Establish and Implement Consistent and Systemic EHS Solutions for Maximum Performance

A well-designed EHS management system supported by a complementary information management system (IMS) establishes the solid foundation a company needs to achieve its EHS/ESG goals and objectives. TRC’s EHS management system designers have strong expertise in the design, implementation and maintenance of an ISO-based management system, such as ISO 14001 – Environmental Management Systems and ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. These management systems provide the appropriate foundation and related activities to effectively and efficiently manage the EHS/ESG risks for an organization.

When you couple an IMS with the management system that supports and delivers the data and information needs, monitoring and reporting activities and performance tracking of compliance and conformance, an organization is in an excellent position to eliminate or minimize its EHS/ESG risks, as well as meet or exceed its EHS/ESG goals and objectives.

To ensure these management systems and associated IMS are properly performing to applicable standards and expectations, TRC has the expertise and bench strength to establish, conduct and deliver EHS audit services and digital technology consulting to ensure the systems and operations comply with regulatory requirements and conformance expectations. We deliver these valuable services to business and operational leaders to help them minimize impacts to the environment, establish and maintain a strong safety culture across the organization and achieve their EHS/ESG goals and objectives.

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Prendre le crédit

mars 15, 2024

Une introduction à l’Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) – le plus grand investissement climatique de l’histoire du gouvernement fédéral américain – examinant ce que les gestionnaires d’EH &S doivent savoir sur cette législation de grande portée.

Mises à jour réglementaires

Règles de la SEC en faveur des divulgations liées au climat

mars 8, 2024

Dans une décision climatique tant attendue, la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) a statué 3-2 en faveur des divulgations liées au climat le 6 mars 2024.

Mises à jour réglementaires

L’EPA propose des règles pour la redevance sur les émissions de déchets imposée par l’IRA pour le méthane

février 6, 2024

L’EPA a proposé des règles pour mettre en œuvre le programme de redevance sur les émissions de déchets (WEC) pour les installations qui dépassent un seuil d’émissions de déchets

Mises à jour réglementaires

Ce que vous devez savoir sur la directive européenne sur les rapports de durabilité des entreprises (CSRD)

janvier 19, 2024

Le 1er janvier 2024 marque le début du premier délai de déclaration pour les entreprises dans le cadre de la directive de l’Union européenne sur les rapports sur la durabilité des entreprises (CSRD).


Le voyage vers net zéro commence par comprendre la destination

Décembre 7, 2023

Nous pouvons assurer l’intégrité de la mise en œuvre du zéro émission nette en comprenant le cadre évolutif de la définition de zéro émission nette.


Agrivoltaics: A Sustainable Way to Harvest Sunshine

octobre 10, 2023

Learn how incorporating agricultural practices into your solar development improves project success.


Optimizing Offsets

septembre 7, 2023

Ensure Carbon Offsets Support Your Organization’s Climate Strategy


New Jersey Implements Landmark Environmental Justice Regulations

août 2, 2023

A new landmark Environmental Justice (EJ) law is now effective in New Jersey following a lengthy rulemaking process surrounding the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s (NJDEP) Administration Order (AO) No. 2021-25. It is the first rule of its kind and the strongest EJ regulation in the nation.


EPA Proposes Regulation of Green House Gas Emissions

juillet 10, 2023

This article highlights the EPA’s proposed rules to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and the potential impact on new and existing fossil fuel-fired facilities.


California Advances Plastic Packaging Law

juillet 7, 2023

As rulemaking deadlines and compliance timeframes approach, how will your organization be impacted?


Organizing for Project Success

juin 22, 2023

Many organizations are establishing Project Management Organizations (PMOs) to improve project management within their organizations. While there can be many reasons for establishing a PMO, most are established to improve project management with respect to schedule, cost, quality and risk. This article provides an overview of factors to consider when deciding on which type of PMO is most suitable for your organization and how best to implement a successful and high-performing PMO.


Community Benefits Plans – A Winning Formula for Federal Funding

mai 12, 2023

The CBP acts as the project’s roadmap for ensuring communities workers, and other stakeholders have opportunities for meaningful engagement.

Mises à jour réglementaires

New Executive Order 14096 Broadens Environmental Justice Initiatives

mai 9, 2023

Executive Order 14096, Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All, seeks to deepen the Biden administration’s “whole-of-government” approach to environmental justice (EJ) by fully integrating the consideration of unserved and overburdened communities and populations into all aspects of federal agency planning and delivery of services.



février 8, 2023

Agrivoltaics is the simultaneous use of land for both solar photovoltaic power generation and agriculture.


