Fournir des solutions axées sur le client

Les praticiens testés de TRC s’appuient sur des années de déploiements réussis dans le cloud – pour les clients des fournisseurs d’énergie nationaux aux coopératives régionales – pour élaborer des stratégies et des solutions qui produisent des résultats. Nous tirons parti des contrôles de sécurité modernes, de la résilience et des mesures d’auto-guérison, ainsi que des modèles de consommation évolutifs. Cela permet la fiabilité du cloud, l’élasticité et la dispersion géographique pour une continuité optimale des activités.

Le bon modèle de déploiement
Comprendre à la fois l’informatique et l’OT
Public, privé et hybride
Conception et livraison rapides

Le bon modèle de déploiement

Qu’il s’agisse d’un logiciel, d’une plate-forme ou d’une infrastructure en tant que service, nous pouvons fournir un modèle de déploiement efficace et prendre en charge l’ensemble du cycle de vie des applications. Nous adaptons les spécifications, y compris l’approvisionnement de la puissance de calcul, pour votre organisation.


Comprendre à la fois l’informatique et l’OT

TRC a une compréhension unique des technologies opérationnelles et de l’information, avec des solutions qui incluent SCADA, la gestion des pannes, la gestion des données des compteurs, les SIG et les outils de gestion de la main-d’œuvre axés sur le terrain. Cela signifie que nous pouvons répondre à vos besoins, peu importe l’industrie dans laquelle vous opérez.


Public, privé et hybride

Depuis la création du cloud, TRC a une histoire dans la conception, la mise en œuvre et le support de solutions publiques, privées et hybrides. Nous maintenons une expertise unique dans les services publics, la modernisation du réseau, les offres gouvernementales et commerciales.


Conception et livraison rapides

Nos connaissances approfondies et nos partenariats collaboratifs avec les fournisseurs de plates-formes d’entreprise fournissent aux clients des accélérateurs pour leurs programmes de modernisation basés sur le cloud. Et parce que nous adoptons une approche indépendante de la technologie, nous rationalisons la livraison pour un temps rapide à la valeur.


Une approche flexible fondée sur l’expérience et l’expertise

TRC possède une expérience approfondie de la mise en œuvre et de la prise en charge de solutions cloud évolutives. Nous sommes un fournisseur de services à spectre complet, y compris l’augmentation du personnel pour les clouds détenus et exploités par les clients. Nos praticiens maintiennent une expertise technique dans une multitude de services, de fonctions, d’applications et de certifications. En tant que partenaire de confiance, nous réduisons le besoin de nos clients de ressources informatiques dédiées et permettons au personnel interne de se concentrer sur un travail de plus grande valeur.

Avec TRC, les clients gagnent :

  • Stratégie cloud, conseil, architecture, intégration et migrations
  • Connaissance approfondie du déploiement de solutions cloud évolutives
  • Fournisseur SaaS de meilleures applications spécifiques à l’industrie
  • Modèles, modèles et pratiques éprouvés de livraison cloud
  • Personnel expérimenté ayant une expertise de l’industrie et des compétences techniques

Partager nos perspectives

Nos praticiens partagent leurs idées et leurs points de vue sur les tendances et les défis qui façonnent le marché.


How to Reduce Risk in Control System Implementations

février 7, 2025

Control rooms serve as the nerve centers of utility operations, orchestrating the interplay of power generation, transmission and distribution. The “control room of the future” represents technology innovation and integration, combining advanced software systems, real-time data analytics and sophisticated visualization tools.

Mises à jour réglementaires

How DERMS Delivers Modern Utility Management

février 5, 2025


Why Utilities Are Modernizing Operations With Real-Time Systems

février 4, 2025

Utilities are employing the transformative power of modern real-time systems in more use cases than ever to ensure grid stability, safety and efficiency.


