Authors: Jenny Phillips | janvier 9, 2023

Green and Sustainable Remediation

This presentation answers the question: What is Green and Sustainable Remediation (GSR)?

This discussion is supported by a case study of the Harrison Avenue Landfill, one of the most high-profile Brownfields sites in New Jersey. GSR tools, resources and related regulations are also described.

Contact Jenny Phillips, VP, Director of Technical Development Unit and CORE at to learn more about TRC’s remediation capabilities.

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About the CORE

The Center of Research and Expertise (CORE) is a multidisci­plinary team led by proven subject matter experts who are rec­ognized for their technical contributions and knowledge in a wide range of environmental subjects and specialties. Our purpose is to promote the expertise and talents of our team while enabling them to work at the forefront of emerging challenges and solutions. The CORE Teams contribute to the technical advancement of our professional, academic and client communities, as we work to solve clients’ issues through the improvement of science and technologies in our industry. Our CORE Teams also contrib­ute significantly to our culture at TRC, with the intent to support and sustain growth. The work we do within TRC brings immense value to our clients, our company, and our team, and differenti­ates TRC’s leadership in the markets we serve.

This team supports the growth and promotion of our staff and their technical skills, in over 25 different specialized technical areas.

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Percées novatrices dans l’assainissement in situ actif des SPFA

septembre 27, 2024

Ne manquez pas la présentation et l’atelier de la CVR à la 40e conférence internationale annuelle de l’AEHS sur les sols, les sédiments, l’eau et l’énergie


TSCA Section 8(a)(7) PFAS Reporting and Recordkeeping

septembre 16, 2024

L’EPA a accordé une prolongation de huit mois pour les exigences de déclaration et de tenue de registres de la Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) pour les substances perfluoroalkyliques et polyfluoroalkyliques (SPFA).

Livres blancs/rapports

État des SPFA du Wisconsin et mise à jour réglementaire

septembre 10, 2024

La sensibilisation et l’accent mis sur les substances perfluoroalkyliques et polyfluoroalkyliques (SPFA) en tant que « contaminant émergent » ont conduit à l’évolution rapide et continue du paysage réglementaire à la fois au niveau fédéral et au niveau des États.


Comprendre les modifications apportées à la TSCA de 2024 pour les sites contenant des BPC

août 30, 2024

Les biphényles polychlorés (BPC) sont des produits chimiques organiques synthétiques composés d’atomes de carbone, d’hydrogène et de chlore sur le cycle biphényle.


TRC fait l’acquisition de Paustenbach & Associates, un chef de file en toxicologie, en science de l’exposition et en évaluation des risques

août 27, 2024

Paustenbach & Associates élargira les capacités de TRC dans les domaines de l’évaluation des risques pour la santé et du soutien aux litiges.


How to Reduce the Risk of PFAS Exposure

août 3, 2024

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) consist of nearly 3,000 different chemicals. The various chemicals can adversely affect human health and the environment.


Gestion de la prolifération d’algues nuisibles (HAB)

août 2, 2024

Renseignez-vous sur les répercussions des proliférations d’algues nuisibles et sur les déclencheurs réglementaires connexes pour la déclaration, l’orientation et l’action.

Livres blancs/rapports

Traitement des SPFA pour permettre l’utilisation bénéfique des sédiments dragués touchés

juillet 18, 2024

Environ 200 à 300 millions de verges cubes de sédiments sont draguées chaque année par le US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) et d’autres intérêts fédéraux (USEPA, 2007).

Mises à jour réglementaires

À venir à vous rapidement – Les dernières nouvelles sur rcra et PFAS Règlements

mars 1, 2024

L’EPA a publié son projet de règle pour l’inscription de SPFA spécifiques en tant que constituants dangereux en vertu de la Loi sur la conservation et la récupération des ressources (RCRA).


TRC aide une petite ville à rétablir l’approvisionnement en eau potable

février 13, 2024

Maysville s’est tourné vers TRC, une société mondiale de conseil, d’ingénierie et de gestion de la construction de premier plan, pour obtenir de l’aide.


Les effets des SPFA sur la santé humaine

février 1, 2024

Il est essentiel de comprendre ce que les SPFA font au corps, car elles peuvent nuire à la santé humaine. Apprenez-en plus sur les effets des SPFA sur la santé avec les sociétés TRC dès aujourd’hui.


Défis associés au transport atmosphérique des SPFA

janvier 12, 2024

La présence de SPFA dans l’air pose de multiples défis en ce qui concerne l’identification des sources, les méthodes d’analyse et la façon de gérer les émissions atmosphériques en tant que préoccupation potentielle pour la santé.