VaporSafe™ Continuous Air Monitoring Technology

janvier 9, 2023

VaporSafe™ continuous air monitoring technology can be used as a sustainable solution to identify a vapor intrusion pathway.


Green and Sustainable Remediation

janvier 9, 2023

Green and sustainable remediation (GSR) can optimize remedial activities, minimize environmental footprints and reduce social and economic impacts.


How to Develop a Climate Resiliency Plan for Extreme Weather Events

Décembre 15, 2022

Planning now for weather-related risks is crucial to preserving local communities.


Carbon Sequestration

Décembre 14, 2022

Carbon Sequestration is an emerging technology to combat climate change by mitigating carbon emissions.


Preparing Your RMP Facility for a Future of Extreme Weather

novembre 29, 2022

Facilities dealing with hazardous materials must prepare for extreme weather events that pose a risk to their operations and the community.


Data Requirements to Improve Statistical Decision Making

octobre 25, 2022

One goal of statistics is to draw meaningful inferences but your dataset must be large enough to provide technically-defensible and robust statistics.

Mises à jour réglementaires

Proactive Enforcement is Key in the EPA FY2022-2026 Strategy

octobre 19, 2022

A core element of the EPA FY2022-2026 Strategic Plan focuses on environmental compliance.

Mises à jour réglementaires

Preparing for EPA Inspections in Environmental Justice Communities

octobre 4, 2022

The EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Have Expanded Goals to Strengthen Enforcement and Protections Within EJ Communities


TRC Companies Inc. welcomes the Founder and Key Principals of ESG Advisory Firm Enzo Advisors, LLC

septembre 27, 2022

TRC Companies announces the expansion of its Climate Solutions offering and ESG capabilities with the addition of the Founder and CEO, and key members of Enzo Advisors, LLC


A Green Future for Stormwater Management

septembre 26, 2022

Green Stormwater Management is an effective strategy for flood control and pollution mitigation.


ESG Social Criteria

juin 22, 2022

ESG criteria involve many different factors. In this article, we look at the social aspect of ESG criteria. Contact TRC today to develop your ESG strategy!


ESG vs. CSR | Differences, Definitions & Implementation

juin 19, 2022

ESG and CSR both address the need for corporate social responsibility in businesses but in different ways. Click here to learn more about ESG vs. CSR!


Climate Action and Environmental Justice are at the Forefront of EPA’s Strategic Plan

juin 14, 2022

The EPA issued its Fiscal Year 2022-2026 Strategic Plan. Although the strategic plans emphases often change with administrations, we can be reasonably certain that the Plan reflects priorities through 2024.


What Are ESG Ratings and How Are They Given?

juin 12, 2022

Your ESG rating can make or break your business’s attractiveness to investors. Learn more about ESG ratings and how they work with TRS Company!


TRC Companies Pledges to Achieve Net Zero GHG Emissions by 2040

avril 26, 2022

TRC Companies, a digitally powered and environmentally focused global professional services firm, announced its commitment to achieve Net Zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across its full value chain by 2040, aligning with the most ambitious aim of the Paris Agreement to limit global temperature rises to 1.5 °C.


Why Are ESG Frameworks Important?

avril 13, 2022

ESG standards significantly impact long-term growth, leading many companies to integrate ESG reporting into their corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies. ESG frameworks are broad and diverse, and establishing a reporting system that covers your industry’s most relevant metrics can be challenging.


How Does ESG Address Social Concerns?

février 1, 2022

Social criteria encompass relationship management and how the company fits into the community where it produces its goods or services. Learn more.


How Does ESG Address Corporate Governance?

novembre 15, 2021

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria can direct investors’ decisions regarding which companies they choose to support. Each component plays a crucial role in risk assessment.


How Does ESG Address Environmental Concerns?

octobre 22, 2021

When investors consider where to put their money, they may examine environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria, learn about a company’s core values and decide if they align with their own. Young people, in particular, search out this information to make decisions that align with their morals.


What Is Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance?

octobre 10, 2021

Several key considerations help determine whether an investor decides to support a particular company. While many factors can tip the scales, investors are increasingly seeking out businesses that uphold higher standards. Therefore, companies should openly communicate their standards to make it easier for investors to understand their values.

