Require generator owners, transmission owners, and distribution providers to share validated modeling, planning, operations, and disturbance monitoring data for IBRs with system operators and planners.
Authors: Dylan Achey & Jim Whitaker, PE | janvier 9, 2023
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) recently proposed actions to keep the regulatory process and requirements ahead of reliability risks resulting from the accelerated deployment of Inverter Based Resources (IBR) based solar, wind and battery storage projects. FERC’s actions call for the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) to develop a plan to register IBR technology-based equipment.
Additionally, FERC proposes to accelerate the development of standards-related to IBR facilities data sharing, modeling, studies and performance requirements. TRC clients are advised to follow these developments closely, as FERC’s actions will substantially increase registration and compliance requirements.
IBR technology projects are not directly synchronized to the electric power system and must be programmed to “ride through” disturbances to avoid tripping offline during routine system disturbances. The current power system was designed with the generation fleet consisting predominately of synchronous generation that through inertia would ride through disturbance events such as tripping and reclosing of transmission lines. However, based on numerous system disturbances reported by NERC linked to IBR technology, FERC has become concerned that the existing Reliability Standards inadequately address the aggregate impact risk to reliability created by IBR deployment. For example on December 9, 2022 NERC and Texas Regional Entity issued their Events Analysis Report on the second Odessa, Texas area disturbance which outlines in great detail the failure modes and reliability risks resulting from failure to coordinate Inverter based resources control systems. The report outlines numerous immediate actions required to assure the preservation of reliability through the industry transition to renewable resources.
To address these concerns, FERC recently took the actions summarized below.
Related Services
NERC Registration of Inverter-Based Resources
In its Registration of Inverter-Based Resources Order, FERC addresses the aggregate reliability impact of the subset of renewable projects currently exempt from NERC’s Reliability Standards. Many IBRs are exempt because they do not meet the “bright line” test requiring them to register with NERC (i.e., if the generating facility’s aggregate capacity exceeds 75 MVA sharing a point of interconnection to the transmission system at a voltage at or above 100 kV). NERC has found in several instances that the aggregate impact of such IBRs tripping offline can make recovery from the disturbance more difficult.
To address this demonstrated gap in the reliability regulations, FERC directed NERC to submit a “work plan” to identify and register unregistered IBRs that, “in the aggregate, have a material impact on the reliable operation of the Bulk-Power System.” NERC must submit its work plan by February 15, 2023. The order provides that all such IBR owners and operators will be identified and registered within three years of FERC approving NERC’s work plan.
Many IBRs connecting to the Bulk-Power System do not individually meet the current Bulk Electric System (BES) definition, and thus, are not registered with NERC. This means that those IBRs below the BES threshold currently are not required to comply with mandatory Reliability Standards or respond to NERC alerts. TRC clients are advised to stay informed regarding NERC’s plans to bring these IBR projects into the regulatory framework.
Proposal to Require Reliability Standards to Address Inverter-Based Resources
The industry is preparing comments on FERC’s proposal to require NERC to create new IBR related Reliability Standards. FERC also proposes that once FERC issues a final rule, NERC must submit the new or modified Reliability Standards for FERC approval.
In its proposal to address Reliability Standards for IBRs, FERC directed NERC to submit new or modified standards to tackle four issues:
Ensure that IBR models are comprehensive, validated, and timely, so that they can adequately predict the behavior of all IBRs and their impacts on reliability.
Ensure that validated IBR models are included in planning and operational studies to assess IBRs’ reliability impacts, both individually and taken together.
Ensure that registered IBRs provide frequency and voltage support during frequency and voltage excursions adequate to contribute toward the overall system needs
FERC Order on Registration of Inverter-Based Resources
Publié novembre 17, 2022
FERC NOPR on Reliability Standards to Address Inverter-Based Resources
Publié novembre 17, 2022
TRC Services – NERC Compliance
Your Trusted Regulatory Advisor:
The forgoing FERC actions are significant regulatory events. TRC closely follows the national and state regulatory trends in all regions of North America. Our approach to power system engineering, planning, design, construction and commissioning testing, balances solutions that incorporate industry reliability risk trends, mandatory reliability standard requirements, regulatory guidance, compliance obligations, best practices, operational goals, and budgets. With expertise in power system engineering, planning and operations, TRC supports public utilities and private energy providers in their efforts to stay ahead of the curve and to meet or exceed regulatory requirements as they evolve.
This regulatory update is provided as a service to TRC’s utility clients, helping to keep you informed of forward-looking issues that will impact your company’s electric system reliability risks along with related topics regarding regulatory developments to help you achieve your company’s business goals.
NERC Compliance News From TRC
Get the Latest Updates! Frequently changing regulatory requirements can impact your power engineering, design and compliance related processes in both the near and long term.
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La NERC approuve les normes liées à l’IBR ayant une incidence sur la production d’énergie renouvelable
octobre 31, 2024
Les normes seront bientôt déposées et en attente de l’approbation finale de la FERC. La NERC a également voté en faveur de l’amélioration de la définition de la conduite pour inclure la « capacité de résister aux perturbations de tension ou de fréquence à l’intérieur des limites définies et de continuer à fonctionner comme spécifié ».
Qu’est-ce qu’une ressource énergétique distribuée ?
septembre 5, 2024
Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur les ressources énergétiques distribuées intégrées et sur la façon d’en choisir une qui profite à vos besoins uniques avec les entreprises TRC.
Décarbonisation 101
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Apprenez à intégrer des pratiques de décarbonisation pour réduire votre contribution aux émissions de dioxyde de carbone. Travaillez à la durabilité avec nos solutions.
Currents of the Mid-Atlantic : Navigating Regional Dynamics of Offshore Wind
juin 14, 2024
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La NERC propose des modifications aux critères d’inscription des ressources basées sur les onduleurs (IBRs)
avril 19, 2024
La NERC a soumis à l’approbation de la FERC de nouveaux critères de conformité pour l’enregistrement des RCI dans le cadre des efforts continus visant à réduire les risques de fiabilité. Il est essentiel que les développeurs d’énergie renouvelable, les propriétaires de production et les propriétaires de réseaux de transport comprennent les implications potentielles pour les études d’interconnexion et les files d’attente d’interconnexion.
Rediffusion du webinaire
mars 26, 2024
La NERC a soumis à l’approbation de la FERC de nouveaux critères de conformité pour l’enregistrement des RCI dans le cadre des efforts continus visant à réduire les risques de fiabilité. Il est essentiel que les développeurs d’énergie renouvelable, les propriétaires de production et les propriétaires de réseaux de transport comprennent les implications potentielles pour les études d’interconnexion et les files d’attente d’interconnexion. Comme il est expliqué dans son dépôt, la NERC propose de mettre à jour les critères de registre du propriétaire du générateur et de l’exploitant de générateurs (« GO » et « GOP ») afin d’inclure une nouvelle catégorie (« OG de catégorie 2 » et « GOP de catégorie 2 ») d’entités qui possèdent ou exploitent des ressources génératrices non basées sur des onduleurs BES qui : Avoir ou contribuer à une capacité nominale globale supérieure ou égale à 20 MVA, ou Connecté par un système conçu principalement pour fournir une telle capacité à un point commun de connexion à une tension supérieure ou égale à 60 kV.