Mises à jour réglementaires

La nouvelle règle de l’EPA a une incidence sur la déclaration des PFAS TRI et les notifications aux fournisseurs

novembre 20, 2023

Ce que les installations touchées doivent savoir au sujet de l’applicabilité, des changements apportés aux rapports et des échéances


L’importance des SPFA dans l’atmosphère

novembre 13, 2023

Comprendre les préoccupations et se préparer aux problèmes potentiels


Validation des données par rapport aux évaluations de la convivialité des données

octobre 19, 2023

La collecte de données environnementales est un processus qui comprend diverses étapes et phases

Mises à jour réglementaires

EPA Proposes Changes to Air Emissions Reporting Requirements (AERR)

août 30, 2023

The EPA is proposing updates to their Air Emissions Reporting Requirements (AERR) through amendments to 40 CFR Parts 2 and 51.


How Does PFAS Contamination Impact the Environment?

août 11, 2023

PFAS are widely used in the production of numerous products. Some PFAS chemicals are the by-product of manufacturing processes. As a result, PFAS contamination is widespread, with PFAS being found nearly everywhere in the world.


Keeping Up With PFAS Regulatory Updates

août 1, 2023

Since the early 2000s, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has implemented regulations to reduce PFAS exposure and protect public health.


Identifying EHS Risks and Providing Solutions During Due Diligence

juillet 28, 2023

Due diligence is a comprehensive and systematic investigation or research process conducted to assess the merits, risks and potential of a business opportunity or investment.


Air Quality Services

juillet 28, 2023

TRC is a leader in providing comprehensive air services to help clients achieve compliance and sustainability goals.


PFAS Reporting Requirements

juillet 25, 2023

PFAS are found in consumer products worldwide, including nonstick cookware, firefighting foams, cosmetics, personal care products and cleaning solutions.


Understanding Microplastics in Sediments

juillet 21, 2023

The accumulation of plastic pollution in the environment has rapidly increased in recent decades. Microplastics (MP) are very small pieces of plastic that come from a variety of sources.


California Advances Plastic Packaging Law

juillet 7, 2023

As rulemaking deadlines and compliance timeframes approach, how will your organization be impacted?

Livres blancs/rapports

Helping Airports Identify and Mitigate PFAS Risks

mai 30, 2023

This white paper focuses on some unique strategies and situations we have encountered at some airport sites.


PFAS Regulatory Landscape

mai 3, 2023

This presentation describes PFAS regulations across the U.S., EPA Health Advisories and Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) and various Federal Laws that regulate PFAS in some form.

Mises à jour réglementaires

EPA Finds Trichloroethylene Presents Unreasonable Risk in Final Risk Evaluation

avril 6, 2023

On Jan 9, 2023, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revised the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) to reflect a new risk determination for trichloroethylene (TCE).


Utilisation proposée d’un indice de danger pour le Règlement national sur l’eau potable primaire (NPDWR) sur les SPFA

avril 4, 2023

La LCM et la MCLG proposées pour les quatre SPFA, LE PFNA, le PFHxS, le GenX et le PFBS considèrent leur toxicité comme additif. L’EPA a proposé un IH de 1,0 en tant que MCL et MCLG pour les quatre SPFA combinés.


PFAS Groundwater Sampling

mars 28, 2023

Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl substances are a diverse group of man-made chemicals and are becoming an increasing environmental concern.

Mises à jour réglementaires

Proposed MCLGs and MCLs for PFAS

mars 15, 2023

Final Regulatory Determination for Contaminants on the Fourth Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List


QA and Chemistry Services

février 23, 2023

TRC offers many QA and Chemistry services including data usability assessments, limited and full data validation reports, quality assurance project plan preparation, selection of appropriate analytical methodologies and laboratory audits.


PFAS Fate and Transport

février 23, 2023

Understanding PFAS properties and behavior is key to effective detection and remediation.


PFAS Fate and Transport: Conceptual Site Models

février 23, 2023

The conceptual site model describes site-specific sources, release and transport mechanisms, exposure media, exposure points, exposure pathways and routes and potential human and/or ecological receptor populations.


PFAS: Data Collection and Analysis Part 2

février 23, 2023

There are many PFAS-related challenges, such as changing regulations, toxicology, fate and transport, analytical methods, remediation, public perception and more.


PFAS: Sampling and Analysis Part 1

février 23, 2023

Sampling and analysis of Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) requires specific techniques and analytical tools to ensure data quality.

Mises à jour réglementaires

EPA Announces $2 Billion in Funding to Address Emerging Contaminants in Drinking Water

février 14, 2023

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan announced $2 Billion in infrastructure funding to help the nation’s rural water supplies.

Sluice Gate Water Canal
Mises à jour réglementaires

EPA Publishes Effluent Guidelines Program Plan 15

février 14, 2023

The EPA announced updated effluent limitations guidelines under Plan 15, focusing on the evaluation and rulemaking process for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) discharges.


