Authors: Catriona Smith & Liz Ardell | janvier 4, 2021
On November 30, 2020, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced two important steps to address per- and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS.)
First, the agency issued a memorandum detailing an interim National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting strategy for addressing PFAS in EPA-issued wastewater and stormwater permits. In this memorandum, the EPA advises permit writers to consider including PFAS monitoring at facilities where these chemicals are suspected to be present in wastewater discharges, including from municipal separate storm sewer systems and industrial stormwater permits. The agency’s interim strategy also encourages the use of best management practices where appropriate to control or abate the discharge of PFAS. Note that EPA, not the State, is the permitting authority for NPDES for three states (Massachusetts, New Hampshire and New Mexico), the District of Columbia, most U.S territories, including Puerto Rico, Native American Indian Country and certain federal facilities.
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The second initiative
Includes the development of analytical methods to test for PFAS in wastewater testing and other environmental media, including surface water, groundwater, leachate, soil, sediment, biosolids, and fish tissue. The agency has released a list of 40 PFAS chemicals that will be subject to testing using these analytical methods ( These new methods would be an addition to the Method 533 and Method 537.1 that are already approved and can measure 29 PFAS chemicals in drinking water. EPA anticipates that these new analytical methods will be finalized in 2021.
When these two initiatives are finalized, they will ensure federally enforceable monitoring for PFAS Consider reviewing your facility’s processes if you have an EPA-issued wastewater or stormwater permit to determine if your facility discharges PFAS into the environment. Your facility may be impacted by these initiatives when your wastewater or stormwater permit is renewed.
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Nos praticiens partagent leurs idées et leurs points de vue sur les tendances et les défis qui façonnent le marché.
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EPA Announces $2 Billion in Funding to Address Emerging Contaminants in Drinking Water
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The EPA announced updated effluent limitations guidelines under Plan 15, focusing on the evaluation and rulemaking process for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) discharges.
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A Green Future for Stormwater Management
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New National Emerging Contaminants Research Initiative
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FERC Order No. 881-A Has Implications for NERC Compliance Programs
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Support an Integrated EHS/ESG Management System
juin 10, 2022
What is FERC and NERC Compliance? At its May 2022 meeting, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued Order No. 881-A, to clarify a December 2021 order that represented a major change in utility operating practices and planning. In the new order, FERC denied requests for rehearing Order No. 881, and reaffirmed its Ambient Adjusted Ratings (AAR) pronouncements. These actions will have a significant impact on NERC compliance programs related to both PRC standards and facilities ratings. Utilities should review the Order’s requirements and prepare for changes needed to remain compliant. Order 881-A Requirements The new FERC order specifically requires: Public utility transmission providers to deliver transmission service; Regional transmission organizations and independent system operators (RTO/ISO) to establish and implement the systems and procedures necessary to allow transmission owners to electronically update transmission line ratings at least hourly; Public utility transmission providers to use uniquely determined emergency ratings Public utility transmission owners to share transmission line ratings and transmission line rating methodologies with their respective transmission provider(s) and with market monitors in RTOs/ISOs; and Public utility transmission providers to maintain a database of transmission owners’ transmission line ratings and transmission line rating methodologies on the transmission provider’s Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS) site or other password-protected websites.
NERC’s Revised PRC-024-3 Standard for Inverter-Based Generation Effective in October 2022
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FERC Issues Notice of Inquiry Regarding Dynamic Line Ratings
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How to Use an Integrated Approach To Manage EHS and ESG Risks
avril 20, 2022
Inverter-based resources are being added to the power system at an increasing rate due to renewable energy mandates and clean energy goals. Because the current NERC standards were written long before this trend, many are being updated to ensure continued reliability and resilience under new and emerging conditions. Most notably, changes to PRC-024-3 in support of inverter-based generation performance are going into effect in October of this year. Interconnection programs and documentation procedures may need to be updated in order to maintain compliance. Generation Losses Highlight Need for Change From August 2016 to May 2018, there were numerous instances where renewable inverter-based generating resources performed inadequately after what should have been routine transmission system disturbances such as lighting strikes or trip and reclose situations. Power generation losses in these events varied from a low of 30 MW to a high of 1,200 MW, compounding reliability and resilience concerns.