Se préparer à l’avenir des études sur les systèmes d’alimentation, aujourd’hui
février 9, 2024
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Les avantages et les défis des microréseaux
février 1, 2024
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L’ordonnance 901 de la FERC demande des normes pour combler les lacunes en matière de fiabilité de l’IBR
novembre 27, 2023
Les ressources basées sur les onduleurs jouent un rôle central lorsqu’il s’agit d’ajouter une nouvelle capacité de production d’électricité dans le système d’alimentation en vrac.
La NERC publie une série de webinaires sur les ressources basées sur les onduleurs
octobre 19, 2023
Alors que le système de distribution d’électricité continue d’évoluer rapidement en raison des initiatives de politique de décarbonisation, les ressources basées sur des onduleurs (IBRs) jouent un rôle de plus en plus important dans les ajouts de production au système d’alimentation en vrac. La NERC et d’autres organisations techniques ont pris de nombreuses mesures pour appuyer l’intégration fiable de ces ressources.
Agrivoltaics: A Sustainable Way to Harvest Sunshine
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Intro to NERC Regulatory Guidance on Inverter-Based Resources
août 29, 2023
As renewable energy proliferates across the US power system, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) continues to actively address reliability risks resulting from the implementation of inverter-based resources (solar and wind generation technology) connected at both transmission and Distributed Energy Resources (DER) levels.
Clean Energy Skills Workshops
août 16, 2023
Partnering With Local High Schools to Recruit the Next Generation of Clean Energy Workers.
Proposed Coal Combustion Residuals Legacy CCR Surface Impoundments Rule – Status of Public Comments
juillet 31, 2023
TRC has submitted public comments related to EPA’s proposed compliance timeline and schedule.
The Rise of Agrivoltaics
juillet 18, 2023
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FERC Approves Plan to Register Certain Inverter-Based Resources as part of NERC Mandatory Standards Compliance Program
juin 21, 2023
FERC issued an order approving NERC’s compliance filings.
The Future of Decarbonization: Is Hydrogen the Next Big Thing?
mai 3, 2023
Hydrogen’s scalability and flexibility make it a pragmatic choice for a variety of successful applications in both the near term and long term.
3 Things to Consider for a Successful ADMS and DERMS Integration
mars 23, 2023
Gain insight on several key points when strategizing and integrating two crucial systems successfully
Insights from the Odessa II Power System Disturbance
février 22, 2023
NERC and TRE release the Odessa II Power System Disturbance Report
février 8, 2023
Agrivoltaics is the simultaneous use of land for both solar photovoltaic power generation and agriculture.
New FERC Orders Will Change Regulatory Process for Inverter Based Resources
janvier 9, 2023
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) recently proposed actions to keep the regulatory process and requirements ahead of reliability risks resulting from the accelerated deployment of Inverter Based Resources (IBR) based solar, wind and battery storage projects.
Transportation Electrification
novembre 3, 2022
Lessons from TVA’s Non-Road EV (NREV) Program
NERC Releases Inverter-Based Resource Strategy Plan
octobre 25, 2022
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) recently released an Inverter-Based Resource (IBR) Strategy, which details the steps needed to successfully integrate IBR facilities into the planning and operation of the power system. The strategy was put in place due to the rapid interconnection of IBR systems, which are extensively used for solar and wind generating facilities, including new battery-based energy storage systems and are one of the most significant drivers of power grid transformation. Because of control system inconsistencies, IBR facilities pose well-documented risks to power system reliability when this strategy’s practices are not adhered to. NERC’s plan calls attention to the need for thoughtful integration of IBRs and identifies current and future work required to mitigate reliability risks resulting from the deployment of this technology.
Q&A: Insights for Growing Utility-Scale Renewable Generation
septembre 29, 2022
TRC’s Senior Vice President of Renewable answers key questions to help utilities and developers overcome challenges associated with an increase in renewable generation.
The Social Side of Resiliency
août 30, 2022
For community leaders, rebuilding in the wake of disasters creates an opportunity to do more than simply replace homes with the fastest, least-expensive structures.
TRC Companies Inc. acquires Blue Oak Energy
juillet 12, 2022
TRC Companies announces the acquisition of Blue Oak Energy, a firm that specializes in engineering for photovoltaic solar energy projects.
New NERC Guidance Supports the Implementation of Grid Forming Inverters
mars 8, 2022
NERC has issued a new report highlighting the key attributes of various inverter controls to support proper implementation and to protect reliability.
TRC Acquires ESS Group, Expanding Power & Renewable Energy and Coastal Engineering Capabilities
février 16, 2022
Today TRC Companies, announced the expansion of its power & renewable energy and coastal engineering capabilities with the acquisition of ESS Group.
Ordonnance no 2222 de la FERC, DER et technologie de l’énergie
février 1, 2022
La FERC a publié le projet d’émission O. 2222 pour permettre aux ressources énergétiques distribuées (DER) de mieux participer aux côtés des ressources traditionnelles dans les marchés de gros régionaux et organisés.
The Future of Onshore Wind Energy
Décembre 17, 2021
Wind power has become a major source of energy that has gained traction across the world. As the push for more sustainable energy practices and technologies increases, so does the importance of harnessing wind as a power source.
Land Siting for Solar Projects
Décembre 16, 2021
Learn more about the development, design and procurement processes key to evaluating agricultural or other properties for large scale solar projects.
Decarbonization: A Systems-Level Challenge and Actions to Address Climate Change
Décembre 7, 2021
Carbon elimination of the magnitude needed to address climate change requires systems-level change that can only be reached by incremental, ground-up progress, building upon what we have achieved thus far.
Using GIS Technology to Find Solar Development Sites
novembre 28, 2021
Renewable energy developers are in a race to find the optimal places for solar projects. GIS technology identifies the best locations.
How Do Energy Storage Systems Work?
octobre 18, 2021
For more than five decades, TRC has brought efficient, resilient energy systems to the world. We understand the challenges of implementing energy storage projects.
What Is a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)?
septembre 30, 2021
BESS function similarly to the battery used in a flashlight, storing and offering power when needed. However, a BESS works on a larger scale and charges differently.