Mises à jour réglementaires

NJDEP Implements New Jersey Environmental Justice Law Through Administrative Order

octobre 5, 2021

On September 22, 2021, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Commissioner announced the issuance of Administrative Order (AO) No. 2021-25 to implement New Jersey’s Environmental Justice (EJ) Law. This order is effective immediately, and applicants seeking to site new major source facilities, renew major source permits or expand existing facilities with major source permits (e.g., Title V air permits) in overburdened communities are affected. There are more than 4.5 million people that live within 331 municipalities that are overburdened communities in the state of New Jersey.


Screening ESG Risks in Autonomous Robotics Investments

septembre 9, 2021

Environmental, social & governance (ESG) issues are important considerations with autonomous robotics due to potential reputational risks.


Cryptocurrency: The Environmental Threats and Opportunities

août 9, 2021

Cryptocurrency (also known as crypto) is taking the fintech industry by storm, despite the economic experts who still dismiss it as a viable form of currency. Although often criticized for this volatility, whistleblowers are also further shining a light on the severe toll that these digital currencies are taking on the environment.

Livres blancs/rapports

Managing EHS & ESG Risks Through Integrated Systems Today and Beyond

juillet 22, 2021

It has been more than 50 years since the development and establishment of the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the federal Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) which were formed to protect our environment and workplaces across the United States. Significant laws, policies and regulations followed to establish the “regulatory programs” that all applicable businesses and entities must address and meet to ensure these compliance-driven legislative programs would create a foundation to protect our society.


The View on Climate Change has Changed in Washington

mars 1, 2021

The Biden Administration signals both a renewed and accelerated focus on climate change.


EHS Due Diligence in 2022

Décembre 7, 2020

Some of observations and trends in the EHS due diligence market since the beginning of the pandemic.


TRC Announces Collaboration with Greenstone Reinforcing Integrated ESG, Sustainability and Climate Risk Solutions

juin 26, 2020

On September 22, 2021, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Commissioner announced the issuance of Administrative Order (AO) No. 2021-25 to implement New Jersey’s Environmental Justice (EJ) Law. This order is effective immediately, and applicants seeking to site new major source facilities, renew major source permits or expand existing facilities with major source permits (e.g., Title V air permits) in overburdened communities are affected. There are more than 4.5 million people that live within 331 municipalities that are overburdened communities in the state of New Jersey. The Administrative Order requires an enhanced public participation process that requires facilities to: Hold a public hearing meeting as determined by the Environmental Justice Law. To the extent consistent with applicable law, have a public comment period that is a minimum of sixty (60) days. If there is written request from members of the respective overburdened community, the public comment period may be extended by thirty (30) days to provide information related to “information regarding existing conditions within the overburdened community and potential facility-wide environmental and public health stressors that could result in adverse impacts upon the overburdened community were the regulated activity approved.” Respond to and address the concerns raised by individuals from the overburdened community during the public comment period, which may include the need to perform additional analysis as deemed necessary by the NJDEP. Solicit concerns from the overburdened community regarding environmental or public health stressors posed by the facility. Adhere to special conditions placed on permits approved by the NJDEP. Special conditions may be placed to avoid or minimize public health stressors to the maximum extent allowed by law. NJDEP has the authority to reopen or further extend the public comment period on a case-by-case basis, as consistent with applicable law and statues. Title V permit holders in overburdened communities in New Jersey must take steps to address new and multi-faceted environmental justice regulations and should do so in an effective manner to avoid business difficulties and manage public relations issues. This AO has the potential to significantly impact project schedules for new projects or facility expansions. Therefore, identifying EJ-related concerns during the planning phase is critical to a successful project and benefits both the business and the community.

Livres blancs/rapports

COVID-19 and Implications for ESG Investing

juin 3, 2020

This global pandemic has exposed business vulnerabilities and recalibrated material Environmental Social and Governance factors for investors.


California Advances Plastic Packaging Law

juillet 7, 2023

As rulemaking deadlines and compliance timeframes approach, how will your organization be impacted?

Mises à jour réglementaires

Changes to EPA’s Risk Management Program (RMP) Regulations Are Coming

avril 14, 2023

Changes to the Risk Management Program (RMP) regulations were signed into a final rule on February 27, 2024, by EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan.


Setting the Stage for Effective Environmental Compliance Recordkeeping

mars 21, 2023

Recordkeeping is an integral component of demonstrating compliance with environmental regulations.