Two Key Principles to Guide Your Virtual Power Plant Strategy

janvier 29, 2025

A series of converging trends are spurring U.S. power utilities to begin mapping out their strategies for making Virtual Power Plants (VPP) an important new element of their infrastructure.


What is Long-Cycle Work and Why is Digitizing Important?

janvier 14, 2025

Long-cycle work typically refers includes large-scale projects like building new transmission lines, upgrading substations, or fortifying the existing grid.


What Is Grid Modernization?

Décembre 2, 2024

Over 70% of the power grid is more than 25 years old, and much has changed in the last quarter of a century. From increasing demands on existing infrastructure to a renewed focus on moving away from fossil fuels, the grid must achieve unprecedented goals. However, today’s grid cannot meet growing energy needs or complex challenges brought on by a shift to renewable energy sources. A modern grid design is the only way to reinvigorate existing infrastructure and assets to cope with challenges ranging from climate anomalies to cybercrime. Grid modernization blends advanced technologies with a sustainable strategy to make the electric grid more reliable, resilient, secure and affordable. An Introduction to Grid Modernization In simple terms, electric grid modernization is the process of upgrading the grid and integrating new technology to make it more efficient and resilient. It requires several significant changes, including incorporating new energy generation and storage forms, installing smart technologies and upgrading or extending the existing infrastructure. Today’s electric grid is one of the most complex machines in the world. Yet, objectives have evolved in the face of climate change. Grid modernization paves the way for a complete energy transition — eliminating reliance on fossil fuels to produce energy. The power industry has changed considerably, from generation to transmission and distribution. An effective grid modernization strategy allows the grid to keep up with these changes. Increasingly complex energy challenges combined with the grid’s age make providing consistent and continuous energy more challenging. In short, the current grid alone cannot support the energy transition. More consumers are turning to renewable energy sources and distributed energy resources (DERs) to ensure a reliable, separate power source. Integrating these advancements into the existing grid can make it capable of supporting and maintaining a complete energy transition. Power Grid Modernization and Its Critical Importance Power outages have become more frequent across the United States as the grid struggles to cope with evolving power requirements and increasingly severe weather events. Modernizing the grid to align with smart technology makes it more reliable and resilient. Blending the latest technologies and equipment with digital controls that integrate and communicate can significantly reduce the frequency and duration of power outages and the impact of inclement weather. In addition, grid modernization supports faster service return when outages occur. Smart grid technology also gives consumers easy access to their energy data, empowering them to manage their consumption and costs. The process also benefits utilities, and 60% of leaders and investors in the energy sector identify the need to monitor, control and protect grid conditions as a primary driver for global grid modernization. It provides improved security and load management, lowers costs and facilitates the integration of renewables. Many existing grid modernization projects are already meeting 21st-century energy needs. In the U.S., the modern grid will incorporate innovative technologies like microgrids and smart grid technologies to boost grid flexibility and agility, meeting today’s needs. Renewable energy sources could provide 90% of the reductions in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. In line with global net-zero goals, integrating renewables like wind, solar and hydrogen power into the grid is a top priority. Grid modernization aims to address many of today’s energy challenges, optimize grid operations, enhance reliability and support frictionless integration of renewable technologies. The Crucial Role of Technology in Grid Transformation Digital transformation profoundly impacts the energy sector, providing benefits like improved efficiency, cost reduction and elevated consumer experience. Implementing grid modernization technology is the only way to boost grid reliability, resiliency and power quality. Several groundbreaking technologies have emerged as many utilities, organizations and communities collaborate around grid modernization. Leveraging Smart Grid Technologies The smart grid is the heart of the grid modernization effort. It enables real-time monitoring through advanced sensing, communications and control capabilities, optimizing the energy system to meet modern demands. Instead of the one-way flow of communication in the traditional grid, the smart grid leverages digital technology that allows for two-way communication between consumers and utilities. Smart meters, distribution automation and intelligent grid management systems empower utilities to monitor energy consumption. They can detect faults in real time and manage demand. When all the smart grid elements work together, it ultimately results in improved reliability and resilience in times of crisis. Integrating Renewable Energy Sources Renewable energy sources are an integral part of the modern grid. Solar photovoltaics, wind turbines, hydrogen power and hydropower systems have experienced massive growth as industries aim to minimize emissions. Innovative technology allows the integration of renewable technologies and smart grids, offering abundant clean energy alternatives alongside efficient energy management, distribution and consumption. Climate variability and weather unpredictability are significant challenges in transitioning to renewables. The energy demand is inconsistent, and people use energy in peaks and valleys. Grid modernization facilitates the transition to renewables, counteracting source variability with innovations like advanced forecasting and demand response programs. These technologies reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector while enhancing grid flexibility and reliability. Incorporating Energy Storage Systems Energy storage systems like DERs remove much unpredictability in renewable energy integration. DERs integration, including small-scale clean energy installations like photovoltaic panels and energy storage, enhances energy efficiency and resilience while supporting the decarbonization of the energy sector. DER technology can transform energy systems, decentralizing the energy market and reducing pressure on the grid. While often provided as standalone solutions, the value of DERs compounds when integrated into smart grids. Modernization includes adapting the grid to integrate and optimize power from DERs. Once integrated, DERs need extensive monitoring and control via an advanced distribution management system to detect and mitigate faults before they become outages. Distributed energy resource management systems can solve many modern grid resiliency challenges. Modernizing With the Cloud Grid modernization requires complete visibility. A modern grid requires transparent communication across all components. The cloud is critical in achieving grid modernization objectives, including resilience, flexibility and affordability. Cloud services and solutions are designed to provide extreme redundancy and availability while optimizing cost and performance. Agility is another critical grid modernization goal. The grid must meet growing customer demands, maintain compliance with evolving regulations and respond to unforeseen events. The cloud can facilitate rapid system positioning and help utilities stay agile despite shifting operating conditions.


