRC conducts sampling and laboratory analysis for other IAQ constituents such as fibers in the air, metals, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other site-specific contaminants of concern. Recommendations and specifications are developed to mitigate IAQ issues identified based on field inspection, data collection and evaluation conducted by TRC’s experienced industrial hygienists/field personnel and Certified Industrial Hygienists.

Industrial Hygiene Services

TRC’s IH investigations typically focus on site-specific hazards and potential dangers encountered in various working environments. Our experienced industrial hygienists/field personnel and CIHs conduct research into possible harmful conditions, utilize direct-read instruments and perform sampling and laboratory analysis for analytes of concern to provide recommendations for improving health and safety conditions.  With the data collected, TRC evaluates current health and safety procedures utilized within properties to prevent accidents and occupational exposures and provides recommendations for improvement of those procedures to mitigate health and safety risks in the workplace.

Asbestos-Containing Materials Consulting Services

TRC provides Beacon Capital with asbestos services which include pre-renovation and/or tenant improvement surveys based upon federal, state, and local requirements; bulk sampling of suspect ACMs; quantification of ACMs; preparation of asbestos survey inspection reports that include employee certifications and laboratory data; and generation of an O&M Plan once asbestos survey inspections are complete.  TRC also provides abatement project design/specifications, project management, and daily project oversight that includes final visual inspections and area and final air clearance monitoring.  Following completion of asbestos abatement projects, TRC also generates abatement close-out reports.

Lead-Based Paint Consulting Services

The LBP services TRC provides Beacon Capital include LBP surveys based upon federal, state, and local requirements; the generation of LBP summary reports that detail the locations of LBP components, prior abatements, and materials to be abated; the development of abatement scope of work plans; abatement oversight; performance of Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure Testing for leachable lead collected from the debris waste stream created during demolition, renovation, lead hazard control, or abatement projects; and visual and settled dust wipe clearance sampling following lead abatement procedures and/or lead hazard control and cleanup efforts.

During the Due Diligence process, TRC also provides Beacon and its potential lenders Phase I/II reporting and Underground Storage Tank permitting and compliance.


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