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Meet the Power Team

Brenda Enos
Director, Energy Efficiency

Driving Decarbonization with Electric Vehicle Programs

Brenda Enos is a Director of Energy Efficiency at TRC. She specializes in achieving transportation electrification solutions for our clients, helping to transform our industry from a fossil-fuel based model to a resilient and net zero carbon future. Brenda works with utilities, businesses, government agencies, and transportation authorities to design and implement electric vehicle programs – ranging from passenger vehicles, commercial fleets, heavy duty trucks, and non-road vehicles including airport ground support equipment, forklifts, watercraft and aircraft.

Transportation Electrification refers to the transition from fossil fuel vehicles to those powered by electricity. This broader transition is not just about the vehicles themselves, but it's also the charging supply equipment, the supportive infrastructure, and the people doing the work. Collaboration will be key to making this succeed on a broad scale.

Brenda Enos

Director, Energy Efficiency at TRC

Brenda has extensive experience in managing a diverse technical portfolio of sustainability and resiliency efforts for transportation clients throughout the country. During her career, she has a been a thought leader on energy transformation including greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction initiatives, transportation electrification, and adoption of alternative fuels like low-carbon sustainable aviation fuel and hydrogen. Brenda is part of the Airports Council International World Environmental Steering Group Committee, where world airport leaders meet to discuss environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals, climate change, alternative fuels, and other environmental issues critical to airports.


With a background in chemistry and environmental management, Brenda brings multidisciplinary expertise to support clients with their decarbonization goals. Working collaboratively with some of the largest vehicle fleet managers in the country, Brenda and her team are dedicated to achieving a responsible transition from fossil fuel-based systems to efficient, low-carbon alternatives. Brenda supports key program development for TRC’s clients, from the feasibility study and assessment stage to stakeholder surveys, design and modeling, technology and engineering review, and implementation.


Brenda’s current work is focused closely on transportation electrification opportunities within the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), and the current administration’s Justice 40 initiative, a commitment to deliver at least 40% of the overall benefits from Federal investments in climate and clean energy to disadvantaged communities. One opportunity Brenda is working on with clients is making charging stations more equitable, by better planning where they’re built within communities, overcoming the “charging desert” phenomenon that has arisen in the rapid growth of the electric vehicle market.


Prior to her current role leading transportation electrification programs at TRC, Brenda led master planning for large aviation construction projects including airport terminals. This perspective has given her a unique talent to “get things done” in complex environments with a large collaborative group of stakeholders.


Contact Brenda at


News & Insights

Brenda is a featured guest speaker on the TRC Talks ENERGY Podcast on the subject of Transportation Electrification.

Do you have a question for Brenda?

Let me know how I can help you.

Education And Degrees

Brenda earned her B.A. in chemistry from Hiram College, and an M.B.A. in management from Bryant University.


Brenda is a Certified Hazardous Materials Manager and a Registered Environmental Manager as well as an Agile Scrum Master.

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