NERC’s Generator Relay Loadability Standard is Now in Effect
août 30, 2021
Many companies want to harness the power of green energy. Doing so depends on finding the proper method of deploying this type of energy once it has been produced. Renewable energy requires a reliable and accessible storage method, and a battery energy storage system (BESS) can assist with these needs. Understanding the components of battery energy storage may give energy producers better power system flexibility and allow a more significant level of integration of renewable energy. BESS function similarly to the battery used in a flashlight, storing and offering power when needed. However, a BESS works on a larger scale and charges differently. It relies on algorithms to determine when energy should be produced and sent to the grid. By syncing this release with the periods when energy sees the most demand (energy peaks), electricity costs remain stable, and the supply keeps coming.
La NERC cherche à améliorer les rapports sur le rendement de la fiabilité du GADS
août 26, 2021
En vertu de la loi habilitante qui a créé l’Electric Reliability Organization, la NERC est responsable d’évaluer le rendement fiable du réseau électrique. L’une des façons dont la NERC le fait est d’obtenir un système de rapports de l’industrie pour la production et le transport. Le Système de données sur la disponibilité des générateurs (GADS) est utilisé par la NERC et l’industrie depuis plus de 40 ans pour obtenir des données sur la composante de production du système électrique[1]. En raison de l’évolution rapide de la composition des ressources de production, il est essentiel que NERC dispose de données complètes sur les installations, les événements, les pannes et les performances pour la production photovoltaïque et éolienne afin d’assurer la fiabilité. À mesure que les technologies renouvelables sont de plus en plus déployées, un ensemble complet de statistiques sur le rendement des actifs de production est nécessaire pour permettre à la NERC d’évaluer la capacité du système à répondre à la charge, la performance du réseau électrique et de prévoir tout problème de fiabilité potentiel en raison de l’insuffisance des ressources. Par conséquent, la NERC propose d’apporter les améliorations suivantes au processus de collecte de données GADS pour la production d’énergie renouvelable : Ajouter les propriétaires de générateurs qui exploitent des installations solaires photovoltaïques de 20 MW ou plus au Système de données sur la disponibilité de la production (appelé « GADS-PV ») ; et Élargir les rapports GADS Wind (« GADS-W ») pour inclure le stockage d’énergie connectée et le rapport d’événements.
What is Clean Energy: A Discussion of the Future of Clean Energy
juin 21, 2021
Clean energy is a broad term with a fluctuating definition and a complicated lifecycle. We explore the issue, and hope to establish a more productive dialogue about our energy future.
Requirements to Growing US Offshore Wind Industry
mai 24, 2021
Growing US Offshore Wind Industry Requires Reshoring of Materials and Supply Chain Optimization
TRC and Marvel Announce RNG Development Support Partnership
mai 20, 2021
TRC and the Marvel Power Group have teamed up to offer a full suite of development and off-take contracting services to the Renewable Natural Gas industry.
Transition vers l’abandon des hydrocarbures
mai 15, 2021
La transition du pétrole et du gaz vers les énergies renouvelables a nécessité des recherches technologiques complexes. La production d’énergie durable est devenue une priorité dans le monde entier. Bien que la transition ait été lente, les progrès technologiques sont prometteurs. Lorsqu’ils abordent une transition énergétique, les dirigeants devraient tenir compte de toutes les différentes avenues possibles et de leurs impacts potentiels. De nombreuses sources d’énergie alternatives sont disponibles, chacune avec ses propres avantages et inconvénients.
Comment faire passer un projet renouvelable de la planification à la construction
mai 15, 2021
Un changement sociétal généralisé est en cours – le moment est venu de réduire la dépendance aux combustibles fossiles et de commencer des projets d’énergie renouvelable. Parmi ceux qui devraient participer, il y a les entreprises de services publics. Ils peuvent faire preuve d’une bonne conscience sociale et bénéficier d’un retour sur investissement (ROI) notable en mettant en œuvre des projets d’énergie renouvelable. Dans ce chapitre, vous en apprendrez davantage sur le processus d’investissement dans les énergies renouvelables. Utilisez ce guide de développement de projets d’énergie renouvelable pour vous aider à démarrer.
L’économie de la transition vers les énergies renouvelables
mai 15, 2021
L’un des plus grands obstacles à la transition vers les énergies renouvelables est la spéculation sur son impact économique. Certains craignent que le passage aux énergies renouvelables ne provoque une instabilité dans l’économie, entraînant des pertes d’emplois. De nombreuses communautés à travers les États-Unis dépendent de l’impact économique de la production, de la fabrication ou de la prise de part à l’utilisation d’hydrocarbures.
Impacts environnementaux de la transition vers les énergies renouvelables
mai 15, 2021
La transition vers les sources d’énergie renouvelables aura des répercussions environnementales et économiques notables. Pour comprendre les implications possibles, vous aurez besoin d’une connaissance de base de la façon dont les combustibles fossiles affectent l’environnement.
Speak With the Experts at TRC
mai 15, 2021
TRC can help companies navigate their transition from hydrocarbons to renewables.
Transitioning from Hydrocarbons to Renewable Energy
mai 15, 2021
This guide details the questions to ask and factors to consider when transitioning from hydrocarbons to renewable energy sources.
TRC to Oversee $104 Million Demolition Project at Los Angeles’ Haynes Generating Station
avril 24, 2021
TRC to dismantle and remove four decommissioned generating units in Long Beach, Calif., to pave way for LADWP’s clean grid initiatives.
NERC Issues Battery Energy Storage Systems Reliability Guidance
avril 22, 2021
While NERC has recently published a reliability guideline addressing inverter-based resources generally, they are now giving more attention to the various potential uses of BESS to support effective implementation with newly released guidance.
TRC Talks – Integrated Solutions for Renewable Energy
avril 7, 2021
Close coordination when planning the electrical and civil design components of a renewable energy project is critical to development success. Working with a multi-disciplinary team can streamline approval processes and ensure optimum constructability.
Product Quality Verification is Fundamental to Commercialization of Biogas from Waste Streams
mars 2, 2021
In this the first of a two-part series, the authors examine the production of biogas produced by anaerobic digestion and its upgrading to renewable natural gas.
The View on Climate Change has Changed in Washington
mars 1, 2021
The Biden Administration signals both a renewed and accelerated focus on climate change.
Green Insider Podcast featuring TRC’s Sr. Vice President of Renewables, Matt Beaton
janvier 25, 2021
Our experts discuss the challenges of working on the opportunities of offshore wind and hydroelectric power, and strategies to advance broad clean energy reform.
NERC Proposes Revision of Pending TPL-001-5.1 Standard
janvier 20, 2021
NERC has recently undertaken important standards and guidance development activities related to the proliferation of inverter-based technologies such as solar and wind generation, as well as battery energy storage which is growing as an industry solution to ensure the reliability of renewable power for end-use customers.
TRC Companies Inc. Expands Environmental and Renewable Energy Capabilities with the Acquisition of Shoener Environmental
Décembre 2, 2020
Today TRC Companies, announces the expansion of its environmental and renewable energy capabilities with the acquisition of Shoener Environmental.
