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Joint Electric Truck Scaling Initiative (JETSI)

Solutions: Industry-Wide Partnership and Collaboration

Project Development & Grant Assistance

Our team worked closely with national fleets NFI and Schneider, as well as vehicle manufacturers Volvo Trucks North America and Daimler Truck North America to:

- Develop the project structure, budget allocation, and project partner roles

- Produce and coordinate grant application

- Secure more than $65 million in grant funding

Media Relations & Industry Outreach

By facilitating announcements and leveraging key relationships with trade and industry media, our team earned regular coverage for JETSI project milestones. Working with project partners, our team secured speaking opportunities at industry events, helping to showcase project findings and highlight lessons learned.

- Coverage in 100+ publications

- 160+ earned media placements

- 300 million+ in total reach

News & Media | JETSI ( →

Strategic Communications

Our team led project partner communications by collaborating with JETSI stakeholders to share announcements, develop educational materials, and inform stakeholders of ongoing activities by:

- Conducting quarterly project partner meetings
- Producing educational videos
- Developing visual collateral
- Maintaining a digital project newsletter

Website Design & Development

To provide insight to the JETSI project, our team designed, deployed, and maintained a website featuring project background information, resources, and project news. The website showcased:

- Educational content on project technology
- Media releases and project news coverage
- Project photos and videos
- Downloadable fact sheets and informational slides

Home | JETSI ( →

Event Coordination

In collaboration with JETSI project partners, our team led, coordinated and hosted multiple events to highlight project milestones. For every event, our team facilitated all logistics, media relations, and attendee outreach. Events included:

- JETSI Project Announcement at ACT Expo
- Schneider Battery-Electric Truck Ribbon Cutting Event
- NFI Battery-Electric Depot Ribbon Cutting Event

Workforce Development Outreach & Education

Our team collaborated with project partners to develop a BET workforce plan covering vehicle maintenance, operations, and infrastructure. Working with stakeholders including local technical colleges, our team addressed existing workforce gaps by:

- Developing and implementing a Workforce Development Survey
- Arranging student visits to project partner sites and industry events
- Hosting policymakers for campus tours of BET Maintenance Programs

[video] →

Results: Landmark Zero-Emission Fleet Deployment in California

Our team first developed the project framework and successfully secured funding to create the landmark JETSI project. Throughout the five-year project, our team managed partner communications, created educational content, and shared important lessons learned to help educate the broader industry and move fleet electrification forward.


Grant funding secured


Battery-Electric Trucks Deployed in Southern California


Metric Tons of Greenhouse gas emissions eliminated each year

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