PFAS: Remedial Approaches

février 8, 2023

Remediating Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from the soil and water requires effective techniques and innovative technologies. TRC’s experts are well versed in several remediation strategies intended to remove PFAS and prevent re-exposure.


PFAS in Air: The Basics

février 8, 2023

Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of synthetic chemicals resistant to heat, water and oil. PFAS are widely detected in air as well as water and soil.

hands of business person working on computer
Mises à jour réglementaires

TRI PFAS Reporting Requirements Continue to Expand

janvier 25, 2023

The list of PFAS for TRI reporting has increased to a total of 189 for reporting year 2023.


Emerging Contaminants- Microplastics, HABs and Cannabis

janvier 9, 2023

Microplastics, harmful algal blooms (HABs) and cannabis/hemp can present health and safety concerns.


Chlorinated Solvents 101

janvier 9, 2023

Chlorinated solvents are present in industrial chemicals and can post risks to the environment and human health.


PFAS on the Move: Fate and Transport in Sediment

janvier 3, 2023

PFAS tend to sorb to sediment particles and organic matter, which settle at the bottom of a waterbody, creating a reservoir of PFAS that can cycle in the environment for decades.


Equipment Decontamination and Replacement of Legacy Aqueous Film Forming Foams

Décembre 21, 2022

Legacy AFFF used for firefighting are a significant source of PFAS in the environment. With current and expected regulation, many entities are looking for replacements.

Run-off pipes discharging water
Mises à jour réglementaires

PFAS Discharges in NPDES Permits

Décembre 19, 2022

In a follow-up to the EPA Office of Water’s April 28, 2022 memo, EPA released “Part 2″, providing guidance for the NPDES permitting/pretreatment program as it relates to restricting discharges of PFAS to water bodies.


PFAS: The Basics

Décembre 14, 2022

Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of synthetic chemicals resistant to heat, water and oil. These persistent chemicals have been found to be ubiquitous toxins in our environment.


Petroleum Hydrocarbons 101

Décembre 14, 2022

This presentation defines petroleum hydrocarbons and covers the range of products and constituents that comprise petroleum hydrocarbons.


Advanced NAPL Site Characterization Tools

Décembre 14, 2022

Advanced NAPL site characterization tools can improve site understanding and remediation performance.


What is TSCA and Why Should I Care?

Décembre 1, 2022

This presentation provides a historical background on TSCA, regulatory requirements, regulated industries and regulated substances.

Mises à jour réglementaires

Washington State Establishes PFAS Cleanup Levels

septembre 21, 2022

The Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) recently published a list of 6 PFAS compounds that now have soil and groundwater cleanup levels

Mises à jour réglementaires

New National Emerging Contaminants Research Initiative

septembre 12, 2022

The Executive Office of the President of the United States announced a National Emerging Contaminant Research Initiative

Mises à jour réglementaires

EPA Issues Proposed Rule Designating PFOA and PFOS as Hazardous Substances

septembre 7, 2022

The EPA has issued a pre-publication version of a proposed rule to designate two PFAS compounds as hazardous substances under CERCLA.


EPA PFAS Strategic Roadmap: Where Are We?

août 3, 2022

In 2021, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the Agency’s PFAS Strategic Roadmap.


PFAS Forensics – Identify the Source of PFAS

juillet 8, 2022

Forensics and source identification is necessary to detect the unique PFAS chemical signatures

Mises à jour réglementaires

Five New PFAS Added to EPA Regional Screening Levels (RSLs)

juin 24, 2022

EPA announced the addition of five new PFAS to the list of Regional Screening Levels (RSLs)

Mises à jour réglementaires

EPA Announces Updated Drinking Water Health Advisories for Four PFAS Chemicals: PFOS, PFOA, PFBS, & GenX

juin 24, 2022

On June 15, 2022, the EPA released updated Health Advisory Levels for four per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water


Integrating Sustainability, Digital Connectivity and Design Optimization in Wastewater Treatment Systems

juin 20, 2022

Some organizations rarely think about water and wastewater treatment, until there is a problem. American industry depends on the ability to treat wastewater discharges while complying with regulatory standards and addressing emerging contaminants. If wastewater treatment fails, our environment is negatively impacted, and companies are exposed to shutdowns, delays and fines.


Webinar Reply: Minnesota’s PFAS Monitoring Plan

juin 13, 2022

Minnesota’s PFAS Monitoring Plan: Other Test Method (OTM) 45 for Measuring PFAS Air Emissions

Mises à jour réglementaires

Worst Case Discharges of Hazardous Substances – Proposed Rule

mai 25, 2022

In compliance with the Clean Water Act (CWA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed a new rule for onshore non-transportation-related facilities requiring specified facilities to plan for worst case discharges (WCDs) of CWA hazardous substances that could cause substantial harm to the environment.