TRC Talks – Renewable Energy
novembre 24, 2020
Our experts discuss TRC’s integrated approach to renewable energy development.
City of Camarillo, California approves moving forward with Hybrid Solar Microgrids at five critical community facilities
novembre 6, 2020
On October 28, the Camarillo City Council unanimously approved moving forward with the design of Hybrid Microgrids at five City facilities: City Hall, the Corporation Yard, Camarillo Public Library, Police Station, and Wastewater Treatment Plant. The microgrid at the Camarillo Public Library will be designed with solar+storage only, while the other four sites will employ a hybrid design of solar+storage+diesel.
TRC Digital partners with Dominion Energy to evolve its distributed energy resource strategy
septembre 22, 2020
Dominion Energy, one of the nation’s largest producers and transporters of energy, has partnered with TRC Digital to evaluate, implement and integrate technology to further the utility’s distributed energy goals. TRC Digital will facilitate Dominion Energy’s strategy development and technology execution, allowing Dominion Energy and its customers to accelerate the shift to distributed energy resources (DER) and net carbon reduction.
Microgrids: A mega-opportunity for electric utilities
juin 2, 2020
For the traditional electric utility business model, microgrids could be perceived as a financial threat. But we see many ways microgrids can be both moneymakers and cost-savers for utilities.
MCE Announces Partner for Comprehensive Energy Storage Program
mai 12, 2020
TRC will help support MCE’s community and vulnerable customer resiliency efforts
TRC Digital and Enbala can help utilities monitor, control and optimize distributed energy resources
avril 17, 2020
Distributed energy resources (DERs) are changing the way utilities think about power generation and energy flow. TRC and Enbala can offer utilities a multi-layered solution that highlights the strengths of each company.
Why Coal Ash Impoundments and Landfills Make Great Solar Sites
septembre 25, 2019
Hundreds of coal ash sites are set to close over the next decade and could make ideal, low-impact locations for utility-scale solar farms.
NERC to Modify Standard and Develop Compliance Guidance to Accommodate Inverter-Based Generation Technologies
février 20, 2019
Renewable energy systems have dramatically changed the power generation resource mix. These new generation technologies no longer involve directly coupled rotating generators which were once standard in the industry. Now, inverters that change Direct Current (DC) electricity to the Alternating Current (AC) electricity suitable for delivery via AC transmission systems are becoming more prevalent, raising reliability…
Tackling the Advanced Energy Frontier with TRC at ACEEE Summer Study
juillet 24, 2018
What will the grid of the future look like? Where are scientists and engineers breaking new ground to push energy efficiency even further? Join TRC at ACEEE Summer Study to find out.
New Approach to Migratory Bird Treaty Act Takes Flight
janvier 16, 2018
TRC examines the Department of Interior’s recent announcement that it will no longer prosecute incidental impacts to birds under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
TRC’s 2018 Predictions: Infrastructure Initiatives Intensify, Grids Get Smarter and Renewables Remain All the Rage
Décembre 13, 2017
LOWELL, Mass. – TRC Companies Inc., a leader in engineering, environmental consulting and construction-management services, today released its top predictions for 2018, which include federal and state governments pumping trillions into the nation’s aging infrastructure and utilities building smarter, more balanced grids.
NERC Identifies New Reliability Risk due to Utility Scale Solar Generation Inverter Design
juin 13, 2017
NERC has released a report documenting its findings and recommendations related to reliability risks from utility scale solar generation projects with implications for PRC-024 compliance, as well as generation, interconnection and protection system technologies.
Seeking a new FERC license for your hydroelectric project? Here are the 2 key questions to ask.
mars 22, 2017
Across the U.S., Department of Energy data show that some 2,200 hydroelectric projects produce more than 6 percent of all the electricity we consume, which amounts to more than one-third of all power generated in 2015 from renewable sources. Operations of many existing hydroelectric projects are governed by 30- to 50-year licenses issued by the…
Successful Interconnection of Utility Scale Solar Projects – Strategies to Stay on Schedule and on Budget
novembre 2, 2016
Growth in solar power creates challenges for both project proponents and utilities. TRC has reviewed hundreds of interconnection applications for utility partners, and we’ve learned important strategies for reducing the time and costs associated with interconnecting projects 1 megawatt or greater.
TRC Teams With BQ Energy for Award-Winning Solar Installation
janvier 13, 2016
TRC Companies has teamed with BQ Energy to develop the PatterSun solar installation, a project received a 2015 Chairman’s Award from The Business Council of New York.
Regional analysis of wind turbine-caused bat mortality
juillet 30, 2015
Wind energy has been the fastest-growing renewable energy source in the world. Studies have estimated bat fatalities at wind facilities, but direct comparisons of results is difficult and can be misleading due to numerous differences in protocols and methods used. We had a unique opportunity to compare fatality estimates from three wind facilities in southeastern
NERC Approves New Extreme Weather Planning Standard
janvier 22, 2025
On December 10, 2024, NERC’s Board of Trustees approved standard TPL-008-1 Transmission System Planning Performance Requirements for Extreme Temperature Events. The petition to approve the TPL-008-1 standard was filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on December 17, 2024 and will initiate the implementation plan upon final approval.
La FERC publie des directives pour améliorer la sécurité du réseau électrique et la conformité au CIP
septembre 30, 2024
Cette mise à jour fournit des détails du rapport du personnel de la FERC 2024 sur les audits CIP, afin que les services publics puissent améliorer la conformité et réduire les risques pour la sécurité.
La NERC publie son rapport sur l’état de fiabilité 2024
septembre 19, 2024
La North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) a récemment publié son rapport sur l’état de fiabilité 2024, examinant le rendement du réseau électrique au cours de l’année civile 2023.
Conformité des évaluations des installations grâce à une approche de la communauté d’entreprise
août 30, 2024
Les cotes d’installation jouent un rôle essentiel dans la planification et l’exploitation fiables du système électrique en vrac (BES) et pourtant, le maintien de la conformité aux normes NERC pertinentes reste un défi de l’industrie.
Les perturbations géomagnétiques extrêmes ont une incidence sur la planification de la NERC
août 8, 2024
Renseignez-vous sur les récentes perturbations géomagnétiques qui ont amené les intervenants du réseau électrique en vrac à réagir rapidement pour protéger la fiabilité du réseau. Découvrez les impacts et ce que la NERC et l’industrie font à ce sujet.
Preuves de conformité cohérentes de la NERC pour les résultats de la vérification réussie
juin 27, 2024
Alors que les services publics travaillent souvent dans des silos techniques, les auditeurs NERC sont formés pour vérifier les preuves de conformité et les données entre les normes interdépendantes.
