Centre de recherche et d’expertise (CORE)
Core de TRC est un réseau national d’équipes multidisciplinaires d’experts dont la mission est de faire progresser l’excellence technique.
Travaillant à l’avant-garde des questions émergentes, le groupe favorise le partage des connaissances et fournit un accès direct à nos experts.
Les équipes CORE couvrent un large éventail de domaines d’intérêt, notamment l’intrusion de vapeur, la caractérisation avancée et l’assainissement in situ, l’évaluation des risques, le génie géotechnique, la gestion des risques chimiques et la résilience, et les contaminants émergents.
Contaminants émergents
Les équipes CORE de TRC fournissent des services de caractérisation du site, de criminalistique, d’évaluation des risques et d’assainissement pour les contaminants émergents tels que les substances perfluoroalkyliques et polyfluoroalkyliques (SPFA) ; microplastiques ; 6-PPD-quinone ; 1,4-Dioxane ; perchlorate ; 1,2,3-Tricholorpropane et nanoparticules.
Notre équipe de SPFA a mené des activités de R-D originales sur l’absorption, la lixiviabilité, les protocoles d’analyse et l’évaluation judiciaire.
Projets De Nos IngénieurS En Assainissement
Découvrez le succès que nous avons eu en aidant nos clients à exécuter des projets majeurs et à avoir un impact significatif sur leurs communautés locales.
Developing Tailored Climate Adaptation Strategies to Safeguard Operations
TRC implemented an innovative modeling and visualization approach leveraging the power of 3D volumetric technology.
TRC became one of the first firms to successfully complete a Status Impact Report (SIR) in accordance with California’s effort …
Project Collaborative Management of Remediation and Regulatory Requirements for Redevelopment Challenge Tatooine Industries, a former e-waste recycling facility in Wyoming, operated from 2010 to 2014, when it was abandoned by the owner and subsequently shut down. This resulted in over a million pounds of discarded electronics and leaded glass, some of which had been from Wyoming municipalities, state government entities and schools that paid to have their e-waste recycled at the facility. The blighted property quickly posed risks to the surrounding community, including safety concerns, fire damage, illicit operations and illegal dumping.
TRC delivered design, procurement, and construction services for 38 miles of transmission lines, two substation expansions, and equipment upgrades at …
TRC performed extensive environmental investigations and remedial actions at several contaminated in-town properties in Port Gamble, Washington.
Developing Tailored Climate Adaptation Strategies to Safeguard Operations
TRC implemented an innovative modeling and visualization approach leveraging the power of 3D volumetric technology.
TRC became one of the first firms to successfully complete a Status Impact Report (SIR) in accordance with California’s effort …
Project Collaborative Management of Remediation and Regulatory Requirements for Redevelopment Challenge Tatooine Industries, a former e-waste recycling facility in Wyoming, operated from 2010 to 2014, when it was abandoned by the owner and subsequently shut down. This resulted in over a million pounds of discarded electronics and leaded glass, some of which had been from Wyoming municipalities, state government entities and schools that paid to have their e-waste recycled at the facility. The blighted property quickly posed risks to the surrounding community, including safety concerns, fire damage, illicit operations and illegal dumping.
TRC delivered design, procurement, and construction services for 38 miles of transmission lines, two substation expansions, and equipment upgrades at …
TRC performed extensive environmental investigations and remedial actions at several contaminated in-town properties in Port Gamble, Washington.
Partager nos perspectives
Nos praticiens partagent leurs idées et leurs points de vue sur les tendances et les défis qui façonnent le marché.
Percées novatrices dans l’assainissement in situ actif des SPFA
septembre 27, 2024
Ne manquez pas la présentation et l’atelier de la CVR à la 40e conférence internationale annuelle de l’AEHS sur les sols, les sédiments, l’eau et l’énergie
Webinaire TDU – Bioventing Plumes résiduelles LNAPL
août 27, 2024
L’expert de TRC discute des bases du système de bioventing et de bioventing d’hydrocarbures et de la conception de puits. Deux études de cas sont également fournies pour montrer des exemples d’assainissement des sources de biovention et d’installation d’un système de biovention dans une raffinerie et une ferme de combustible en vrac.
Conseils de récupération LNAPL pour les milieux non consolidés
août 20, 2024
Le liquide léger de phase non aqueuse (LNAPL) est un contaminant des eaux souterraines qui n’est pas soluble dans l’eau.
Prévenir les rejets de contaminants dans les ressources en eau
avril 22, 2024
La technologie brevetée napl-trappe capuchon de TRC traite des contaminants à la source de sédiments.
UAV pour les HCB : Naviguer dans le ciel pour la surveillance environnementale
février 5, 2024
L’eutrophisation et les proliférations d’algues nuisibles constituent une menace pour la santé écologique et la jouissance par les communautés des écosystèmes d’eau douce et côtiers mondiaux
Déchloration du panache de solvant
Décembre 13, 2023
La déchloration anaérobie est un processus biologique qui se produit en l’absence d’oxygène et qui est principalement utilisé pour assainir les composés chlorés, tels que les solvants chlorés.
