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San Mateo, California

JPB On-Call Construction Management Services

The Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (JPB) is a public agency comprised of San Mateo County Transit District, the City and County of San Francisco and the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority. JPB’s Bridge Construction Program includes more than $125 million in projects to upgrade their aging system, which includes the rolling stock, right of way and station facilities along the active 77-mile corridor between San Francisco and San Jose, CA.

JPB On-Call Construction Management Services

JPB On-Call Construction Management Services

Since 2014, TRC has assisted JPB to improve passenger service and safety by providing full construction management, inspection, quality assurance/control, safety oversight, project management and document control services to comply with budget, schedule, payment, acceptance and closeout requirements for a wide range of Caltrain projects.

  • San Mateo Bridges Replacements (Phases 1 and 2): $35 million replacement of four active and seismically deficient railroad bridges
  • 25th Avenue Grade Separation: $87 million replacement of at-grade crossing with a two-track elevated grade separation and relocation of the Hillsdale Caltrain Station
  • Quint Street Bridge Replacement: $5 million demolition and removal of a double-track railroad bridge and reconstruction of a supported elevated earthen berm and trackwork in its place
  • San Carlos Transit Center: $5 million conversion of the San Carlos Caltrain Station parking lot into a multimodal transit center with full passenger amenities
  • Los Gatos Creek Bridge Replacement: $22 million demolition and replacement of an old steel and timber railroad bridge with three, separate pre-cast bridges
  • South San Francisco Station Improvements: $35 million replacement of the existing station with a new 700-foot center boarding platform that connects to a pedestrian underpass

San Mateo, California

Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board

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