TRC acquiert Garanzuay Consulting, amplifiant les services de conseil en transition énergétique de TRC en Europe

septembre 26, 2024

Garanzuay Consulting fournit une base en Irlande pour poursuivre la croissance et l’expansion de TRC en Europe à l’appui de la transition énergétique pour tous les participants au marché de l’énergie.


Remplacer les feuilles de calcul par des TI optimisées pour améliorer les rapports sur les contrôles de projet

septembre 25, 2024

L’industrie de la construction poursuit sa trajectoire de croissance en mettant l’accent sur le renouvellement des infrastructures essentielles et la décarbonisation.


Obtenez une qualité de données d’actif supérieure en combinant SAP avec Lemur Mobile Mapping

septembre 23, 2024

Les services publics ont du mal avec les données sur les actifs, ce qui a un impact sur tous les aspects de leur entreprise. Les priorités du marché comme la modernisation du réseau, la décarbonisation et la demande accrue d’énergie ne font qu’aggraver le problème de la mauvaise qualité des données.


Optimisez votre processus tel que construit avec la cartographie mobile Lemur

juin 4, 2024

Cet article a été rédigé à l’origine par Locana, qui fait maintenant partie de TRC. Remplacez le papier et le crayon par des outils géospatiaux pour transformer les processus sur le terrain.


Faites de l’IA générative votre avantage en matière de données d’entreprise

mai 23, 2024

Cet article a été rédigé à l’origine par Locana, qui fait maintenant partie de TRC. Connectez-vous aux systèmes avec des outils géospatiaux et offrez des expériences de chat et d’assistant virtuel à vos employés et clients


Améliorez la précision des données de votre entreprise grâce à l’amalgame automatisé

mai 8, 2024

Atteindre une vitesse et une échelle supérieures en utilisant l’IA combinée avec le SIG.


