Rochester, Massachusetts
The City of New Bedford Department of Public Infrastructure, Water Division is leasing a portion of its property to ConEdison Solutions for the construction and operation of the Little Quittacas Pond Solar Project, a 3.5 MW AC solar array, located in Rochester, Massachusetts. RGS Energy (“RGS”) on behalf of ConEdison Solutions, completed construction of the solar project, which is currently providing energy—equal to the average annual electrical needs—to the on-site water treatment plant. The selected project site required coordination with the Division of Fish and Game, MassDEP, Local Conservation Commission and the Local Planning Board. Required submittals to the agencies included site survey, geotechnical and site civil engineering design and wetlands delineation.
TRC provided the following services in connection with the project:
- During the project development process, TRC assisted with the evaluation of technical requirements and coordination with local abutters and town officials.
- TRC completed a site survey, wetland delineation, geotechnical investigation and a phase I environmental site assessment to obtain the basis of design information.
- TRC developed permitting packages, stormwater design and a full set of sealed civil engineering design drawings for submittal to each of the agencies.
- TRC attended agency meetings, public hearings, assisted with the communications, draft SWPPP and building permit coordination.
- TRC compiled sealed as-built civil drawings, and a TRC professional engineer certified the project under Massachusetts Controlled Construction framework.
The solar project is in commercial operation, reducing the carbon footprint in Massachusetts, and providing economic benefits through energy savings to the City of New Bedford and an annual payment in-lieu of taxes to the Town of Rochester.
- Client: ConEdison / City of New Bedford
- Project Location: Rochester, Massachusetts
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