Mises à jour réglementaires

PFAS Discharges and NPDES Permits

mai 25, 2022

On April 28, 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Water released a memo addressing the use of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits to restrict per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) discharges to water bodies.

Mises à jour réglementaires

EPA Proposes Aquatic Life Criteria for PFOA and PFOS

mai 25, 2022

On May 3, 2022, under the Clean Water Act (CWA), the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) proposed the first aquatic life criteria for both short-term and long-term toxic effects from Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid (PFOS).

Mises à jour réglementaires

SEC Releases New Proposed Rules Requiring Public Companies to Disclose Climate Risks

avril 12, 2022

On March 21, 2022, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued its proposed rules for The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors which would require public companies in the U.S. to disclose information in their annual financial reports.


Per‐ and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Environmental Sampling Products: Fact or Fiction?

mars 29, 2022

Can per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) be transferred from the common field and other commercial products during sampling?


Evaluation of the Effects of PFAS Soil Adsorption and Transformation

mars 29, 2022

A study to to evaluate the effect of divalent cations on the adsorption of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) onto soil particles.


PFAS Experts Symposium 2: An Update on Advances in Chemical Analysis of PFAS

mars 23, 2022

A recap of how the analysis of per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) has evolved since the first PFAS Experts Symposium in 2019.


PFAS Experts Symposium: Regulations and Technologies

mars 23, 2022

The scientific, engineering, regulatory, and legal communities assembled for the PFAS Experts Symposium in Arlington, Virginia to discuss issues related to per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).

Gloved hand holding glass beaker full of water.

Draft Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 1633: A Data User’s Perspective

mars 15, 2022

A review of Draft EPA Method 1633, Analysis of Per‐and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Aqueous, Solid, Biosolids, and Tissue Samples by LC‐MS/MS

Mises à jour réglementaires

PFOA & PFOS As CERCLA Hazardous Substances: What Does This Mean and How Can You Be Prepared?

février 17, 2022

A plan to designate two per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) as “hazardous substances” under CERCLA was recently submitted by the EPA.

Mises à jour réglementaires

New Phase I ESA Standard Will Affect Environmental Due Diligence

janvier 25, 2022

After years of review, revisions and discussions, the new ASTM E1527 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA) standard has been published. The new standard includes updates to definitions, clarifications on processes and requirements, and guidance for emerging contaminants.

Mises à jour réglementaires

Fifth Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule Lists 29 PFAS

janvier 21, 2022

EPA published fifth Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule as required every five years and 29 of the 30 contaminants listed are PFAS.


Need help collecting PFAS samples for NJDEP deadline December 15?

octobre 7, 2021

NJDES Category B or L Industrial Permit holders – If you haven’t obtained your first PFAS sample yet, time is running out. All New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJDES) Category B or L Industrial Permit holders are required by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Projection (NJDEP) to collect two representative effluent samples, taken 30 days apart, to be analyzed for PFAS by an approved laboratory and submitted to them by December 15, 2021.

Mises à jour réglementaires

Interpretation of “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) Reverts to Pre-2015 Regulatory Definition

septembre 29, 2021

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) revert to pre-2015 regulatory program definition of “Waters of the United States.”

Mises à jour réglementaires

EPA Solicits Comments on PFAS Discharges in Five Point Source Categories

septembre 23, 2021

EPA solicits comments in five point source categories (PSCs) in the manufacture, use, treatment and discharge of PFAS.

Mises à jour réglementaires

PFAS Air Emissions Standards and Trends for Summer 2021

août 17, 2021

Environmental impacts of PFAS in ambient air leads to states implementing PFAS air-related thresholds.


Cryptocurrency: The Environmental Threats and Opportunities

août 9, 2021

Cryptocurrency (also known as crypto) is taking the fintech industry by storm, despite the economic experts who still dismiss it as a viable form of currency. Although often criticized for this volatility, whistleblowers are also further shining a light on the severe toll that these digital currencies are taking on the environment.

Livres blancs/rapports

TRC Colorado PFAS Regulatory Update

juillet 21, 2021

Update on Colorado’s recent policies and plans to regulate new and historical discharges of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) into the environment.

Mises à jour réglementaires

2021 EPA TRI Reporting Requirements for Natural Gas Processing Facilities

juillet 12, 2021

Indication EPA finalizing a rule to add natural gas extraction or processing plants to EPCRA Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) reporting.


Implementing bioremediation at environmental cleanup sites: TRC experts weigh in at leading industry conference

mai 17, 2021

TRC experts make several presentations at the Battelle conference about innovative approaches they have developed for implementing and monitoring bioremediation and the use of naturally-occurring or deliberately-introduced micro-organisms to break down environmental pollutants.


