United States
Project Challenges
TRC’s highly experienced team conducts routine monitoring for the Connecticut Resource Recovery Agency landfills. In 2019, TRC commenced a limited sampling program for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) to evaluate potential for impacts to groundwater quality and private water supply wells. At the Ellington landfill, PFAS were detected at concentrations above the Connecticut Department of Public Health (CTDPH) Drinking Water Action Level (DWAL).
TRC’s Solutions
TRC’s responsibilities at the Ellington Landfill include quarterly sampling of groundwater, surface water, and private residential drinking water and irrigation wells. TRC’s professionals collect the data on behalf of the CTDEEP, evaluate and report on the data and communicate the results of the private well sampling to the local residents.
Based on TRC’s evaluation of the results, our professionals worked with the CTDEEP to design a more robust sampling program to evaluate the extent of PFAS impacts. Upon discovery match on PFAS at concentrations in excess of the CTDPH DWAL in two residential drinking water wells, TRC PFAS experts researched and evaluated mitigation options, including a thorough evaluation of ion exchange and granular activated carbon (GAC) treatment systems. The evaluation focused on efficacy, timing of installation, cost, and long-term operation and maintenance (O&M).
TRC recommended GAC systems to the CTDEEP following the evaluation and, based on the recommendation, treatment systems were installed expeditiously at both residences.
Client Benefits
- The CTDEEP retain TRC to conduct on-going monitoring of the treatment systems and this recommended technology has proven very effective in removal of PFAS from water supplied by the residential drinking water wells.
- The GAC treatment systems recommended by TRC’s experts have proven to be very cost-effective, both in terms of the relative cost versus other treatment technologies, as well as the proven low O&M costs. The efficacy of the GAC systems has also allowed the client to realize a cost savings by no longer having to provide the residents drinking water from a vendor.
Project Location: Connecticut
Completion Date: Ongoing
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