California, US

Solutions to Maintain Network Operations


A national telecommunications provider often undertakes capital improvement projects, network upgrades, fire system upgrades and outside plant emergency projects, many of which are in sensitive areas such as power rooms, fiberoptic areas and compressor dehydrators rooms. To maintain operations and advance network enhancements for emergency services and business and residential customers, environmental hazards must be identified and mitigated so projects can proceed on time and in budget.



For more than 25 years, TRC has supported this client’s operations across the United States with environmental survey and asbestos, lead and mold remediation solutions. Our team identifies environmental hazards and creates abatement bid documents and drawings for contractor bidding purposes. Once a contractor is selected, our team conducts a Method of Procedures (MOP) meeting and oversees all aspects of the abatement including closeout of the project.

We conduct asbestos, lead and water intrusion inspections in accordance with sample collection protocols established in 40 CFR 763 (AHERA), 40 CFR 61 Subpart M (NESHAP). Based on the results of the visual observation, bulk samples of suspect ACM are collected in accordance with AHERA, and/or local regulatory requirements. Paint chip samples are also routinely collected to determine if lead is present in painted surfaces that will be impacted by the scope of work. Water infiltration inspections are conducted in accordance with generally accepted guidelines and protocols.

All our findings are logged into TRC’s mobile data solutions app, and a chain of custody is generated from the app for submission of samples to the laboratory. We deliver a report of findings that includes project scope, sampling procedures, summary of the sample results in table format, recommendations and drawings illustrating sample locations and locations of confirmed environmental hazards.


With staff and offices strategically located across the country, TRC is consistently able to respond within a two-hour window for emergency projects at this client’s locations. Our asbestos, lead and water intrusion services also enable the client to sustain and continuously improve their operations by proactively identifying and mitigating environmental hazards.

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