Routinely Evaluating the Health & Effectiveness of Integrated Systems to Manage EHS/ESG Risks – Part 2

mars 15, 2023

Systematic monitoring and continuous improvement is important to achieve an effective EHS/ESG management system within an organization.


Recognizing, Identifying, Prioritizing and Addressing EHS & ESG Risks

mars 3, 2023

A clear view and understanding of the environmental, health and safety (EHS) risks created by a business is paramount to its success and longevity.


Routinely Evaluating the Health & Effectiveness of Integrated Systems to Manage EHS/ESG Risks – Part I

mars 1, 2023

Once established, an EHS/ESG management system must be routinely evaluated to ensure it remains effective to identify and control risks, as well as accommodate and adjust for changes that occur to/within the organization.

Sluice Gate Water Canal
Mises à jour réglementaires

EPA Publishes Effluent Guidelines Program Plan 15

février 14, 2023

The EPA announced updated effluent limitations guidelines under Plan 15, focusing on the evaluation and rulemaking process for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) discharges.


Preparing Your RMP Facility for a Future of Extreme Weather

novembre 29, 2022

Facilities dealing with hazardous materials must prepare for extreme weather events that pose a risk to their operations and the community.

Mises à jour réglementaires

Proactive Enforcement is Key in the EPA FY2022-2026 Strategy

octobre 19, 2022

A core element of the EPA FY2022-2026 Strategic Plan focuses on environmental compliance.


How to Prevent Infectious Disease in the Workplace

septembre 1, 2022

There are various ways infectious diseases can spread throughout the workplace. Learn how they spread and what to do next to prevent ill-health.


Workplace Fatigue Explained

septembre 1, 2022

Workplace fatigue can happen as a result of factors both inside and outside of the workplace. No job is exempt and no employee is immune. Learn more.


Workplace Odor Surveys & Assessments

septembre 1, 2022

A persistent odor in a building indicates the presence of an issue in need of resolution to promote the occupants’ wellbeing and safety. Learn more.


Conducting an IAQ Inspection

septembre 1, 2022

Many investigation strategies can help you uncover IAQ concerns and sources. An initial inspection can help you get started. Learn more from our guide.


Safety and Health Audits Benchmarking for Performance Improvement

septembre 1, 2022

Safety and health benchmarks help employers track company progress in improving employee health and safety and is critical to long-term success. Learn more.


Optimizing EHS/ESG Information Management and Reporting Systems by Leveraging Innovative Digital Technology Solutions

août 10, 2022

A single, integrated enterprise wide EHS/ESG IMS can significantly improve performance and communicate progress towards organizational requirements and goals.


Regulatory Compliance Items to Consider as Part of Transactional Due Diligence

juillet 19, 2022

Performing a limited environmental regulatory review can identify potential deficiencies with the environmental management of an acquisition.

Mises à jour réglementaires

Five New PFAS Added to EPA Regional Screening Levels (RSLs)

juin 24, 2022

EPA announced the addition of five new PFAS to the list of Regional Screening Levels (RSLs)


Integrating Sustainability, Digital Connectivity and Design Optimization in Wastewater Treatment Systems

juin 20, 2022

Some organizations rarely think about water and wastewater treatment, until there is a problem. American industry depends on the ability to treat wastewater discharges while complying with regulatory standards and addressing emerging contaminants. If wastewater treatment fails, our environment is negatively impacted, and companies are exposed to shutdowns, delays and fines.


Support an Integrated EHS/ESG Management System

juin 10, 2022

While a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is a common method for identifying environmental liabilities during transactional due diligence, the ASTM International standard for Phase I ESAs (E1527-13, with proposed E1527-21 awaiting adoption) omits regulatory compliance from its scope. For properties containing operations that may be applicable to environmental compliance regulations, performing a limited environmental regulatory review can identify potential deficiencies with the environmental management of the facility. A limited environmental compliance review typically evaluates the presence of material findings that may exist in a facility’s management of its environmental compliance requirements. Material findings are defined as a condition of non-compliance that could necessitate expenditures, not including attorney fees or regulatory agency penalties, in excess of a specified dollar amount or materiality threshold. The materiality threshold is based on the client’s risk tolerance and is often in the range of $50,000. However, this amount is arbitrary and can be revised as appropriate. Non-material deficiencies, those identified below the materiality threshold, would still require action but are within the client’s risk tolerance.

