Authors: Cortney McKibben and Ian Metzger, with contribution from Jennifer Rosenthal, Steve Bell and Angela Gordon | novembre 3, 2022
Lessons from TVA’s Non-Road EV (NREV) Program
This article is republished from the 2020 issue of AESP Magazine, an official publication of the Association of Energy Services Professionals. To view the full issue, click here.
Transportation electrification . . . today, it has the demand-side management (DSM) industry so confused that many suspect we are operating in Abbott and Costello’s famous “Who’s on First?” comedy routine! Is it because EVs were around 100 years ago, disappeared, and are now back again? Or, is it because EVs are being included in DSM programs that were developed to reduce energy consumption, not increase it? How come we are using EVs to beneficially increase electric load, just so that we can curtail it during peak events some time in the future? Can we really use the state-of-the-art EV battery technology for vehicle-to-grid energy storage? Can EVs really be a single technology that fits the definition of “integrated demand-side management” (IDSM) all by itself? These questions are only the tip of the iceberg that is driving the increasingly loud call for decarbonization goals and measures. It’s no wonder we feel like we are working within a comedy routine written as an endless loop. Luckily, there are a lot of smart people in this industry working to untie this knot.
Regardless of how the questions above get answered, and the program label the DSM industry ultimately applies to EVs, this technology provides value to the utility, the customers, and the community, which is the win-win-win opportunity we seek within our program designs.
Please download the full article below to read more about the TVA EnergyRight for Business & Industry Program, and its implementer TRC on a journey of innovation – as the value proposition from a Non-Road EV Program provides the confidence and courage to transition completely from energy efficiency to beneficial electrification.
Partager nos perspectives
Nos praticiens partagent leurs idées et leurs points de vue sur les tendances et les défis qui façonnent le marché.
The Sky’s The Limit for Zero Emission Airport Projects
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TRC examine l’environnement opérationnel unique et les meilleures pratiques pour les aéroports alors qu’ils font évoluer la recharge des VE, soutiennent l’électrification côté terre et côté piste et atteignent les objectifs de décarbonisation.
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Gestion des données sur le carbone des services publics
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Habiliter les intervenants à co-créer des solutions qui s’attaquent aux iniquités
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Monétiser les attributs environnementaux des programmes de décarbonisation des bâtiments
mars 27, 2024
Écoutez l’épisode 6 du podcast Energy Talks de TRC, où nous nous joignons à des experts de l’industrie des marchés de gros de l’énergie et des produits environnementaux pour discuter de la façon dont les services publics et les développeurs de projets valorisent les attributs environnementaux des projets de décarbonisation des bâtiments.
Rediffusion du webinaire
mars 26, 2024
Écoutez l’épisode 6 du podcast Energy Talks de TRC, où nous nous joignons à des experts de l’industrie des marchés de gros de l’énergie et des produits environnementaux pour discuter de la façon dont les services publics et les développeurs de projets valorisent les attributs environnementaux des projets de décarbonisation des bâtiments. Avec 40% des émissions de gaz à effet de serre provenant des bâtiments, ce secteur est le plus grand levier disponible pour nous de résoudre le changement climatique causé par les émissions. La décarbonisation des bâtiments fait référence à tout processus ou technologie qui réduit les émissions de dioxyde de carbone associées aux bâtiments. Cela comprend l’efficacité énergétique, l’électrification, la flexibilité de la charge et les projets de production d’énergie renouvelable distribuée. Les services publics investissent traditionnellement dans des programmes de décarbonisation des bâtiments pour obtenir des avantages du réseau, y compris une capacité évitée. Mais en parallèle, ces programmes génèrent des avantages environnementaux sous la forme d’émissions de gaz à effet de serre évitées – connues sous le nom d’attributs environnementaux – et peuvent aider à atteindre les objectifs du gouvernement et des entreprises en matière d’énergie propre. Il existe différents types d’attributs environnementaux, qui peuvent être mesurés en compensations de carbone (tonnes d’eCO2) ainsi que des certificats d’attributs énergétiques (CEE), généralement sous la forme de crédits d’énergie renouvelable ou de CER (mesurés en MWh). La valeur de ces avantages environnementaux augmente et devrait s’envoler au cours des prochaines décennies, ce qui fait du coût évité du carbone un intrant de plus en plus important dans l’évaluation de la rentabilité des programmes de décarbonisation des bâtiments. Cette tendance représente un changement de paradigme, offrant la possibilité d’attirer de nouveaux investisseurs importants dans notre industrie au cours des prochaines décennies et d’élargir considérablement les impacts de nos programmes. Beaucoup d’entre nous dans l’industrie se demandent : comment les services publics et les États qui administrent les programmes de décarbonisation des bâtiments évaluent-ils actuellement les attributs environnementaux générés par leurs programmes ?
