novembre 15, 2021

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria can direct investors’ decisions regarding which companies they choose to support. Each component plays a crucial role in risk assessment. Investors always want to reduce their risks, and examining businesses’ practices in these areas can help determine whether they are worth supporting. Many investors also want to support companies whose values align with their own. 
Governance is the third facet of ESG, and it’s often the most misunderstood as its impact can be less evident than environmental and social factors. Governance refers to the decision-making of companies, and it may encompass: 

  • Company leadership tactics
  • Pay for executives
  • Internal controls put in place for accounting
  • Stakeholder involvement

Understanding Governance in ESG

While investors focus on environmental and social factors to gauge whether a company is a good fit for their value-based decisions, governance can be a determining factor.. Poor decisions related to corporate governance have the potential todevalue a company.  Most big scandals in corporate America occur because of bad governance, such as Enron’s deceptive accounting practices. Failure to evolve is also tied to governance. It includes how companies respond to adversity, and some lack structures to deal with such consequences. 

Governance remains such a nuanced area that some companies may not meet all the measured criteria. That is expected, but they should meet basic ones, such as avoiding illegal practices. Conflicts of interest in choosing board members can also be navigated easily. Risk mitigation is always an important practice in business, and using a common-sense approach can result in effective governance. 

Why ESG Matters to Your Corporate Strategy

Companies that rank low in governance ratings assume more risk. When problems occur, systems are not in place to deal with them effectively. For instance, if accounting practices are not accurate and transparent, it creates a host of problems that a company may not know how to address. If shareholder rights are vague, what happens when stakeholders assert influence? 

Your corporate strategy will strengthen if you pay attention to governance and the other aspects of ESG. Leadership accountability limits conflicts of interest that can damage a company. Companies must have primary oversight of CEOs and other executives. Otherwise, they can indulge in behavior that puts their personal interests ahead of the company’s rather than the company’s. A corporation with proper governance can fully thrive. Whether a company values profits or stakeholder benefits, it should adhere to good governance to reduce risk.


Finding an ESG Consultant

Do you need an ESG consultant to assist with your corporate policy? TRC provides risk assessment for ESG and corporate convergence as well as the other criteria. Our ESG consultants look at the big picture to inform you of your risk and help you address areas where you fall short. Our team members have gained experience in the field and offer responsive assistance. Learn more about us and contact us today. 

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Prendre le crédit

mars 15, 2024

Une introduction à l’Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) – le plus grand investissement climatique de l’histoire du gouvernement fédéral américain – examinant ce que les gestionnaires d’EH &S doivent savoir sur cette législation de grande portée.

Mises à jour réglementaires

Règles de la SEC en faveur des divulgations liées au climat

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Dans une décision climatique tant attendue, la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) a statué 3-2 en faveur des divulgations liées au climat le 6 mars 2024.

Mises à jour réglementaires

L’EPA propose des règles pour la redevance sur les émissions de déchets imposée par l’IRA pour le méthane

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Mises à jour réglementaires

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Agrivoltaics: A Sustainable Way to Harvest Sunshine

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Optimizing Offsets

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New Jersey Implements Landmark Environmental Justice Regulations

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A new landmark Environmental Justice (EJ) law is now effective in New Jersey following a lengthy rulemaking process surrounding the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s (NJDEP) Administration Order (AO) No. 2021-25. It is the first rule of its kind and the strongest EJ regulation in the nation.


EPA Proposes Regulation of Green House Gas Emissions

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California Advances Plastic Packaging Law

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Community Benefits Plans – A Winning Formula for Federal Funding

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Mises à jour réglementaires

New Executive Order 14096 Broadens Environmental Justice Initiatives

mai 9, 2023

Executive Order 14096, Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All, seeks to deepen the Biden administration’s “whole-of-government” approach to environmental justice (EJ) by fully integrating the consideration of unserved and overburdened communities and populations into all aspects of federal agency planning and delivery of services.



février 8, 2023

Agrivoltaics is the simultaneous use of land for both solar photovoltaic power generation and agriculture.


VaporSafe™ Continuous Air Monitoring Technology

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Green and Sustainable Remediation

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How to Develop a Climate Resiliency Plan for Extreme Weather Events

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Carbon Sequestration

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Mises à jour réglementaires

Proactive Enforcement is Key in the EPA FY2022-2026 Strategy

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Mises à jour réglementaires

Preparing for EPA Inspections in Environmental Justice Communities

octobre 4, 2022

The EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Have Expanded Goals to Strengthen Enforcement and Protections Within EJ Communities


TRC Companies Inc. welcomes the Founder and Key Principals of ESG Advisory Firm Enzo Advisors, LLC

septembre 27, 2022

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A Green Future for Stormwater Management

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Green Stormwater Management is an effective strategy for flood control and pollution mitigation.


ESG Social Criteria

juin 22, 2022

ESG criteria involve many different factors. In this article, we look at the social aspect of ESG criteria. Contact TRC today to develop your ESG strategy!