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New NERC Guidance Supports the Implementation of Grid Forming Inverters
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NERC Recommends Approaches for Underfrequency Load Shedding Programs
février 24, 2022
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NERC and FERC Recommend Protection System Commissioning Improvements
janvier 18, 2022
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FERC & NERC Issue Joint Report on Freeze Reliability Failures
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NERC Accelerates Additional Cold Weather Standards Changes
novembre 22, 2021
At its November 2021 meeting, NERC’s Board of Trustees took aggressive action to advance critical cold weather Reliability Standards. Most notably, the group approved the 2022-2024 Reliability Standards Development Plan, which prioritizes standards projects for the coming years including a resolution to include new cold weather operations, preparedness and coordination standards as high priority development projects.
OSHA’s National Emphasis Program on Heat-Related Illness and Injuries
novembre 3, 2021
On September 20, 2021 in an OSHA National News Release, OSHA published a memorandum establishing an enforcement initiative that is designed to prevent and protect employees from heat-related illnesses and death. This initiative, which develops a National Emphasis Program (NEP) on heat inspections, is an expansion of an already existing Regional Emphasis Program (REP) in OSHA’s Region VI, which covers Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.
New Potential Compliance Standards Identified at FERC Technical Conference on Reliability
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NJDEP Implements New Jersey Environmental Justice Law Through Administrative Order
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On September 22, 2021, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Commissioner announced the issuance of Administrative Order (AO) No. 2021-25 to implement New Jersey’s Environmental Justice (EJ) Law. This order is effective immediately, and applicants seeking to site new major source facilities, renew major source permits or expand existing facilities with major source permits (e.g., Title V air permits) in overburdened communities are affected. There are more than 4.5 million people that live within 331 municipalities that are overburdened communities in the state of New Jersey.
OSHA Returns to In-Person Inspections As COVID-19 Restrictions Lift
août 4, 2021
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juillet 18, 2021
TRC is teaming with T.D. Williamson to help oil and gas clients navigate the compliance issues surrounding PHMSA’s upcoming Gas Mega Rule.
NERC Proposes Revisions to CIP-008
mars 27, 2021
NERC’s CIP-008 standard aims to mitigate reliability risks resulting from a Cyber Security Incident by specifying incident response requirements. Newly proposed revisions would augment mandatory reporting to include incidents that compromise, or attempt to compromise, a utility’s Electronic Security Perimeter (ESP) or associated Electronic Access Control or Monitoring Systems (EACMS).
EPA continues to aggressively address PFAS wastewater with two new strategies
janvier 4, 2021
EPA takes steps toward PFAS wastewater and storm water permitting, and analytical methods for testing.
Ecological Risk of PFAS from AFFF-Impacted Sites
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The facts on evaluating exposure to wildlife
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TRC and Environmental Partners, Inc. (EPI) have entered into definitive agreement for the sale of EPI’s business
novembre 25, 2019
TRC and Environmental Partners, Inc. (EPI) have entered into definitive agreement for the sale of EPI’s business
Targeting Perfection in the Construction and Operation of Pipelines
octobre 18, 2019
To have an impact on the delivery or operation of a pipeline, it’s vital to eliminate the intra- and inter-company barriers, including those in the areas of communications, culture and technology.
How Much Does Operator Qualification Matter for In-Line Inspection of Pipelines?
octobre 9, 2019
Successful pipeline inspectors and analysts need more than just the right certifications. Even more important is proper experience and on-the-job training.
PHMSA Publishes New Rules to Increase the Safety of Hazardous Liquid Pipelines and Gas Transmission Pipelines
septembre 25, 2019
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration this week published important new rules aimed at improving pipeline safety.
NERC Calls for New Approach to Reliability Planning Due to Gas Supply Disruption Risks
Décembre 14, 2017
A recently published NERC report concludes that as reliance on natural gas to meet electric generation requirements increases, additional planning and operational measures must be considered to mitigate power system reliability risks.
Catriona Smith
Catriona (Cat) Smith has over 30 years of professional experience in the interpretation and application of regulations for industrial facilities relating to compliance, remediation and negotiations with regulatory agencies. Her clients include upstream and downstream oil and gas, chem-pharma, petrochem, manufacturing and federal, state, and local governments. Ms. Smith is a Vice President and Environmental Sector Market Director for TRC, with nationwide responsibilities to manage our clients’ PFAS challenges, support and grow our Oil and Gas clients and bring multi-disciplinary solutions to their complex projects. Contact Cat at
Liz Ardell
Liz Ardell has over 25 years of experience in environmental consulting, focusing on Oil Pollution Act compliance, stormwater and wastewater permitting, environmental due diligence; hazardous waste compliance, and environmental management information system design and implementation.