TRC aide à obtenir une subvention de 4,4 millions de dollars pour le programme de résilience du réseau de prochaine génération d’Otter Tail Power Company

mai 2, 2024

La subvention aidera à renforcer la résilience du réseau électrique du Dakota du Nord et à assurer une livraison d’électricité sûre et fiable. WINDSOR, Connecticut – TRC Companies, Inc. (TRC), une société mondiale de services professionnels offrant des technologies intégrées de stratégie, de consultation, d’ingénierie et appliquées à l’appui de la transition énergétique, a aidé à obtenir une subvention de 4,4 millions de dollars pour le programme de résilience du réseau de prochaine génération d’Otter Tail Power Company. La subvention appuiera l’intégrité des poteaux, la gestion intelligente de la végétation, l’inspection et la réparation des lignes de transmission améliorées par les drones et l’IA, ainsi que les évaluations et les réparations avancées des sous-stations. La subvention a été accordée par la Commission industrielle du Dakota du Nord par l’intermédiaire de l’Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) du ministère de l’Énergie (DOE).


Pourquoi le SIG intégré et l’EAM rationalisent et améliorent plusieurs flux de travail

mai 1, 2024

Les services publics peuvent optimiser la construction et la gestion des actifs à l’aide de conceptions normalisées et d’une modélisation robuste.


Passer au cloud : démystifier les mythes de la migration des données utilitaires hors site

avril 14, 2024

Ce blog explore les idées fausses courantes entourant la migration vers le cloud dans le secteur des services publics, abordant les préoccupations relatives à la sécurité, à la fiabilité, à la conformité réglementaire, à la rentabilité et à la complexité, tout en soulignant les avantages substantiels et les stratégies pour une adoption réussie.


Adopter l’agilité : l’avenir des opérations des services publics

avril 12, 2024

On aurait du mal à trouver un sujet plus saillant à l’intérieur (et à l’extérieur) de l’industrie des services publics que l’intelligence artificielle (IA).


Maximisez votre valeur de données avec l’intégration it/OT spatialement activée

avril 11, 2024

Les solutions géospatiales modernes connectent les systèmes et améliorent la capacité d’exploiter les données à une échelle, une vitesse et une précision supérieures.


TRC Companies étend sa présence mondiale avec l’embauche stratégique en Europe

avril 2, 2024

Miki Deric a rejoint TRC pour accélérer la croissance et l’expansion de TRC à travers l’Europe.


The Why, Who, What, When and How of DERMS

avril 1, 2024

Distributed Energy Resource Management Systems (DERMS) enable a utility to monitor, control and optimize a variety of types of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs).


TRC présente des solutions de bout en bout pour la transition énergétique à DISTRIBUTECH 2024

février 19, 2024

TRC permet de passer à des réseaux intelligents qui créent de nouvelles voies pour que le monde prospère


Combler le fossé : intersectionnalité de l’informatique et de l’ergothérapie

février 15, 2024

Comment les solutions de réseau intelligent de TRC peuvent aider les services publics à relever avec succès les défis complexes de la transition énergétique


Avantages de l’IA et de l’apprentissage automatique pour les entreprises de services publics

février 1, 2024

La technologie de l’IA peut changer la façon dont vous utilisez les données au profit de votre entreprise de services publics. Découvrez comment les entreprises TRC peuvent vous aider à tirer parti de la technologie de l’IA et de ses avantages.


Vous envisagez la migration vers le cloud ? Pourquoi maintenant pourrait être le moment idéal

janvier 19, 2024

Suivez les données et les logiciels avec l’évolutivité, la vitesse et la sécurité que vous souhaitez.


TRC Companies, Inc. acquiert Locana, un leader mondial des solutions et services géospatiaux d’entreprise

janvier 10, 2024

TRC Companies, Inc. acquiert Locana, un leader mondial des solutions et services géospatiaux d’entreprise.