Les nouvelles normes de la NERC aident à se protéger contre les cyberattaques
mai 23, 2024
Dans le cadre des efforts continus de la NERC pour renforcer les exigences en matière de protection des infrastructures essentielles (CIP) et permettre la mise en œuvre d’un concept d’amélioration de la sécurité connu sous le nom de virtualisation.
Succès de la conformité nerc grâce à une approche de la communauté d’entreprise
mai 6, 2024
Alors que les services publics travaillent souvent dans des silos techniques, les auditeurs NERC sont formés pour vérifier les preuves de conformité et les données entre les normes interdépendantes. Le travail en silo mène souvent à des situations par inadvertance où les preuves de conformité d’une norme sont utilisées, mais incompatibles avec l’information produite ou utilisée par d’autres normes. Pour assurer l’atteinte des objectifs de déclaration des preuves de conformité dans chaque norme et exigence applicable, il est important de déterminer les interrelations et de créer un cadre où les experts en la matière (PME) de toutes les disciplines techniques tiennent compte des exigences en matière de cohérence des données probantes. Les auditeurs de conformité nerc sont également formés pour examiner les flux de processus et identifier s’ils sont complets ou incomplets. Les vérificateurs déterminent la pertinence de l’information en examinant la qualité et l’exhaustivité des preuves de conformité. Examiner la pertinence, la validité, l’uniformité et la fiabilité des éléments probants utilisés pour atteindre les objectifs de fiabilité de la vérification et appuyer leurs constatations et conclusions. Si des éléments probants contradictoires sont trouvés, ils l’identifieront dans les conclusions officielles de leur rapport de vérification de l’entité régionale (ER), ce qui pourrait entraîner une violation de la conformité et des amendes connexes. Afin d’améliorer la probabilité de résultats favorables de la vérification de la conformité de la NERC et d’éviter la nécessité de mettre en œuvre des plans d’atténuation, les contributeurs individuels et les PME devraient examiner certaines preuves de conformité réticulées pour assurer l’uniformité entre les approches utilisées pour consigner les preuves de conformité. Cela permettra à une entreprise de consacrer plus de temps à l’exécution des tâches de fiabilité de base et d’améliorer les obligations réglementaires de l’entreprise. Évitez d’attendre que les vérifications de conformité des ER soient en cours pour identifier les situations de preuves contradictoires.
La NERC propose des modifications aux critères d’inscription des ressources basées sur les onduleurs (IBRs)
avril 19, 2024
La NERC a soumis à l’approbation de la FERC de nouveaux critères de conformité pour l’enregistrement des RCI dans le cadre des efforts continus visant à réduire les risques de fiabilité. Il est essentiel que les développeurs d’énergie renouvelable, les propriétaires de production et les propriétaires de réseaux de transport comprennent les implications potentielles pour les études d’interconnexion et les files d’attente d’interconnexion.
La NERC propose des clarifications aux normes de temps froid de l’EOP
mars 26, 2024
La NERC a soumis des propositions de révision à la norme EOP-012-2 – Norme de préparation et d’exploitation par temps extrêmement froid, aux fins d’approbation par la FERC sur une base accélérée. Les révisions proposées tiennent compte des recommandations clés restantes du rapport d’enquête conjoint de la FERC et de la NERC sur la tempête hivernale Uri et des directives découlant d’un arrêté de la FERC de 2023 concernant les normes de temps froid soumises précédemment.
La mise à jour du FAC-003-5 apporte des changements radicaux aux classifications de transmission à compter du 1er avril
mars 19, 2024
La mise à jour du FAC-003-5 apporte des changements radicaux aux classifications de transmission à compter du 1er avril
Prévenir les échecs de conformité nerc avec les examens de l’état de préparation
février 20, 2024
Chaque service public enregistré auprès de la NERC doit s’efforcer de se conformer en permanence à son portefeuille de normes de fiabilité NERC applicables
La NERC publie le plan d’élaboration des normes 2024-2026
janvier 26, 2024
La NERC a soumis son plan d’élaboration de normes de fiabilité 2024-2026 à la Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), décrivant ses priorités actuelles et ses futurs plans d’élaboration de normes pour protéger la fiabilité du réseau électrique en vrac au cours des trois prochaines années.
La NERC et la FERC publient le rapport sur la tempête hivernale Elliott
janvier 2, 2024
La NERC et la FERC ont publié leur rapport final sur la tempête hivernale Elliott, qui fournit un renforcement pour les recommandations dans les rapports antérieurs d’événements de perturbation liés au temps froid. Le rapport fait état de lacunes critiques en matière de rendement en matière de fiabilité et des quasi-accidents liés à la fiabilité. La NERC affirme qu’une crise a été « évitée de justesse ». Le rapport décrit les mesures que l’industrie doit prendre pour éviter une répétition à l’avenir.
L’ordonnance 901 de la FERC demande des normes pour combler les lacunes en matière de fiabilité de l’IBR
novembre 27, 2023
Les ressources basées sur les onduleurs jouent un rôle central lorsqu’il s’agit d’ajouter une nouvelle capacité de production d’électricité dans le système d’alimentation en vrac.
La NERC publie une série de webinaires sur les ressources basées sur les onduleurs
octobre 19, 2023
Alors que le système de distribution d’électricité continue d’évoluer rapidement en raison des initiatives de politique de décarbonisation, les ressources basées sur des onduleurs (IBRs) jouent un rôle de plus en plus important dans les ajouts de production au système d’alimentation en vrac. La NERC et d’autres organisations techniques ont pris de nombreuses mesures pour appuyer l’intégration fiable de ces ressources.
FERC Issues Order 2023 to Resolve Interconnection Process Issues
septembre 25, 2023
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has approved Order 2023 to facilitate and improve the speed and reliability of adding new energy resources to the power system
CFATS Program Expires but Reauthorization Anticipated this Fall
septembre 6, 2023
Regulated organizations should continue to follow DHS cybersecurity requirements.
FERC Hosts Technical Conference on the Effectiveness and Improvements to CIP-014-3
août 30, 2023
Expert Discussions and Key Takeaways Focus on Physical Security
Intro to NERC Regulatory Guidance on Inverter-Based Resources
août 29, 2023
As renewable energy proliferates across the US power system, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) continues to actively address reliability risks resulting from the implementation of inverter-based resources (solar and wind generation technology) connected at both transmission and Distributed Energy Resources (DER) levels.
FERC Extreme Weather Initiative Will Change the Transmission Planning Process
juillet 26, 2023
FERC issued a Final Rule directing NERC to develop a new or modified reliability standard addressing transmission system planning performance requirements for extreme heat or cold weather events.
FERC Approves Plan to Register Certain Inverter-Based Resources as part of NERC Mandatory Standards Compliance Program
juin 21, 2023
FERC issued an order approving NERC’s compliance filings.
