United States
TRC staff provided technical studies and regulatory permitting for a design-build project to construct berths for U.S. Coast Guard buoy tender vessels homeported at Naval Station Newport in Rhode Island. This project included both shore-side and waterfront improvements and required the obtainment of multiple environmental permits to comply with the State of Rhode Island and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers New England District regulations before construction could begin.
TRC developed a regulatory compliance strategy that satisfied state and federal requirements, while also minimizing the time required to advance the project through permitting.
To support project design, constructability analyses and permitting, TRC scientists assessed impacts related to water quality, finfish, essential fish habitat (EFH), land use, endangered and threatened species and cultural resources. In preparation for dredging, TRC staff developed and implemented a Sediment Sampling Plan and Upland Fill Material Sampling Plan designed to evaluate dredged material management and disposal options. TRC collected vibracores of marine sediment to determine the bulk physical and chemical characteristics of the material to be dredged, and collected sediment grabs to identify the taxonomic richness and faunal density of the benthic community. TRC then generated a Dredged Material Management Plan and secured the necessary state and federal permits to dispose of the dredged material.
TRC also guided Haskell’s design of a stormwater management system to incorporate existing stormwater controls and implement new controls to avoid new stormwater discharges or increases in peak discharge flow in a manner that complied with the Rhode Island Stormwater Design and Installation Standards Manual.
Through TRC’s technical studies, minimal, temporary, and localized environmental impacts were identified. Some mitigation measures were required for the construction activities that would be involved.
The project was successful in submitting all permit applications and a Joint Permit Application to RIDEM, CRMC, and USACE.
TRC’s experience and expertise in environmental permitting helped expedite permitting to within four months and realize cost savings of $11,000 by identifying unnecessary permits and a streamlined permitting approach.
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