Maximisez vos données grâce à l’apprentissage automatique, à la vision par ordinateur et à la technologie de localisation

Décembre 5, 2023

Les entreprises peuvent convertir des quantités massives d’images brutes en données utilisables qui alimentent plusieurs systèmes d’entreprise.


Locana a reçu le prix de la gestion de réseau moderne lors de la conférence Esri Infrastructure Management and GIS

novembre 22, 2023

Locana, un leader international de la technologie spatiale, a reçu le prix de la gestion de réseau moderne lors de la conférence Esri Infrastructure Management and GIS (IMGIS) 2023 qui s’est tenue à Palm Springs, en Californie, du 10 au 12 octobre 2023.


Évitez le piège de complexité de solution ponctuelle dans les programmes sur le terrain

novembre 21, 2023

La cartographie mobile moderne offre une approche d’entreprise qui réduit la complexité et les risques.


Augmenter les performances de l’entreprise avec l’enrichissement des données

octobre 30, 2023

Les solutions basées sur la localisation fournissent une grande valeur commerciale à vos données et applications opérationnelles.


Gain a Competitive Advantage with Location-based AI

octobre 18, 2023

Using AI can help transform business operations, and more, with data science services that deliver.


Implement a More Efficient GIS-ERP Integration Following a Few Simple Steps

octobre 6, 2023

Learn how to deploy faster and more efficiently using in-built SAP HANA platform capabilities.


TRC and Snohomish County PUD, Transforming Utility Operations with Managed Software as a Service for Meter Data Management

septembre 13, 2023

Enabling a new era of flexibility, scalability, and streamlined operations


Evaluating Proof of Value from DER Optimization Software

août 17, 2023

The rapid growth of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) on the power grid brings many opportunities and challenges to energy utilities.


Locana Extends OpenStreetMap Support

juillet 25, 2023

Locana, an international leader in spatial technology, is now a member of OpenStreetMap US, a nonprofit organization that helps support and grow the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project.


How to Improve Capital Project Delivery with a Modern IT Environment

juillet 19, 2023

Leverage the power of location to connect systems and visualize data for improved decision making.

Livres blancs/rapports

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) – How Smart Should A Smart Meter Be?

juin 26, 2023

According to the Edison Foundation’s Institute for Electric Innovation, over 124 million smart meters were expected to be installed in 78 percent of US households by the end of 2022.


Modernize Your Field Services with GIS and Work Order Management Combined

juin 15, 2023

The role of field service management continues to dominate the world economy, as the market grows at an exponential rate. The market was estimated at 3.2 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach 5.7 billion by the end of 2026.


Three Pillars of a Software Implementation

mai 3, 2023

Explore the pillars of project controls software—People, Processes, and Products—and what elevates projects from mediocre to outstanding.


Advancing Utility Digitalization and Modernization with the Cloud

avril 25, 2023

A catalyst to support resiliency, flexibility, innovation, affordability and operational excellence.


3 Things to Consider for a Successful ADMS and DERMS Integration

mars 23, 2023

Gain insight on several key points when strategizing and integrating two crucial systems successfully


Harness the Power of Geospatial Data to Unlock Big Data Insights

mars 16, 2023

For years, companies have been harnessing big data to glean insights that improve decision-making of every kind and at all levels, from entering new markets to building better products to delivering better services and experiences.


How to Bring Location Services to Your Company and Customers

mars 9, 2023

TRC Companies can help you take advantage of Open Street data in a way that saves money while improving quality.


TRC and Greenbird Partner to Accelerate Grid Modernization for Utilities

janvier 31, 2023

Today TRC Companies (“TRC”) announced a go-to-market partnership with Greenbird Integration Technology, a leading integration technology provider based in Norway. Greenbird’s Utilihive platform enables utilities to accelerate their digital transformation and grid modernization efforts.


How to Effectively Plan your Distribution Modernization

Décembre 7, 2022

Follow these preliminary steps for long-term grid modernization project success


Deliver Construction Projects on Time and Budget with GIS

novembre 9, 2022

Leverage the power of location to connect systems and visualize data for improved decision making.


