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In April 2024, the EPA issued a final rule under TSCA to regulate methylene chloride, aiming to protect human health from risks such as neurotoxicity and cancer due to inhalation or dermal exposure. This regulation affects companies involved in the manufacture, processing, distribution, use or disposal of methylene chloride. The Methylene Chloride WCPP rule serves as a model for other TSCA Section 6 chemicals, like TCE, PCE, NMP and 1-bromopropane.

The rule mandates a Workplace Chemical Protection Program (WCPP) for 13 specific uses of methylene chloride. Facilities must adhere to new inhalation exposure limits and develop an exposure control plan, among other requirements. This webinar will help your facility comply with the methylene chloride WCPP rule and prepare for future regulatory developments. Our experts will discuss the following topics:

  • An overview of the final rule and its implications
  • Key compliance timelines
  • WCPP planning and implementation
  • Tips for budgeting and maintaining compliance


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