Du triage à la prévention : gestion des microplastiques à l’aide d’un cadre de soins de santé
septembre 21, 2023
Gestion des microplastiques à l’aide d’un cadre de soins de santé
Le rapport 2023 sur le taux d’eau et d’eaux usées en Virginie est maintenant disponible
juillet 24, 2023
La réussite d’une évaluation technique de l’impraticabilité est la collecte de données solides, la documentation et la communication efficace des conditions du site et du potentiel de restauration des eaux souterraines.
Microplastics ITRC Guidance Document and Training Available Soon!
février 23, 2023
Microplastic particles have been found in nearly every corner of the globe, but health effects and toxicity are only beginning to be understood. Because of their ubiquitous nature, microplastics present a challenge in both accurate sampling and source attribution. Microplastics are emerging as an environmental issue that regulators and industry will be increasingly focusing on in the coming years.
Vapor Intrusion Assessment and Mitigation Case Study
février 23, 2023
Keys to a successful technical impracticability evaluation are sound data collection, documentation and effective communication of site conditions and groundwater restoration potential.
Odor Evaluation Services
février 23, 2023
TRC is nationally recognized as an expert in the field of odor measurement, identification, modeling and control engineering. This presentation includes an overview of odor properties, odor evaluation, modeling and odor thresholds and outlines the four sensory properties: detectability, intensity, character and hedonic tone.
EPA Announces $2 Billion in Funding to Address Emerging Contaminants in Drinking Water
février 14, 2023
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan announced $2 Billion in infrastructure funding to help the nation’s rural water supplies.
Metals 101
février 8, 2023
Metals are naturally occurring elements in the Earth’s crust that enter the environment through natural processes. They can be found in groundwater, soil and sediment. The trophic transfer of these elements in aquatic and terrestrial food chains has important implications for wildlife and human health.
Green and Sustainable Remediation
janvier 9, 2023
Green and sustainable remediation (GSR) can optimize remedial activities, minimize environmental footprints and reduce social and economic impacts.
Chlorinated Solvents 101
janvier 9, 2023
Chlorinated solvents are present in industrial chemicals and can post risks to the environment and human health.
Equipment Decontamination and Replacement of Legacy Aqueous Film Forming Foams
Décembre 21, 2022
Legacy AFFF used for firefighting are a significant source of PFAS in the environment. With current and expected regulation, many entities are looking for replacements.
Advanced NAPL Site Characterization Tools
Décembre 14, 2022
Advanced NAPL site characterization tools can improve site understanding and remediation performance.
Preparing Your RMP Facility for a Future of Extreme Weather
novembre 29, 2022
Facilities dealing with hazardous materials must prepare for extreme weather events that pose a risk to their operations and the community.
Biotic and Abiotic Reduction to Achieve Groundwater Compliance at CCR Sites
novembre 22, 2022
TRC conducted two case studies to test different EA strategies. In both studies, chemical and biological reduction to stabilize metals at former CCR sites were evaluated.
New York State Updates Recommended Vapor Intrusion Actions
juillet 17, 2021
The process for addressing vapor intrusion (VI) continues to evolve and recently updated guidance in New York State could have potentially significant impacts to various stakeholders.
Implementing bioremediation at environmental cleanup sites: TRC experts weigh in at leading industry conference
mai 17, 2021
TRC experts make several presentations at the Battelle conference about innovative approaches they have developed for implementing and monitoring bioremediation and the use of naturally-occurring or deliberately-introduced micro-organisms to break down environmental pollutants.
Iron sulfide: The “miracle mineral” in environmental remediation
avril 26, 2021
Whether it’s treating an arsenic spill at a railroad site in Wisconsin or releases of chromium and other metals or metal-cleaning solvents at manufacturing sites in California, New Jersey, and South Carolina, a mineral marrying iron and sulfur -iron sulfide- is emerging as a powerful and versatile tool in the environmental remediation toolbox.
TRC Awarded a Yahara WINS Grant
août 28, 2020
TRC was recently awarded a Yahara WINS grant to develop a pilot scale simple aeration method for removing phosphorous from the discharge of manure digesters. The grant application was developed and submitted by: Bob Stanforth, Alyssa Sellwood, Mike Ursin, Ted O’Connell, Ken Quinn, and John Rice, who are members of multiple TRC CORE teams.
Ecological Risk of PFAS from AFFF-Impacted Sites
juin 30, 2020
The facts on evaluating exposure to wildlife
TRC and Environmental Partners, Inc. (EPI) have entered into definitive agreement for the sale of EPI’s business
novembre 25, 2019
TRC and Environmental Partners, Inc. (EPI) have entered into definitive agreement for the sale of EPI’s business
World Health Organization Examines Danger of Microplastics in Drinking Water
novembre 5, 2019
There’s growing concern that microscopic plastic particles could be having a detrimental effect on drinking water quality.
Groundwater Recharge: How It Affects Your Decisions
mai 30, 2018
Often misunderstood, groundwater recharge rate is an important consideration when assessing groundwater supply or aquifer vulnerability.