PFAS Compounds & Toxics Release Inventory

avril 26, 2021

The National Defense Authorization Act of 2020 added 172 PFAS compounds to the list of chemicals that must be evaluated for reporting.


PFAS Sampling Advisory on Aqueous Samples

avril 1, 2021

Advisory on collecting aqueous samples (e.g., groundwater, wastewater, stormwater, etc.) for PFAS analysis.

Mises à jour réglementaires

Interim Guidance on Destruction and Disposal of PFAS & Materials Containing PFAS

février 19, 2021

Interim Guidance from EPA identifies 6 materials that use or manufacture PFAS and approaches for disposal.


EPA Issues PFAS Air Emissions Draft Test Method OTM-45

février 5, 2021

First Air Emissions Draft Test for the Measurement of Selected Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances from Stationary Sources


Microplastics Fate and Transport

janvier 31, 2021

This presentation discusses the fate and transport of microplastics and provides case studies of microplastic sampling projects.

Mises à jour réglementaires

EPA continues to aggressively address PFAS wastewater with two new strategies

janvier 4, 2021

EPA takes steps toward PFAS wastewater and storm water permitting, and analytical methods for testing.


PFAS at Metal-Plating Facilities: Environmental Management and Regulatory Developments

novembre 13, 2020

TRC is a national leader in per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) characterization, research and technical consulting.


TRC Companies Inc. Acquires 1Source Safety and Health

novembre 11, 2020

TRC Companies (« TRC”), a leading technology-driven provider of end-to-end engineering, consulting and construction management solutions, has acquired 1Source Safety and Health, a firm that provides management consulting services in areas such as indoor air quality, asbestos management, industrial hygiene and safety management systems.

Snipe at the edge of the swamp

Ecological Risk of PFAS from AFFF-Impacted Sites

juin 30, 2020

The facts on evaluating exposure to wildlife


TRC’s Reporting Tool Can Help Identify New PFAS under the TRI

mai 19, 2020

While utilities often work in technical silos, NERC auditors are trained to cross check compliance evidence and data between interrelated standards.


World Health Organization Examines Danger of Microplastics in Drinking Water

novembre 5, 2019

There’s growing concern that microscopic plastic particles could be having a detrimental effect on drinking water quality.


Michigan Steps Up Fight Against PFAS Contamination

mai 8, 2018

Michigan is cracking down on PFAS contamination with a pair of new regulatory actions aimed at protecting the state’s water supply.


Environmental Impacts of Tire Wear: The Issue of 6PPD-Q

octobre 3, 2023

The best management practices for preventing 6PPD-Q from entering nearby streams include street sweeping, flow control through mitigation techniques and treatment.


Le rapport 2023 sur le taux d’eau et d’eaux usées en Virginie est maintenant disponible

juillet 24, 2023

La réussite d’une évaluation technique de l’impraticabilité est la collecte de données solides, la documentation et la communication efficace des conditions du site et du potentiel de restauration des eaux souterraines.

Mises à jour réglementaires

EPA Issues Clarification of Free Product Removal Requirements

juin 20, 2023

EPA recently clarified requirements for LNAPL recovery and remediation.


Microplastics ITRC Guidance Document and Training Available Soon!

février 23, 2023

Microplastic particles have been found in nearly every corner of the globe, but health effects and toxicity are only beginning to be understood. Because of their ubiquitous nature, microplastics present a challenge in both accurate sampling and source attribution. Microplastics are emerging as an environmental issue that regulators and industry will be increasingly focusing on in the coming years.


Vapor Intrusion Assessment and Mitigation Case Study

février 23, 2023

Keys to a successful technical impracticability evaluation are sound data collection, documentation and effective communication of site conditions and groundwater restoration potential.


QA and Chemistry Services

février 23, 2023

TRC offers many QA and Chemistry services including data usability assessments, limited and full data validation reports, quality assurance project plan preparation, selection of appropriate analytical methodologies and laboratory audits.


Odor Evaluation Services

février 23, 2023

TRC is nationally recognized as an expert in the field of odor measurement, identification, modeling and control engineering. This presentation includes an overview of odor properties, odor evaluation, modeling and odor thresholds and outlines the four sensory properties: detectability, intensity, character and hedonic tone.


PFAS Fate and Transport

février 23, 2023

Understanding PFAS properties and behavior is key to effective detection and remediation.


PFAS Fate and Transport: Conceptual Site Models

février 23, 2023

The conceptual site model describes site-specific sources, release and transport mechanisms, exposure media, exposure points, exposure pathways and routes and potential human and/or ecological receptor populations.