L’impact de la conservation de l’eau sur la consommation d’énergie
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TRC Companies, Inc. selected to participate in Department of Energy (DOE) Multi-State Clean Hydrogen Hub
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What’s Next for the Clean Energy Transition?
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Five Common Myths about Heat Pumps for Space Heating and Cooling Systems
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Clean Energy Skills Workshops
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Download Whitepaper: 10 Years of Insights for Clean Community Microgrids
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Carrots and Sticks for Building Decarbonization: Incentive Programs and Codes & Standards
janvier 11, 2023
Decarbonization of the U.S. building stock presents an enormous opportunity to enhance the quality of our built environment and combat climate change, given that commercial and residential buildings account for over 30% of GHG emissions in the U.S. This critical transition – long underway – has recently been catalyzed by the enactment of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which promise to bolster the entire clean energy supply chain, including support for the development and enforcement of building energy codes, as well as the introduction of new consumer incentive programs for electric and high-efficiency equipment. As energy utilities and governmental agencies accelerate energy efficiency and decarbonization initiatives for the communities they serve, they are successfully leveraging two important tool sets: 1) Building efficiency and electrification incentive programs 2) Building energy codes, reach codes and appliance standards. Respectively, these are the carrots and sticks of market transformation toward building decarbonization. Presently, governmental initiatives and organizational commitments to decarbonization are motivating industry practitioners to apply these toolsets more aggressively, to accelerate this transition; as a result, the legacy market interactions between these carrots and sticks are increasingly complex and at times, contested. However, our teams and partners who expertly apply both toolsets – designing and implementing incentive programs and supporting local jurisdictions in advancing their energy codes – believe that they can work together. Contact Us
Transportation Electrification
novembre 3, 2022
Lessons from TVA’s Non-Road EV (NREV) Program
The Social Side of Resiliency
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Eliminating Overcooling to Make People More Comfortable While Saving Energy
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Webinar Replay: How the DOE and Utilities Can Work Together on IIJA Funding Initiatives
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Trailblazing Reach Code Initiatives Drive Decarbonization
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Find out how reach code initiatives are driving decarbonization with TRC. Our team offers decarbonization consulting and solutions. Turn To The Experts at TRC!
Ensuring a Just Transition: Optimizing Opportunities for All in the Low-Carbon Future
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Carbon elimination of the magnitude needed to address climate change requires systems-level change that can only be reached by incremental, ground-up progress, building upon what we have achieved thus far.
Decarbonization: A Systems-Level Challenge and Actions to Address Climate Change
Décembre 7, 2021
Carbon elimination of the magnitude needed to address climate change requires systems-level change that can only be reached by incremental, ground-up progress, building upon what we have achieved thus far.
10 Takeaways from the COP26 Climate Meeting
novembre 17, 2021
There are compelling reasons to be optimistic about the outcomes of the COP26 meeting. Notably, agreement among all nations that more needs to be done, by both private and governmental bodies, to contain and mitigate climate change.
The Price of Natural Gas: Onward and Upward or Just a Temporary Blip?
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Most industry experts agree that weather aside, the global energy and gas markets are likely to remain uncertain with supply and market demand becoming tighter and more challenging to forecast.
On the Road to Decarbonization: The Role of All-Source Competitive Solicitations
octobre 14, 2021
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Pacific Gas and Electric Selects TRC as Program Implementer for New Construction Residential All-Electric and Mixed Fuel Programs
septembre 27, 2021
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) formally announced TRC as the designated lead Program Implementer for the Statewide New Construction (SWNC) Residential All-Electric and Mixed Fuel Programs following a competitive solicitation process.
TRC and Slipstream partner with the Minnesota Department of Commerce to launch energy conservation R&D project
juin 24, 2021
TRC, Slipstream, and the University of Minnesota are working with controls system manufacturers and contractors to develop such a standardized and streamlined building control retrofit process leveraging ASHRAE Guideline 36
What is Clean Energy: A Discussion of the Future of Clean Energy
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Clean energy is a broad term with a fluctuating definition and a complicated lifecycle. We explore the issue, and hope to establish a more productive dialogue about our energy future.