NERC Files Report on Effectiveness on CIP-014 Physical Security Standard
mai 25, 2023
On behalf of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), its President and CEO Jim Robb, recently presented to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) a summary of NERC’s report on the effectiveness of NERC’s CIP-014 Physical Security Standard. There were almost 1,700 physical security incidents reported to the Electricity-Information Security Analysis Center (E-ISAC) in 2022, an increase of 10.5% from 2021.
FERC Issues Order on Cold Weather Reliability Standards
avril 27, 2023
FERC has approved two NERC proposed cold weather-related reliability standards.
FERC Orders Internal Network Security Monitoring Rule to be Finalized
mars 14, 2023
FERC directed NERC to develop Reliability Standards to implement INSM within trusted CIP environments.
Insights from the Odessa II Power System Disturbance
février 22, 2023
NERC and TRE release the Odessa II Power System Disturbance Report
New FERC Orders Will Change Regulatory Process for Inverter Based Resources
janvier 9, 2023
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) recently proposed actions to keep the regulatory process and requirements ahead of reliability risks resulting from the accelerated deployment of Inverter Based Resources (IBR) based solar, wind and battery storage projects.
NERC Releases Facilities Ratings Best Practices Report
Décembre 19, 2022
NERC report on best practices for utilities that have encountered facility ratings program challenges.
NERC Files Comments in the FERC Generator Interconnection Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
novembre 21, 2022
The rulemaking addresses improvements needed to reliably facilitate the power industry’s transition to renewable and distributed generating resources utilizing inverter-based technologies.
NERC Releases Inverter-Based Resource Strategy Plan
octobre 25, 2022
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) recently released an Inverter-Based Resource (IBR) Strategy, which details the steps needed to successfully integrate IBR facilities into the planning and operation of the power system. The strategy was put in place due to the rapid interconnection of IBR systems, which are extensively used for solar and wind generating facilities, including new battery-based energy storage systems and are one of the most significant drivers of power grid transformation. Because of control system inconsistencies, IBR facilities pose well-documented risks to power system reliability when this strategy’s practices are not adhered to. NERC’s plan calls attention to the need for thoughtful integration of IBRs and identifies current and future work required to mitigate reliability risks resulting from the deployment of this technology.
NERC Releases 2022 State of Reliability Report
septembre 16, 2022
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) recently released its 2022 State of Reliability report, which examines power system performance in calendar year 2021 and evaluates reliability performance trends. The 2022 report identified six key findings regarding power system performance that are summarized as follows:
NERC Proposes Implementation Guidance for PRC-019-2
août 22, 2022
NERC has proposed implementation guidance for PRC-019-2, the standard that verifies coordination of generating unit facility or synchronous condenser voltage regulating controls, limit functions, equipment capabilities and protection system settings.
Revisions to FAC-001 and FAC-002 Submitted for FERC Approval
juillet 12, 2022
Reliability Standards FAC-001-4 and FAC-002-will resolve uncertainty regarding the meaning of “materially modify” under the currently effective standards.
FERC Order No. 881-A Has Implications for NERC Compliance Programs
juin 23, 2022
Updated Order will have significant impact on NERC compliance programs related to both PRC standards and facilities ratings. Utilities should review the Order’s requirements and prepare for changes needed to remain compliant.
NERC’s Revised PRC-024-3 Standard for Inverter-Based Generation Effective in October 2022
mai 11, 2022
Changes to PRC-024-3 in support of inverter-based generation performance are going into effect in October of this year. Interconnection programs and documentation procedures may need to be updated in order to maintain compliance.
FERC Issues Notice of Inquiry Regarding Dynamic Line Ratings
avril 25, 2022
There are significant technical challenges involved in implementing Dynamic Line Ratings in the planning and operation of utility systems. Utilities should be prepared to modify their NERC compliance programs as necessary to address the potential introduction of DLR in their businesses.
New NERC Guidance Supports the Implementation of Grid Forming Inverters
mars 8, 2022
NERC has issued a new report highlighting the key attributes of various inverter controls to support proper implementation and to protect reliability.
NERC Recommends Approaches for Underfrequency Load Shedding Programs
février 24, 2022
In a recently released reliability guideline, NERC recommends additional approaches for Underfrequency Load Shedding (UFLS) program design to help utilities effectively consider the effects of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). The guidance was developed to address the accelerated transition of the power system to locally installed, decarbonized resources that depend on inverters. These new technologies introduce operational controls issues into the electric grid. UFLS data gathering and analysis methodologies may require modification to address reliability risks.
Ordonnance no 2222 de la FERC, DER et technologie de l’énergie
février 1, 2022
La FERC a publié le projet d’émission O. 2222 pour permettre aux ressources énergétiques distribuées (DER) de mieux participer aux côtés des ressources traditionnelles dans les marchés de gros régionaux et organisés.
NERC and FERC Recommend Protection System Commissioning Improvements
janvier 18, 2022
Between 18 and 36 percent of reported utility misoperations were attributed to issues that could have been detected through a properly implemented PSC.
FERC & NERC Issue Joint Report on Freeze Reliability Failures
Décembre 15, 2021
The in-depth report outlines twenty-eight recommendations to address freeze reliability failures, including operating practices and recommendations for NERC standards modifications surrounding generator winterization and gas-electric coordination.
NERC Accelerates Additional Cold Weather Standards Changes
novembre 22, 2021
At its November 2021 meeting, NERC’s Board of Trustees took aggressive action to advance critical cold weather Reliability Standards. Most notably, the group approved the 2022-2024 Reliability Standards Development Plan, which prioritizes standards projects for the coming years including a resolution to include new cold weather operations, preparedness and coordination standards as high priority development projects.
PRC-002-2 Disturbance Monitoring and Reporting Standard: Initial Mandatory Implementation Plan Dates Approach
novembre 18, 2021
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved PRC-002-2 in September, 2015. The initial due date for system studies necessary to identify locations for the collection of disturbance related data under Requirement R1 is January 1, 2017.
Substation Hardening: Don’t Be a Pawn to Security
octobre 28, 2021
Protecting our critical energy infrastructure from physical security threats is certainly not a game, but the process can take some important lessons from the game of chess.
New Potential Compliance Standards Identified at FERC Technical Conference on Reliability
octobre 18, 2021
With a focus on the reliability impact of extreme weather and the shortcomings of current system planning approaches, both NERC and FERC conference participants opened the door to potential forthcoming compliance standard enhancements or changes.
NERC Issues Odessa Texas Disturbance Report
septembre 29, 2021
While NERC has analyzed multiple similar events in California, this is the first disturbance involving a widespread reduction of PV resource power output observed in the Texas Interconnection.
FERC Approves Modifications to NERC’s Cold Weather-Related Standards
septembre 7, 2021
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has approved changes to three mandatory NERC Reliability Standards that aim to better prepare the North American power system to withstand extreme cold weather events.
