Camden, New Jersey

The Delaware River Port Authority (DRPA) is a regional transportation agency serving millions of Americans.  It owns and operates major commuter bridges and rail lines in addition to ferry and cruise terminals, an intermodal rail center, and a seaport. TRC performed a comprehensive facilities assessment of threats, vulnerabilities and the overall security environment which characterizes existing security policies, assets and protection features.

TRC investigated alternatives and developed recommendations for security countermeasures to address facility and site vulnerabilities. Probable construction budgets were developed to assist planning the implementation of these recommendations. Subsequently, TRC created a summary report delineating the threat and vulnerability assessment results, as well as recommended countermeasures, budgets and other pertinent information. This report served as a blueprint for the successful implementation of enhanced security countermeasures.

TRC’s work for the DRPA focused on helping the port extend and enhance its existing data systems; supplement them with a new, high-bandwidth Cisco Metropolitan Area Network; and improve its video surveillance and access control infrastructure.

First, a thorough audit of existing system was performed, documenting their capacities and configurations.  Next, a design study was performed to identify high level needs in the areas of surveillance video, perimeter protection, and access control. A set of immediate improvements was defined, which could be added using the existing network so as to improve security quickly, without the added cost of a new network backbone.  Finally, a long-term plan for the Authority was designed to implement more sophisticated security data and video improvements for the port, along with the necessary high-bandwidth backbone to link their many facilities with new command and control centers.

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