Requirements to Growing US Offshore Wind Industry
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TRC Companies Inc. Acquires EMI Consulting
janvier 27, 2021
Today TRC Companies (« TRC”), announces the expansion of its advanced energy capabilities with the acquisition of EMI Consulting (“EMI”), a Seattle based firm that consults on the strategic development of clean energy solutions including energy efficiency, demand management, decarbonization and customer engagement.
TRC Companies Inc. Expands Environmental and Renewable Energy Capabilities with the Acquisition of Shoener Environmental
Décembre 2, 2020
Today TRC Companies, announces the expansion of its environmental and renewable energy capabilities with the acquisition of Shoener Environmental.
City of Camarillo, California approves moving forward with Hybrid Solar Microgrids at five critical community facilities
novembre 6, 2020
On October 28, the Camarillo City Council unanimously approved moving forward with the design of Hybrid Microgrids at five City facilities: City Hall, the Corporation Yard, Camarillo Public Library, Police Station, and Wastewater Treatment Plant. The microgrid at the Camarillo Public Library will be designed with solar+storage only, while the other four sites will employ a hybrid design of solar+storage+diesel.
TRC Digital partners with Dominion Energy to evolve its distributed energy resource strategy
septembre 22, 2020
Dominion Energy, one of the nation’s largest producers and transporters of energy, has partnered with TRC Digital to evaluate, implement and integrate technology to further the utility’s distributed energy goals. TRC Digital will facilitate Dominion Energy’s strategy development and technology execution, allowing Dominion Energy and its customers to accelerate the shift to distributed energy resources (DER) and net carbon reduction.
TRC Companies Welcomes New Power Sector President Ed Myszka
septembre 2, 2020
Myszka brings over 30 years of innovation, market development and operations experience to TRC.
Resilient Storage: Pacific Power’s Quest for Behind-the-Meter Solutions
juin 30, 2020
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Leaning into Energy Transformation
avril 16, 2020
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Energy Efficiency as a Resource in Southern California
mars 19, 2020
EE as a Resource programs that provide capacity and energy savings to the grid must be dependable and persistent to replace essential power plant capacity.
Transforming Commercial New Construction
mars 3, 2020
Commercial buildings today represent about 16% of energy use (30% of electricity) and a key source of GHG emissions across the US.
Resilient, Distributed Energy as a Vital Public Service
février 26, 2020
Implementing resilient solutions for many means ensuring power supply to critical facilities, emergency response efforts and local authorities during power outages.
Strategic Electrification
février 4, 2020
As we look to spur strategic electrification across the US, it will be up energy providers and solution implementers to continue sharing ideas, insights and lessons learned
A place called home: Helping California families rebuild after wildfires
novembre 21, 2019
A place called home: Helping California families rebuild after wildfires
Shaping the Future of Energy Efficiency for Oregon’s Affordable Housing
février 27, 2019
Oregon embarks on a bold initiative to reduce energy costs among low income residents with the help of TRC.
Tackling the Advanced Energy Frontier with TRC at ACEEE Summer Study
juillet 24, 2018
What will the grid of the future look like? Where are scientists and engineers breaking new ground to push energy efficiency even further? Join TRC at ACEEE Summer Study to find out.
TRC and partners win $1 million grant for engineering innovative New York microgrid
avril 20, 2017
TRC is proud to support Huntington, NY bolster power reliability and climate-change resiliency with a sophisticated new “community microgrid’’ combining solar energy, a fuel cell, biogas and traditional natural gas to deliver electricity and heat to local customers and institutions.
Ian Metzger
Ian Metzger is TRC’s Director of Utility Program Development and Innovation. He works directly with TRC’s utility clients to successfully design, implement, and verify energy efficiency savings for utility demand side management (DSM) programs across the country. He provides technical expertise for the deployment of electrification, decarbonization, and distributed energy resources through utility DSM program services, including engineering support, stakeholder engagement, data analytics, measurement and verification. Through his work and publications, he contributes to national and regional emerging technology research efforts related to energy efficiency, greenhouse gas reduction, and renewable energy systems. Read more about Ian on his Bio. Ian can be reached at
Angela Gordon
Angela Gordon, a member of TRC’s ESG/Climate Advisory practice, has worked in the electric, natural gas, and water industries for almost 30 years. She has expertise in legislative and regulatory issues, industry reforms, and decarbonization program design and implementation. Ms. Gordon is interested in technological and market opportunities to support our clients’ resiliency, climate solutions, and decarbonization goals in light of mandated and market-driven policies and stakeholder needs. Contact Angela at