Mises à jour réglementaires

Worst Case Discharges of Hazardous Substances – Proposed Rule

mai 25, 2022

In compliance with the Clean Water Act (CWA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed a new rule for onshore non-transportation-related facilities requiring specified facilities to plan for worst case discharges (WCDs) of CWA hazardous substances that could cause substantial harm to the environment.

Mises à jour réglementaires

PFAS Discharges and NPDES Permits

mai 25, 2022

On April 28, 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Water released a memo addressing the use of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits to restrict per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) discharges to water bodies.


How to Use an Integrated Approach To Manage EHS and ESG Risks

avril 20, 2022

While a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is a common method for identifying environmental liabilities during transactional due diligence, the ASTM International standard for Phase I ESAs (E1527-13, with proposed E1527-21 awaiting adoption) omits regulatory compliance from its scope. For properties containing operations that may be applicable to environmental compliance regulations, performing a limited environmental regulatory review can identify potential deficiencies with the environmental management of the facility. A limited environmental compliance review typically evaluates the presence of material findings that may exist in a facility’s management of its environmental compliance requirements. Material findings are defined as a condition of non-compliance that could necessitate expenditures, not including attorney fees or regulatory agency penalties, in excess of a specified dollar amount or materiality threshold. The materiality threshold is based on the client’s risk tolerance and is often in the range of $50,000. However, this amount is arbitrary and can be revised as appropriate. Non-material deficiencies, those identified below the materiality threshold, would still require action but are within the client’s risk tolerance.

Mises à jour réglementaires

SEC Releases New Proposed Rules Requiring Public Companies to Disclose Climate Risks

avril 12, 2022

On March 21, 2022, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued its proposed rules for The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors which would require public companies in the U.S. to disclose information in their annual financial reports.

Mises à jour réglementaires

PFOA & PFOS As CERCLA Hazardous Substances: What Does This Mean and How Can You Be Prepared?

février 17, 2022

A plan to designate two per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) as “hazardous substances” under CERCLA was recently submitted by the EPA.

Mises à jour réglementaires

EPA Adds First New Hazardous Air Pollutant Since 1990

janvier 14, 2022

EPA finalized a rule to add 1-bromopropane to the federal list of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) on December 22, 2022.

Mises à jour réglementaires

EPA Finalizes TRI Reporting Requirements for Natural Gas Processing Facilities

Décembre 7, 2021

EPA finalized rule to add natural gas extraction and/or processing plants to Toxics Release Inventory reporting requirements


How Does ESG Address Corporate Governance?

novembre 15, 2021

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria can direct investors’ decisions regarding which companies they choose to support. Each component plays a crucial role in risk assessment.


OSHA’s National Emphasis Program on Heat-Related Illness and Injuries

novembre 3, 2021

On September 20, 2021 in an OSHA National News Release, OSHA published a memorandum establishing an enforcement initiative that is designed to prevent and protect employees from heat-related illnesses and death. This initiative, which develops a National Emphasis Program (NEP) on heat inspections, is an expansion of an already existing Regional Emphasis Program (REP) in OSHA’s Region VI, which covers Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.

Mises à jour réglementaires

NJDEP Implements New Jersey Environmental Justice Law Through Administrative Order

octobre 5, 2021

On September 22, 2021, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Commissioner announced the issuance of Administrative Order (AO) No. 2021-25 to implement New Jersey’s Environmental Justice (EJ) Law. This order is effective immediately, and applicants seeking to site new major source facilities, renew major source permits or expand existing facilities with major source permits (e.g., Title V air permits) in overburdened communities are affected. There are more than 4.5 million people that live within 331 municipalities that are overburdened communities in the state of New Jersey.

Mises à jour réglementaires

OSHA’s Call for Comments on Mechanical Power Press Standard Changes

septembre 30, 2021

OSHA has recently published a call for comment regarding mechanical power presses. The reason behind OSHA’s request is that the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) consensus standard for mechanical power presses has been updated numerous times since the implementation of OSHA’s standard.


OSHA Returns to In-Person Inspections As COVID-19 Restrictions Lift

août 4, 2021

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is authorized by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) to assure employers provide safe and healthful work conditions free of recognized hazards and by setting and enforcing standards and providing training, outreach, education and technical assistance. OSHA has recently announced the return to in-person inspections as COVID-19 restrictions begin to lift.