TRC Companies Inc. acquires MagikMinds, expanding Digital capabilities

octobre 11, 2022

MagikMinds provides expert geospatial information systems consulting and implementation services to the utilities and telecom industries.


Supply Superior Government Services with Modern Geospatial Solutions

octobre 7, 2022

Convert policy to practice, streamline workflows, and increase collaboration using location intelligence.


Five Characteristics of a Successful Track and Trace Program

septembre 30, 2022

A successful Materials Tracking and Traceability (Track and Trace) program improves workflows and supports asset management best practices.


The Future of Digital Twins in Infrastructure

septembre 2, 2022

Why companies will rely on integrated GIS, IoT, machine learning, and more to build and maintain modern facilities.


Why Modernization Is Easier Than You Think

août 25, 2022

Reduce risk and lower costs with an incremental approach to your next IT project.


The Rise of Data as a Business Problem – And What You Can Do About It

août 17, 2022

Achieve better outcomes using a modern geospatial platform approach that connects systems and increases data accuracy.


The Use Case Benefits of GIS Modernization for Utilities

août 10, 2022

In 2022, utilities face strong market forces impacting businesses of every size across the country and around the world. Producing and supplying clean energy, ensuring safety, reliability, and resiliency, and delivering exceptional experiences in a digital economy continue to reshape the industry. Prospering in a sustainable, affordable, and competitive energy future requires a data-driven enterprise, which may be why more than 88% of utility executives believe that their organization’s ability to generate business value depends on their technology. Yet the greatest technology challenge today isn’t the ability to generate data. It’s siloed systems. Many utilities maintain multiple enterprise systems, from enterprise resource management (ERP) to enterprise asset management (EAM), work management (WM), advanced distribution management systems (ADMS), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), and building information modeling (BIM). These disparate databases result in redundancy and inaccuracies. And without an integrated data picture, your staff are left to make decisions with an incomplete understanding. But with modern GIS, you gain a connected geospatial enterprise. You can leverage the locational aspect of data in any system to integrate information, people, and processes to achieve business value across every department. As a result, you optimize networks, grow the business, and deliver amazing service using timely, accurate, and complete information. And with mapping and location intelligence embedded in your IT infrastructure, the applications and use cases are limitless. CONTACT US


Brookings Municipal Utilities Streamlines Processes, Boosts Efficiency with Modern GIS

juin 14, 2022

Locana, a global leader in technology consulting and geospatial systems development, announced Brookings Municipal Utilities (BMU) successful deployment of a modern geospatial enterprise leveraging Locana services.


Omaha Metropolitan Utilities District Drives Reliable Operations with Locana Lemur Mobile GIS Solution

juin 8, 2022

Locana, a global leader in technology consulting and geospatial systems development, today announced the successful deployment of its LemurSM Solution by Omaha Metropolitan Utilities District (M.U.D.).


Webinar Replay: How the DOE and Utilities Can Work Together on IIJA Funding Initiatives

avril 29, 2022

View our webinar replay of our IIJA funding initiatives webinar with Jigar Shah, Director of the Loan Programs Office – US Department of Energy.


Develop a Holistic View of Capital Projects Using Location

avril 28, 2022

Discover how to improve decision-making, lower costs, and reduce risk using a map-based portal that integrates systems and data. Read more.


Locana Awarded Wildlife Habitat Analysis Task Order For The Bureau Of Land Management

avril 27, 2022

Locana, a leading geographic data and technology company, has won a 10-year National Geospatial Data and Technology Support Services contract for the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM).


Combating Climate Change with the Power of Location

avril 21, 2022

With climate change, geospatial solutions make sense of vast volumes of data for greater clarity and decision making. Read to learn more.