NERC’s Generator Relay Loadability Standard is Now in Effect
août 30, 2021
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has approved changes to three mandatory NERC Reliability Standards that aim to better prepare the North American power system to withstand extreme cold weather events. All utilities, even those not impacted by recent events, will be required to comply. The modified standards include: EOP-011-2 (Emergency Preparedness and Operations) IRO-010-4 (Reliability Coordinator Data Specification and Collection) TOP-003-5 (Operational Reliability Data) NERC proposed the standards modifications in response to the findings of the NERC FERC Joint Report on the 2018 South Central Cold Weather Event. The changes address the need to winterize facilities; ensure the accurate reporting of design specifications to reliability coordinators for generating units; and the need for balancing authorities and reliability coordinators to be aware of, and plan for, generating units’ limitations during extreme cold weather.
La NERC cherche à améliorer les rapports sur le rendement de la fiabilité du GADS
août 26, 2021
En vertu de la loi habilitante qui a créé l’Electric Reliability Organization, la NERC est responsable d’évaluer le rendement fiable du réseau électrique. L’une des façons dont la NERC le fait est d’obtenir un système de rapports de l’industrie pour la production et le transport. Le Système de données sur la disponibilité des générateurs (GADS) est utilisé par la NERC et l’industrie depuis plus de 40 ans pour obtenir des données sur la composante de production du système électrique[1]. En raison de l’évolution rapide de la composition des ressources de production, il est essentiel que NERC dispose de données complètes sur les installations, les événements, les pannes et les performances pour la production photovoltaïque et éolienne afin d’assurer la fiabilité. À mesure que les technologies renouvelables sont de plus en plus déployées, un ensemble complet de statistiques sur le rendement des actifs de production est nécessaire pour permettre à la NERC d’évaluer la capacité du système à répondre à la charge, la performance du réseau électrique et de prévoir tout problème de fiabilité potentiel en raison de l’insuffisance des ressources. Par conséquent, la NERC propose d’apporter les améliorations suivantes au processus de collecte de données GADS pour la production d’énergie renouvelable : Ajouter les propriétaires de générateurs qui exploitent des installations solaires photovoltaïques de 20 MW ou plus au Système de données sur la disponibilité de la production (appelé « GADS-PV ») ; et Élargir les rapports GADS Wind (« GADS-W ») pour inclure le stockage d’énergie connectée et le rapport d’événements.
Electric Reliability Council of Texas Releases 60-Point Plan for Change
août 23, 2021
ERCOT’s recently released “Roadmap to Improving Grid Reliability” presents a plan for change in Texas that includes increasing electric power generation and purchasing significantly more power reserves.
Prepare for Upcoming NERC Compliance Deadlines
août 20, 2021
With 2020 right around the corner, there are many new NERC standards and standards requirements set to go into effect in the areas of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Transmission Operations and Planning.
Developments in Texas and Nationally Mandate Extreme Weather Responses to Protect Reliability
juillet 23, 2021
Two recent actions will change the current system planning, investment needs and operating procedures for electric utilities. New infrastructure investments and more robust compliance programs will be needed.
Electric System Planning for Extreme Weather Events: NERC Recommends Actions to Protect Reliability this Summer
juin 23, 2021
Due to recent extreme weather-related power systems failures, stakeholders are examining the planning and operations practices for all electric utilities.
NERC’s FAC-008 Guidance on Facility Ratings
mai 24, 2021
FAC-008 is one of the most data-intensive standards in the NERC regulatory framework. Compliance has been difficult for many utilities. Recently, FERC made public it’s intent to address serious allegations of facility ratings violations, including a lack of rigor by one utility.
NERC Issues Battery Energy Storage Systems Reliability Guidance
avril 22, 2021
While NERC has recently published a reliability guideline addressing inverter-based resources generally, they are now giving more attention to the various potential uses of BESS to support effective implementation with newly released guidance.
NERC Proposes Revisions to CIP-008
mars 27, 2021
NERC’s CIP-008 standard aims to mitigate reliability risks resulting from a Cyber Security Incident by specifying incident response requirements. Newly proposed revisions would augment mandatory reporting to include incidents that compromise, or attempt to compromise, a utility’s Electronic Security Perimeter (ESP) or associated Electronic Access Control or Monitoring Systems (EACMS).
Cold Weather Reliability Preparedness and Hardening
mars 22, 2021
The latest weather impacts to power reliability have accelerated the need for mandatory regulatory compliance changes.
NERC Releases 2021 Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Findings
février 8, 2021
NERC’s 2021 Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program reframes the previous year’s risks and their associated areas of focus. Utilities should review their compliance programs and internal controls to determine if enhancement or changes are need to maintain compliance.
NERC Proposes Revision of Pending TPL-001-5.1 Standard
janvier 20, 2021
NERC has recently undertaken important standards and guidance development activities related to the proliferation of inverter-based technologies such as solar and wind generation, as well as battery energy storage which is growing as an industry solution to ensure the reliability of renewable power for end-use customers.
NERC and FERC Take Action on Facilities Ratings
Décembre 4, 2020
There has been significant work across the electric industry to improve facility ratings related processes, programs, frameworks, internal controls and best practices. Yet this continues to be a challenging area for utilities, particularly from an asset management and regulatory compliance perspective.
FERC Issues Annual Report on Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Reliability Audits
novembre 17, 2020
In its 2020 Report on CIP Reliability Audits, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission found that most of the cybersecurity protection processes and procedures adopted by utilities met the mandatory CIP requirements for protecting the Bulk Electric System. However, there are areas for improvement.
NERC Prioritizes Inverter-Based Resources for Future Standards Development
octobre 19, 2020
As inverter-based resources found in wind and solar generation technologies continue to rapidly penetrate the U.S. power delivery system, NERC remains focused on managing the potential reliability consequences.
NERC Issues 2020 State of Reliability Report
septembre 22, 2020
The Report identifies areas of ongoing concern including generation reserve margins and the reliability risk from shifting the resource mix toward renewables.
NERC Issues Lessons Learned on Misoperations Due to Mixing Relay Technologies
août 13, 2020
On July 10, 2020 NERC released new Lessons Learned guidance to address situations where multiple composite protection systems have misoperated as a result of mixing protective relay technologies at the remote terminals of directional comparison blocking (DCB) schemes. This technical information will help utilities improve the reliability of the Bulk Power System.
NERC Reliability Standard PRC-024-3 Approved: Frequency and Voltage Protection Settings for Generating Resources
juillet 28, 2020
On July 9, 2020 NERC standard PRC-024-3 was approved, paving the way for improved protection systems in support of keeping generating resources connected during defined frequency and voltage excursions.
Summary of NERC CIP Standards Updates
juin 29, 2020
FERC has released a notice of inquiry seeking comments on potential enhancements to NERC’s Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Reliability Standards.