PFAS: Data Collection and Analysis Part 2

février 23, 2023

There are many PFAS-related challenges, such as changing regulations, toxicology, fate and transport, analytical methods, remediation, public perception and more.


PFAS: Sampling and Analysis Part 1

février 23, 2023

Sampling and analysis of Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) requires specific techniques and analytical tools to ensure data quality.

Mises à jour réglementaires

EPA Announces $2 Billion in Funding to Address Emerging Contaminants in Drinking Water

février 14, 2023

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan announced $2 Billion in infrastructure funding to help the nation’s rural water supplies.


PFAS: Remedial Approaches

février 8, 2023

Remediating Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from the soil and water requires effective techniques and innovative technologies. TRC’s experts are well versed in several remediation strategies intended to remove PFAS and prevent re-exposure.


PFAS in Air: The Basics

février 8, 2023

Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of synthetic chemicals resistant to heat, water and oil. PFAS are widely detected in air as well as water and soil.


Metals 101

février 8, 2023

Metals are naturally occurring elements in the Earth’s crust that enter the environment through natural processes. They can be found in groundwater, soil and sediment. The trophic transfer of these elements in aquatic and terrestrial food chains has important implications for wildlife and human health.


Risk Communication Challenges for Emerging Issues

février 8, 2023

Risk communication is the exchange of real-time information, advice and opinions between experts and people facing threats to their health, economic or social well-being.


Green and Sustainable Remediation

janvier 9, 2023

Green and sustainable remediation (GSR) can optimize remedial activities, minimize environmental footprints and reduce social and economic impacts.


Emerging Contaminants- Microplastics, HABs and Cannabis

janvier 9, 2023

Microplastics, harmful algal blooms (HABs) and cannabis/hemp can present health and safety concerns.


Chlorinated Solvents 101

janvier 9, 2023

Chlorinated solvents are present in industrial chemicals and can post risks to the environment and human health.


Equipment Decontamination and Replacement of Legacy Aqueous Film Forming Foams

Décembre 21, 2022

Legacy AFFF used for firefighting are a significant source of PFAS in the environment. With current and expected regulation, many entities are looking for replacements.


PFAS: The Basics

Décembre 14, 2022

Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of synthetic chemicals resistant to heat, water and oil. These persistent chemicals have been found to be ubiquitous toxins in our environment.


Petroleum Hydrocarbons 101

Décembre 14, 2022

This presentation defines petroleum hydrocarbons and covers the range of products and constituents that comprise petroleum hydrocarbons.


Advanced NAPL Site Characterization Tools

Décembre 14, 2022

Advanced NAPL site characterization tools can improve site understanding and remediation performance.

Mises à jour réglementaires

New National Emerging Contaminants Research Initiative

septembre 12, 2022

The Executive Office of the President of the United States announced a National Emerging Contaminant Research Initiative


Webinar Reply: Minnesota’s PFAS Monitoring Plan

juin 13, 2022

Minnesota’s PFAS Monitoring Plan: Other Test Method (OTM) 45 for Measuring PFAS Air Emissions


PFAS Experts Symposium 2: An Update on Advances in Chemical Analysis of PFAS

mars 23, 2022

A recap of how the analysis of per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) has evolved since the first PFAS Experts Symposium in 2019.


The Best Process for Transforming Thermal Generation Power Plants

février 9, 2022

Faced with an aging fleet, stricter environmental regulations, reduced costs for natural gas and competition from renewables, more than 600 power plants have been decommissioned in the last 20 years, a pace that will increase with the announced closure of nearly 350 additional plants by 2025.


Blast from the Past: How TRC Helped a Small UK Village Remove WWII Grenades and Mines from Playground

Décembre 11, 2021

When an straightforward remediation project came to a screeching halt after work crews unearthed live grenades, officials in Weedon Bec turned to TRC.

Livres blancs/rapports

TRC Colorado PFAS Regulatory Update

juillet 21, 2021

Update on Colorado’s recent policies and plans to regulate new and historical discharges of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) into the environment.


Implementing bioremediation at environmental cleanup sites: TRC experts weigh in at leading industry conference

mai 17, 2021

TRC experts make several presentations at the Battelle conference about innovative approaches they have developed for implementing and monitoring bioremediation and the use of naturally-occurring or deliberately-introduced micro-organisms to break down environmental pollutants.


TRC to Oversee $104 Million Demolition Project at Los Angeles’ Haynes Generating Station

avril 24, 2021

TRC to dismantle and remove four decommissioned generating units in Long Beach, Calif., to pave way for LADWP’s clean grid initiatives.


Breakthrough Solutions for Coal Combustion Residuals Compliance

septembre 3, 2020

TRC is your trusted partner, helping to navigate the economic, environmental and regulatory pressures as well as the rapid technological advancements impacting successful coal ash management.

