Florence, South Carolina

TRC has worked for Johnson Controls and its Power Solutions Division since 1986.

TRC has provided a variety of services for a new secondary lead acid battery recycling facility near Florence, South Carolina, a facility that recycles approximately 132,000 metric tons per year, equivalent to more than 14 million automotive batteries.

TRC’s services including pre-acquisition siting studies that led to development of multimedia permit applications for air, hazardous waste storage, wastewater, storm water, and water supply. Additional services have involved emission estimates, air pollution construction and operation (Title V) permit applications, noise evaluations, emission testing, ambient air monitoring, maintenance of emission monitoring systems, troubleshooting of emission control equipment, environmental reporting (Form R, emission inventories, etc.), regulatory analysis, and fire protection and ventilation evaluations.

In addition, TRC:

  • Conducted preliminary site studies and prepared permit applications for a secondary lead acid battery recycling facility with secondary lead smelting and refining operations,
  • Developed the overall concepts for ventilation of the battery warehouse, breaking, plastics, crystallization, charge preparation, foundry, refining, and finish warehouse areas of the plant,
  • Provided input to equipment supplier, owner, and building architect to establish the final layout of building and equipment; final design engineering and specification for the supply, exhaust, housekeeping, and air pollution control systems for each area; and construction phase and startup, troubleshooting, and testing and balancing assistance,
  • Maintained and operated three ambient air monitoring stations for measurement of lead concentrations,
  • Troubleshot and maintained 10 CEMS systems for monitoring of CO and NOx emissions for compliance with permit conditions,
  • Developed the air permit reporting template,
  • Prepared reports required by the air permit, and
  • Prepared the annual point source data report.

The Florence facility has been in operation since September 2012. The environmental performance of the facility has exceeded permit requirements and client expectations.

  • Client: Johnson Controls, Inc
  • Project Location: Florence, South Carolina

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