TRC Selected as Systems Integrator for Otter Tail Power Company’s Advanced Metering Infrastructure Program

avril 5, 2022

Otter Tail Power Company selects TRC to serve as systems integrator for their AMI program covering northwestern Minnesota, eastern North Dakota, and northeastern South Dakota.


Using GIS Technology to Find Solar Development Sites

novembre 28, 2021

Renewable energy developers are in a race to find the optimal places for solar projects. GIS technology identifies the best locations.


The Business Value of Modern GIS for Utilities

novembre 18, 2021

The utility industry is under tremendous transformation, and more companies are working toward a clean energy future.


Six Considerations for a Successful Utility Network Cloud Implementation

octobre 26, 2021

For any GIS manager or IT professional tasked with implementing ArcGIS Utility Network (UN), knowing where to start can be daunting. If not properly planned, a UN setup in the cloud can be significantly more expensive and less accessible, stable, and secure.


On the Road to Decarbonization: The Role of All-Source Competitive Solicitations

octobre 14, 2021

All-Source Competitive Solicitations offer utilities an alternative to centralized planning, construction and dispatch of power supplies, helping to usher in a new era of market-driven technology innovation.


Amplifying the Next Phase of Fleet Electrification: The Pickup

septembre 30, 2021

TRC’s analysis for one client fleet shows that even a $70,000 EV can compete on cost with a comparable gas-hybrid vehicle priced at $40,000 – at least in California where upfront and ongoing incentives stack up quickly.


TRC Digital Selected by Snohomish County Public Utility District to Implement Siemens EnergyIP® Meter Data Management

septembre 15, 2021

Snohomish PUD selected TRC to implement, integrate and deliver their meter data management system (MDMS) on the Siemens EnergyIP® platform as a part of the utility’s Connect Up program.


Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company uses AI to assess and repair distribution pole damage

août 4, 2021

As part of its grid enhancement program, OG&E will leverage collaborative AI-powered image recognition technology that enables engineers to complete distribution pole inspections with greater accuracy and helps to reduce manual review of images.


Challenges of IT/OT Convergence

août 1, 2021

Many utilities face challenges that can make IT/OT convergence difficult, including security concerns, technology issues and cooperation within the organization.


Guide to Understanding IT/OT Convergence and the Future of Digital Grid Solutions

août 1, 2021

With increases in data accumulation and advances in technology, IT and OT are now converging.


Reasons for IT/OT Modernization

août 1, 2021

Opposites attract, and information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) are no exception. At one end of the digital grid sits IT as a business application, while OT exists at the other end of the digital grid as an asset-oriented application. For decades, IT and OT have been operating separately and are often physically isolated.


Managing the Future of Electric Utilities

août 1, 2021

The future of electric utilities depends on IT/OT convergence to ensure reliability and resiliency.


IT/OT Convergence Best Practices

août 1, 2021

A successful IT/OT convergence strategy involves identifying desired outcomes, managing the fragmentation of OT solutions, and developing common key performance indicators (KPIs) for both IT and OT teams. This approach helps in optimizing resources, driving effective collaboration, and ensuring a smooth transition towards a unified IT/OT environment.


Choosing TRC for Digital Grid Solutions

août 1, 2021

Transitioning to renewable energy requires examining its economic impacts.


Distribution Automation Best Practices

juillet 20, 2021

In today’s dynamic power delivery world, utilities are increasingly focused on electrical distribution systems and reliability.


TRC Acquires Montreal’s Quatric, Expanding Digital Capabilities for Utilities

juin 16, 2021

Today, TRC announced the expansion of its digital capabilities with the acquisition of Quatric, a Montreal, QC and Quincy, MA-based firm that provides engineering services and technology solutions to electric and gas utilities.


What’s Next? Preparing for Utility Network Migration

mai 12, 2021

In preparing for Utility Network Migration, taking an intermediate approach will allow you to resolve some key points. Utility Network Migration will run smoother if you build a “sandbox environment” and begin to 1) prioritize features 2) explore licensing options and 3) practice moving data.