Snipe at the edge of the swamp

Ecological Risk of PFAS from AFFF-Impacted Sites

juin 30, 2020

The facts on evaluating exposure to wildlife


TRC Brings Environmental Services to Manchester with Second UK Office

mars 5, 2020

In continuing to expand our presence in a key British market, TRC is opening our second UK office in Manchester, England


TRC and Environmental Partners, Inc. (EPI) have entered into definitive agreement for the sale of EPI’s business

novembre 25, 2019

TRC and Environmental Partners, Inc. (EPI) have entered into definitive agreement for the sale of EPI’s business


World Health Organization Examines Danger of Microplastics in Drinking Water

novembre 5, 2019

There’s growing concern that microscopic plastic particles could be having a detrimental effect on drinking water quality.


Why Coal Ash Impoundments and Landfills Make Great Solar Sites

septembre 25, 2019

Hundreds of coal ash sites are set to close over the next decade and could make ideal, low-impact locations for utility-scale solar farms.


TRC Remediation Project at Roche Nutley Site in New Jersey Wins National Grand Prize for Sustainability

mai 7, 2019

TRC was awarded the 2019 Grand Prize for Environmental Sustainability by the American Academy of Environmental Engineers & Scientists for the cleanup of the former Roche site in Nutley, N.J.


Groundwater Recharge: How It Affects Your Decisions

mai 30, 2018

Often misunderstood, groundwater recharge rate is an important consideration when assessing groundwater supply or aquifer vulnerability.

Male botanist writing notes on clipboard in greenhouse

TRC Acquires Hazmat Assessment Firm American Environmental Consulting

janvier 3, 2018

TRC, a leader in engineering, environmental consulting and construction-management services, announced today that it has acquired American Environmental Consultants, Inc. of Weymouth, Mass., a hazardous materials assessment company.

Mises à jour réglementaires

EPA to Include CERCLA Sites and RCRA Facilities in Site Remediation NESHAP

juin 23, 2016

EPA has published a proposed rule that would extend the requirements of the Site Remediation National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) regulations to previously exempt soil and groundwater remediation activities under CERCLA and RCRA.


Successful Coal Ash Pond Management

juillet 10, 2014

Regulatory requirements, plant retirements, changes to facility operational profiles, environmental liability management and political and social pressures are among the factors driving utilities to close or consider closing their coal ash ponds.


Percées novatrices dans l’assainissement in situ actif des SPFA

septembre 27, 2024

Ne manquez pas la présentation et l’atelier de la CVR à la 40e conférence internationale annuelle de l’AEHS sur les sols, les sédiments, l’eau et l’énergie


Webinaire TDU – Bioventing Plumes résiduelles LNAPL

août 27, 2024

L’expert de TRC discute des bases du système de bioventing et de bioventing d’hydrocarbures et de la conception de puits. Deux études de cas sont également fournies pour montrer des exemples d’assainissement des sources de biovention et d’installation d’un système de biovention dans une raffinerie et une ferme de combustible en vrac.


Conseils de récupération LNAPL pour les milieux non consolidés

août 20, 2024

Le liquide léger de phase non aqueuse (LNAPL) est un contaminant des eaux souterraines qui n’est pas soluble dans l’eau.


Prévenir les rejets de contaminants dans les ressources en eau

avril 22, 2024

La technologie brevetée napl-trappe capuchon de TRC traite des contaminants à la source de sédiments.


UAV pour les HCB : Naviguer dans le ciel pour la surveillance environnementale

février 5, 2024

L’eutrophisation et les proliférations d’algues nuisibles constituent une menace pour la santé écologique et la jouissance par les communautés des écosystèmes d’eau douce et côtiers mondiaux


Déchloration du panache de solvant

Décembre 13, 2023

La déchloration anaérobie est un processus biologique qui se produit en l’absence d’oxygène et qui est principalement utilisé pour assainir les composés chlorés, tels que les solvants chlorés.


Du triage à la prévention : gestion des microplastiques à l’aide d’un cadre de soins de santé

septembre 21, 2023

Gestion des microplastiques à l’aide d’un cadre de soins de santé


Le rapport 2023 sur le taux d’eau et d’eaux usées en Virginie est maintenant disponible

juillet 24, 2023

La réussite d’une évaluation technique de l’impraticabilité est la collecte de données solides, la documentation et la communication efficace des conditions du site et du potentiel de restauration des eaux souterraines.


Microplastics ITRC Guidance Document and Training Available Soon!

février 23, 2023

Microplastic particles have been found in nearly every corner of the globe, but health effects and toxicity are only beginning to be understood. Because of their ubiquitous nature, microplastics present a challenge in both accurate sampling and source attribution. Microplastics are emerging as an environmental issue that regulators and industry will be increasingly focusing on in the coming years.