NERC Protection System Compliance Studies Due This Year
février 24, 2020
NERC’s PRC-027-1 standard was approved by FERC in 2018 and is set to go into effect on October 1, 2020. Utilities should begin preparing now to meet compliance requirements which include significant system studies.
NERC Compliance Assurance: Maintaining Cross Functional Data Integrity
janvier 21, 2020
Assuring continued power system reliability is a complex undertaking for utilities. Balancing the demands of system changes and regulatory compliance is an essential strategy for optimizing ongoing operations. Given the wide range of NERC standard families that require simultaneous data management for compliance, data integrity, data flow and data verification are critical for avoiding violations that can impact electric service to customers and communities.
NERC Reliability Report Prioritizes Power System Security Risks for Action
janvier 2, 2020
NERC’s 2019 ERO Reliability Risk Priorities Report identified and prioritized the major risks facing the utility industry with a particular focus on security issues.
NERC Reliability Report Prioritizes Power System Risks
novembre 21, 2019
Looking ahead to the many changes coming to North America’s Bulk Power System (BPS), NERC’s 2019 ERO Reliability Risk Priorities Report highlights the top issues requiring industry and regulatory attention and recommends actions for the ongoing protection of BPS reliability.
NERC Pursues Changes to Protection Relay and Control (PRC) Standards
septembre 24, 2019
Two Standards Authorization Requests currently being debated in the NERC stakeholder engagement process could help clarify PRC standards obligations for generator owners and operators.
NERC to Modify Standard and Develop Compliance Guidance to Accommodate Inverter-Based Generation Technologies
février 20, 2019
Renewable energy systems have dramatically changed the power generation resource mix. These new generation technologies no longer involve directly coupled rotating generators which were once standard in the industry. Now, inverters that change Direct Current (DC) electricity to the Alternating Current (AC) electricity suitable for delivery via AC transmission systems are becoming more prevalent, raising reliability…
NERC Addresses Single Points of Failure in Protection Systems Among Other FERC Concerns
octobre 25, 2018
Under the proposed NERC TPL-001-5 standard, utilities with transmission planning responsibilities will be required to identify reliability risks related to protection system failures and take mandatory corrective action. It will be critical to have an in depth understanding of your company’s protection system settings and to perform the system studies necessary to identify where single points of failure may result in cascading tripping of transmission elements. Mitigation actions may require the installation of redundant protection systems which in turn may lead to significant substation redesign. Transmission planners and planning coordinators should begin preparing for any necessary protection system changes. TPL-001-5 Overview NERC began studying the reliability risk associated with single points of protection system failure starting in 2011 as directed in FERC Order 754. TPL-001-5 will bring significant changes for Planning Coordinators and Transmission Planners as they perform annual Planning Assessments. There is a new obligation to adequately account for the reliability risk posed by single point of protection system failure via risk-based Assessment. This reliability risk management approach will be implemented through modifications to the Category P5 Planning Event which is described in Table 1 of the TPL-001-5 standard. NERC believes that the most cost-effective Corrective Action Plans to address unacceptable system performance for the P5 Planning Events will likely be to add protection system component redundancy in certain cases. Protection system redundancy changes to address Category P5 Event system performance violations should reduce or even negate non-redundant component related risks that need to be considered in assessing transmission system performance. These risks will be identified during simulations of certain extreme events as required under the standard. TPL-001-5 also addresses reliability risks related to outage management as directed in FERC Order 786. The standard requires utility planners to consider maintenance outages of significant facilities as well as outages for critical long lead time to repair or replace equipment. Specifically, it addresses stability analysis to assess system performance for conditions expected during possible unavailability of long lead time equipment. Although it is not a NERC defined term, it is believed that a “spare equipment strategy will be sufficient to allow flexibility for utilities to conduct both steady state and stability analysis required by TPL-001-5. For example, a utility’s spare equipment strategy may include the warehousing of a replacement transformer to be installed given the failure of an in service transformer. When a utility’s spare equipment strategy may prevent major transmission equipment from being out-of-service for one year or more, this possible equipment unavailability need not be assessed as part of TPL-001-5.
NERC Proposes Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Plan for 2019
septembre 26, 2018
This month, NERC released the first draft of its 2019 Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Plan (CMEP) which identifies power delivery system risks and outlines compliance audit requirements for next year. The risk elements outlined in the plan include significant differences from previous years, as shown in the table below. Each NERC region must consider these risks as they develop their monitoring and audit scopes for utilities. Utilities should be prepared to be audited and implement any necessary compliance initiatives in these areas.
NERC Calls for New Approach to Reliability Planning Due to Gas Supply Disruption Risks
Décembre 14, 2017
A recently published NERC report concludes that as reliance on natural gas to meet electric generation requirements increases, additional planning and operational measures must be considered to mitigate power system reliability risks.
Hardening Cyber Defenses at Chemical Facilities a Key Part of Federal CFATS Regulations
octobre 24, 2017
Federal CFATS regulations cover more than just the handling, transport and storage of dangerous chemicals. They also deal with tools and methods terrorists could use to acquire the deadly agents – such as a cyber attack.
NERC CIP-013-1 Standard for Supply Chain Risk Management
septembre 29, 2017
NERC has filed mandatory standard CIP-013-1 for supply chain risk management, requiring controls to mitigate cyber threats and their impact to the reliable operation of the Bulk Electric System.
NERC Identifies New Reliability Risk due to Utility Scale Solar Generation Inverter Design
juin 13, 2017
NERC has released a report documenting its findings and recommendations related to reliability risks from utility scale solar generation projects with implications for PRC-024 compliance, as well as generation, interconnection and protection system technologies.
NERC Standard Extends Maintenance Program Obligations to Generators
février 3, 2014
The approval of NERC Standard PRC-005-2 extends protection system maintenance obligations to Generators and crates one comprehensive standard establishing minimum maintenance activities and maximum time intervals for protection systems and load shedding equipment affecting the bulk electric system.
Dylan Achey
Dylan Achey is TRC’s Manager of Generation Engineering Services. He has been leading the effort with TRC generation clients on evaluating and providing updates/information so that clients can meet applicable NERC standards. His highly technical staff perform NERC compliance standard evaluations as well as studies for both generation and transmission clients that need assistance on technical issues concerning NERC compliance. Contact Dylan at
Jim Whitaker
Jim Whitaker, PE is Supervisor of Power Systems Studies at TRC. He has over 30 years of experience in Transmission and Distribution Planning, and Substation, Transmission and Distribution Engineering. His Transmission Planning projects include coordinating joint/regional 10-year transmission plans, generator interconnections, regional system assessments, as well as NERC compliance studies. His projects have included studies for both Utilities and Project Developers across the United States in the Eastern and Western Interconnection transmission systems as well as ERCOT. Prior to joining TRC, Jim worked for Xcel Energy, Peak Power Engineering, Tucson Electric Power and Virginia Power. Contact Jim at