5 Persistent Questions About ArcGIS on HANA

avril 9, 2021

While ArcGIS on HANA implementation patterns are emerging rapidly, we continue to hear 5 persistent questions about how implementing ArcGIS on HANA would benefit an organization. Let’s walk through these 5 questions, I’ll show you how we help you get started with ArcGIS on HANA. Then you may realize the benefits this solution promises.


Transform Utility Engineering with LineHub™

octobre 12, 2020

LineHub™ brings PLS-CADDTM model data together with enterprise GIS, SAP and other data systems from across the utility, providing a digital story of the entire grid infrastructure.


TRC Digital partners with Dominion Energy to evolve its distributed energy resource strategy

septembre 22, 2020

Dominion Energy, one of the nation’s largest producers and transporters of energy, has partnered with TRC Digital to evaluate, implement and integrate technology to further the utility’s distributed energy goals. TRC Digital will facilitate Dominion Energy’s strategy development and technology execution, allowing Dominion Energy and its customers to accelerate the shift to distributed energy resources (DER) and net carbon reduction.


TRC Digital and Reactive help utilities measure inertia for a more resilient grid

septembre 21, 2020

Together, TRC and Reactive combine TRC’s industry-leading power engineering expertise with Reactive’s machine learning software to provide utility teams with high-resolution frequency monitoring and automatic event analysis.


TRC Talks- LineHub : Transformer l’ingénierie des services publics grâce à la gestion des données numériques

septembre 10, 2020

LineHub™ est une solution révolutionnaire qui rassemble des données provenant de l’ensemble d’un service public, offrant une vue globale de l’ensemble du réseau.


Unifying Your Enterprise Platform with GIS and SAP Integration

août 28, 2020

As technology has advanced, people have realized that maps bring unique value and ease to everyday tasks.


TRC Digital Partners with Treverity to Put Utility Engineers at the Center of Their Data

juin 26, 2020

As part of TRC’s LineHub solution, Treverity helps transmission engineers get a holistic view of the grid through powerful digital data visualization and a customer-centric user interface.


IT/OT Integration for Utilities

juin 2, 2020

With the rise of smart meters, sensors, solar panels, EVs and battery storage, utilities are tasked with managing a bidirectional grid – not just the power, but also the data.


MCE Announces Partner for Comprehensive Energy Storage Program

mai 12, 2020

TRC will help support MCE’s community and vulnerable customer resiliency efforts


TRC Offers First Air Test for the Virus that Causes COVID-19

mai 6, 2020

Development of the first commercially available air test specifically for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19


TRC Digital and Enbala can help utilities monitor, control and optimize distributed energy resources

avril 17, 2020

Distributed energy resources (DERs) are changing the way utilities think about power generation and energy flow. TRC and Enbala can offer utilities a multi-layered solution that highlights the strengths of each company.


TRC Companies lance TRC Digital, apportant des services et des technologies innovants aux défis les plus difficiles de l’ingénierie

février 18, 2020

TRC Companies lance TRC Digital, apportant des services et des technologies innovants aux défis les plus difficiles de l’ingénierie


Comment les services publics peuvent se préparer à l’intégration it/ot

septembre 11, 2019

Au cours de la dernière décennie, les services publics ont adopté l’intégration informatique / OT – mais n’ont fait qu’effleurer la surface de ce qui peut être réalisé.

Opus One Solutions

TRC Teams with Opus One Solutions to Revolutionize Integrated Distribution Planning

juin 18, 2019

TRC’s partnership with Opus One will enable utilities to seamlessly plan, build and manage the grid of tomorrow.


Why TRC is Teaming Up with Opus One Solutions

juin 13, 2019

TRC is partnering with Opus One Solutions to help utilities to seamlessly plan, build and manage the grid of tomorrow.

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