Vapor Intrusion Assessment and Mitigation Case Study

février 23, 2023

Keys to a successful technical impracticability evaluation are sound data collection, documentation and effective communication of site conditions and groundwater restoration potential.


Odor Evaluation Services

février 23, 2023

TRC is nationally recognized as an expert in the field of odor measurement, identification, modeling and control engineering. This presentation includes an overview of odor properties, odor evaluation, modeling and odor thresholds and outlines the four sensory properties: detectability, intensity, character and hedonic tone.

Mises à jour réglementaires

EPA Announces $2 Billion in Funding to Address Emerging Contaminants in Drinking Water

février 14, 2023

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan announced $2 Billion in infrastructure funding to help the nation’s rural water supplies.


Metals 101

février 8, 2023

Metals are naturally occurring elements in the Earth’s crust that enter the environment through natural processes. They can be found in groundwater, soil and sediment. The trophic transfer of these elements in aquatic and terrestrial food chains has important implications for wildlife and human health.


Green and Sustainable Remediation

janvier 9, 2023

Green and sustainable remediation (GSR) can optimize remedial activities, minimize environmental footprints and reduce social and economic impacts.


Chlorinated Solvents 101

janvier 9, 2023

Chlorinated solvents are present in industrial chemicals and can post risks to the environment and human health.


Equipment Decontamination and Replacement of Legacy Aqueous Film Forming Foams

Décembre 21, 2022

Legacy AFFF used for firefighting are a significant source of PFAS in the environment. With current and expected regulation, many entities are looking for replacements.


Advanced NAPL Site Characterization Tools

Décembre 14, 2022

Advanced NAPL site characterization tools can improve site understanding and remediation performance.


Preparing Your RMP Facility for a Future of Extreme Weather

novembre 29, 2022

Facilities dealing with hazardous materials must prepare for extreme weather events that pose a risk to their operations and the community.

Livres blancs/rapports

Biotic and Abiotic Reduction to Achieve Groundwater Compliance at CCR Sites

novembre 22, 2022

TRC conducted two case studies to test different EA strategies. In both studies, chemical and biological reduction to stabilize metals at former CCR sites were evaluated.


New York State Updates Recommended Vapor Intrusion Actions

juillet 17, 2021

The process for addressing vapor intrusion (VI) continues to evolve and recently updated guidance in New York State could have potentially significant impacts to various stakeholders.


Implementing bioremediation at environmental cleanup sites: TRC experts weigh in at leading industry conference

mai 17, 2021

TRC experts make several presentations at the Battelle conference about innovative approaches they have developed for implementing and monitoring bioremediation and the use of naturally-occurring or deliberately-introduced micro-organisms to break down environmental pollutants.


Iron sulfide: The “miracle mineral” in environmental remediation

avril 26, 2021

Whether it’s treating an arsenic spill at a railroad site in Wisconsin or releases of chromium and other metals or metal-cleaning solvents at manufacturing sites in California, New Jersey, and South Carolina, a mineral marrying iron and sulfur -iron sulfide- is emerging as a powerful and versatile tool in the environmental remediation toolbox.


TRC Awarded a Yahara WINS Grant

août 28, 2020

TRC was recently awarded a Yahara WINS grant to develop a pilot scale simple aeration method for removing phosphorous from the discharge of manure digesters. The grant application was developed and submitted by: Bob Stanforth, Alyssa Sellwood, Mike Ursin, Ted O’Connell, Ken Quinn, and John Rice, who are members of multiple TRC CORE teams.

Snipe at the edge of the swamp

Ecological Risk of PFAS from AFFF-Impacted Sites

juin 30, 2020

The facts on evaluating exposure to wildlife


TRC and Environmental Partners, Inc. (EPI) have entered into definitive agreement for the sale of EPI’s business

novembre 25, 2019

TRC and Environmental Partners, Inc. (EPI) have entered into definitive agreement for the sale of EPI’s business


World Health Organization Examines Danger of Microplastics in Drinking Water

novembre 5, 2019

There’s growing concern that microscopic plastic particles could be having a detrimental effect on drinking water quality.


Groundwater Recharge: How It Affects Your Decisions

mai 30, 2018

Often misunderstood, groundwater recharge rate is an important consideration when assessing groundwater supply or aquifer vulnerability.

Jenny Phillips

Jenny Phillips, Director of Technical Development, VP – Jenny Phillips leads the Technical Development Unit of TRC, focusing on Emerging Contaminants. She is an expert in human health and ecological risk assessment with a focus in risk communication and stakeholder discussions. Ms. Phillips also leads TRC’s Center for Research and Expertise which includes 30+ technical teams. Contact Ms. Phillips at