ESG vs. CSR | Differences, Definitions & Implementation

juin 19, 2022

ESG and CSR both address the need for corporate social responsibility in businesses but in different ways. Click here to learn more about ESG vs. CSR!


Climate Action and Environmental Justice are at the Forefront of EPA’s Strategic Plan

juin 14, 2022

The EPA issued its Fiscal Year 2022-2026 Strategic Plan. Although the strategic plans emphases often change with administrations, we can be reasonably certain that the Plan reflects priorities through 2024.


What Are ESG Ratings and How Are They Given?

juin 12, 2022

Your ESG rating can make or break your business’s attractiveness to investors. Learn more about ESG ratings and how they work with TRS Company!


TRC Companies Pledges to Achieve Net Zero GHG Emissions by 2040

avril 26, 2022

TRC Companies, a digitally powered and environmentally focused global professional services firm, announced its commitment to achieve Net Zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across its full value chain by 2040, aligning with the most ambitious aim of the Paris Agreement to limit global temperature rises to 1.5 °C.


Why Are ESG Frameworks Important?

avril 13, 2022

ESG standards significantly impact long-term growth, leading many companies to integrate ESG reporting into their corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies. ESG frameworks are broad and diverse, and establishing a reporting system that covers your industry’s most relevant metrics can be challenging.


How Does ESG Address Social Concerns?

février 1, 2022

Social criteria encompass relationship management and how the company fits into the community where it produces its goods or services. Learn more.


How Does ESG Address Corporate Governance?

novembre 15, 2021

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria can direct investors’ decisions regarding which companies they choose to support. Each component plays a crucial role in risk assessment.


How Does ESG Address Environmental Concerns?

octobre 22, 2021

When investors consider where to put their money, they may examine environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria, learn about a company’s core values and decide if they align with their own. Young people, in particular, search out this information to make decisions that align with their morals.


What Is Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance?

octobre 10, 2021

Several key considerations help determine whether an investor decides to support a particular company. While many factors can tip the scales, investors are increasingly seeking out businesses that uphold higher standards. Therefore, companies should openly communicate their standards to make it easier for investors to understand their values.

Mises à jour réglementaires

NJDEP Implements New Jersey Environmental Justice Law Through Administrative Order

octobre 5, 2021

On September 22, 2021, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Commissioner announced the issuance of Administrative Order (AO) No. 2021-25 to implement New Jersey’s Environmental Justice (EJ) Law. This order is effective immediately, and applicants seeking to site new major source facilities, renew major source permits or expand existing facilities with major source permits (e.g., Title V air permits) in overburdened communities are affected. There are more than 4.5 million people that live within 331 municipalities that are overburdened communities in the state of New Jersey.


Screening ESG Risks in Autonomous Robotics Investments

septembre 9, 2021

Environmental, social & governance (ESG) issues are important considerations with autonomous robotics due to potential reputational risks.


Cryptocurrency: The Environmental Threats and Opportunities

août 9, 2021

Cryptocurrency (also known as crypto) is taking the fintech industry by storm, despite the economic experts who still dismiss it as a viable form of currency. Although often criticized for this volatility, whistleblowers are also further shining a light on the severe toll that these digital currencies are taking on the environment.

Livres blancs/rapports

Managing EHS & ESG Risks Through Integrated Systems Today and Beyond

juillet 22, 2021

It has been more than 50 years since the development and establishment of the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the federal Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) which were formed to protect our environment and workplaces across the United States. Significant laws, policies and regulations followed to establish the “regulatory programs” that all applicable businesses and entities must address and meet to ensure these compliance-driven legislative programs would create a foundation to protect our society.


The View on Climate Change has Changed in Washington

mars 1, 2021

The Biden Administration signals both a renewed and accelerated focus on climate change.


EHS Due Diligence in 2022

Décembre 7, 2020

Some of observations and trends in the EHS due diligence market since the beginning of the pandemic.


TRC Announces Collaboration with Greenstone Reinforcing Integrated ESG, Sustainability and Climate Risk Solutions

juin 26, 2020

The dominant trend in improving the efficiency and profitability of the logistics and supply chain industry will continue to be achieved through automation. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues can be important considerations for investments in this sector due to potential reputational risks for the acquiring entity. Key issues include negative publicity surrounding the perception of job elimination, as well as the procurement of specialty materials required to produce batteries and other components of autonomous robots. The recycling or responsible disposal at the end of the life of the product is also a key focus especially in Europe. TRC was asked to provide ESG risk screening for a foreign auto manufacturer’s investment in a U.S.-based autonomous robotics company. A two-step approach was taken to access the risks associated with this target. The first step evaluated the inherent risks of the target company’s sector based on its geographical spread and operations using public information like the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the CDC Investment Works Toolkit. The second step involved deeper analysis of ESG risk assessments & insights based on a review of specific controls that the company uses to manage its risks. This included a questionnaire, reviewing company documents and programs, and interviewing company representatives.

Livres blancs/rapports

COVID-19 and Implications for ESG Investing

juin 3, 2020

This global pandemic has exposed business vulnerabilities and recalibrated material Environmental Social and Governance factors for investors.