Mises à jour réglementaires

EPA Proposed PFAS Reporting Requirement

juillet 29, 2021

New proposed rule would require all manufacturers and importers to report any amount of PFAS onsite

Livres blancs/rapports

Managing EHS & ESG Risks Through Integrated Systems Today and Beyond

juillet 22, 2021

It has been more than 50 years since the development and establishment of the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the federal Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) which were formed to protect our environment and workplaces across the United States. Significant laws, policies and regulations followed to establish the “regulatory programs” that all applicable businesses and entities must address and meet to ensure these compliance-driven legislative programs would create a foundation to protect our society.


Controlling volatile organic emissions from RCRA hazardous waste activities

mai 14, 2021

EPA identifies National Compliance Initiative FY2020-2023 for reducing hazardous air emissions from hazardous waste facilities.

Mises à jour réglementaires

OSHA COVID-19 Guidance, Regulation and Enforcement to Protect Workers

avril 13, 2021

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has signaled their intent to provide more guidance, regulation and enforcement with respect to protecting workers from contracting COVID-19 at their place of work. Among the key developments:


Using EMS to Advance Sustainability

mars 21, 2021

Connecting and leveraging the Environmental Management Systems (EMS) framework as a tool to promote the broader business objectives is key to an integrated approach to sustainability.


The View on Climate Change has Changed in Washington

mars 1, 2021

The Biden Administration signals both a renewed and accelerated focus on climate change.


The Pro’s and Con’s of EHS Outsourcing

janvier 25, 2021

Considerations and challenges for optimizing the value of and relationships when outsourcing Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) functions.


2020: A Year to Remember or a Year to Forget?

Décembre 20, 2020

Published in EM Magazine, December 2020, this article by TRC’s David Elam speaks to the importance of pausing to reassess the work challenges we’ve faced due to COVID-19 this year and our accomplishments despite the challenges, and how to prepare for the coming year, after one of the most difficult years in modern history.


TRC Companies Inc. Acquires 1Source Safety and Health

novembre 11, 2020

TRC Companies (« TRC”), a leading technology-driven provider of end-to-end engineering, consulting and construction management solutions, has acquired 1Source Safety and Health, a firm that provides management consulting services in areas such as indoor air quality, asbestos management, industrial hygiene and safety management systems.


TRC Awarded a Yahara WINS Grant

août 28, 2020

TRC was recently awarded a Yahara WINS grant to develop a pilot scale simple aeration method for removing phosphorous from the discharge of manure digesters. The grant application was developed and submitted by: Bob Stanforth, Alyssa Sellwood, Mike Ursin, Ted O’Connell, Ken Quinn, and John Rice, who are members of multiple TRC CORE teams.

Snipe at the edge of the swamp

Ecological Risk of PFAS from AFFF-Impacted Sites

juin 30, 2020

The facts on evaluating exposure to wildlife


TRC Offers First Air Test for the Virus that Causes COVID-19

mai 6, 2020

Development of the first commercially available air test specifically for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19


Comment mettre en œuvre la norme ISO 45001 – 2018, Système de management de la santé et de la sécurité au travail

avril 1, 2020

En mars 2018, l’ISO a finalisé sa norme ISO 45001-2018 sur le système de management de la santé et de la sécurité au travail (SST). Pour les entreprises certifiées en vertu de l’ancienne norme de système de gestion de la santé et de la sécurité au travail OHSAS 18001, le temps presse si vous envisagez de migrer vers la nouvelle norme ISO et de maintenir votre certification actuelle. Les entreprises qui ont mis en œuvre OHSAS 18001 et qui souhaitent maintenir la certification ont jusqu’en mars 2021 ou environ un an pour mettre en œuvre la nouvelle norme ou perdre la certification.


TRC Brings Environmental Services to Manchester with Second UK Office

mars 5, 2020

In continuing to expand our presence in a key British market, TRC is opening our second UK office in Manchester, England


2020 New Year’s Safety Resolution? How About Construction Safety?

février 20, 2020

Safety isn’t all about tracking statistics. To make it work, you need to interact positively with people. TRC construction health and safety specialist Cody Gladstone explains how to gain credibility on the jobsite and get everyone home safe at the end of the day.


Why You Need to Incorporate Health and Safety Reviews into the Due Diligence Process

août 7, 2019

Examining the strength of a company’s health and safety programs is vital to conducting proper due diligence prior to an acquisition or merger.