Travaux publics
Le coût est souvent le grand obstacle pour les municipalités responsables de la supervision des infrastructures essentielles qui desservent leurs collectivités. TRC collabore avec ses clients pour entretenir et protéger les biens essentiels, y compris l’eau, les systèmes sanitaires, les routes et les ponts, et les déchets solides, tout en améliorant les espaces ouverts et les options récréatives.
Programmes énergétiques
Avec des populations croissantes et des besoins énergétiques en constante évolution, les villes et les organismes gouvernementaux ont besoin de solutions créatives qui garantissent la fiabilité énergétique et réduisent la dépendance à l’égard du réseau électrique traditionnel tout en maintenant les prix de l’énergie abordables pour les consommateurs locaux. TRC mène des études de faisabilité, planifie et met en œuvre des systèmes d’énergie de remplacement tels que des microréseaux, des programmes de stockage d’énergie et d’énergie renouvelable pour aider les organismes à choisir et à mettre en œuvre le programme qui répond le mieux aux besoins de leur population.
Infrastructures civiles
Que les collectivités aient besoin d’agrandir ou de réparer leurs infrastructures de navettage, TRC est le bon choix pour ce travail essentiel. Nous travaillons en partenariat avec des agences de transport de la ville et de l’État, de la sélection du concept à la réalisation du projet. Nous aidons les communautés à se préparer aux urgences et à protéger leurs populations et leurs installations. Nous effectuons des évaluations environnementales et fournissons des recommandations pour minimiser l’impact sur les quartiers environnants et les systèmes environnementaux.
Réaménagement et revitalisation
De l’évaluation environnementale à la conception et à la construction, TRC fournit des solutions intégrées qui aident les communautés à créer des espaces plus sûrs pour leurs résidents.
Protection des institutions fédérales
Gouvernements. Ils sont responsables de l’entretien de nos routes, de l’exploitation de nos écoles, de l’administration de nos tribunaux, de la gestion de nos ressources naturelles et de notre protection contre la criminalité et les événements catastrophiques. Ils procurent un sentiment de communauté et un objectif commun. Ils doivent être protégés afin qu’ils puissent continuer à servir nos citoyens et nos visiteurs.
Les édifices gouvernementaux présentent des défis de sécurité uniques en raison des besoins d’accessibilité publique, combinés à une grande visibilité au sein des collectivités et à certaines fonctions qui peuvent devenir une cible ou un paratonnerre pour les membres mécontents du public. Les entités gouvernementales peuvent avoir une certaine expertise en matière de sécurité, mais très peu ont toutes les connaissances et compétences nécessaires.
TRC est un partenaire de confiance pour les organismes et les institutions, aidant à maintenir une sécurité efficace tout en soutenant la fonctionnalité continue du gouvernement. Nous fournissons des services de conseil et de conception en matière de sécurité impartiaux, solides et experts aux agences gouvernementales fédérales, étatiques et locales à travers les États-Unis.
Projets en vedette
Découvrez le succès que nous avons eu en aidant nos clients à exécuter des projets majeurs et à avoir un impact significatif sur leurs communautés locales.
TRC has been providing the City of Stamford with LEP and PE support services.
TRC assisted the City of Sanford with securing an additional $300,000 in state Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund dollars to fund …
TRC has successfully worked with the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission under multiple EPA Brownfields Assessment Grant Programs
TRC Selected to act as the Qualified Environmental Professional for their EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant.
TRC has been assisting the Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission with their Brownfields Program since 2014
TRC has been assisting the City of Portland with their Brownfields Program since 2016
TRC has been providing the City of Stamford with LEP and PE support services.
TRC assisted the City of Sanford with securing an additional $300,000 in state Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund dollars to fund …
TRC has successfully worked with the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission under multiple EPA Brownfields Assessment Grant Programs
TRC Selected to act as the Qualified Environmental Professional for their EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant.
TRC has been assisting the Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission with their Brownfields Program since 2014
TRC has been assisting the City of Portland with their Brownfields Program since 2016
Partager nos perspectives
Nos praticiens partagent leurs idées et leurs points de vue sur les tendances et les défis qui façonnent le marché.
U.S. EPA’s EJScreen Evolves as the Agency Advances Environmental Justice
août 21, 2023
EJScreen is currently at the forefront of federal efforts to identify potential disproportionate environmental burdens and communities with potential environmental justice (EJ) concerns.
U.S. EPA and Army Corps of Engineers to Develop Revised Rule to Define “Waters of the United States”
août 8, 2023
The US EPA and Army Corps of Engineering are redefining « Waters of the United States ».
Regulators Update Design Storm Rainfall Depths in Response to Climate Science Projections and Recent Storm Data
août 3, 2023
Regulators are responding to anticipated increases in extreme rainfall events by updating design storm rainfall depth regulations.
Proposed Coal Combustion Residuals Legacy CCR Surface Impoundments Rule – Status of Public Comments
juillet 31, 2023
TRC has submitted public comments related to EPA’s proposed compliance timeline and schedule.
Environmental Site Assessments for Forest and Rural Properties
juillet 25, 2023
Key considerations for leveraging ASTM E2247 vs. E1527
Understanding Microplastics in Sediments
juillet 21, 2023
The accumulation of plastic pollution in the environment has rapidly increased in recent decades. Microplastics (MP) are very small pieces of plastic that come from a variety of sources.
California Advances Plastic Packaging Law
juillet 7, 2023
As rulemaking deadlines and compliance timeframes approach, how will your organization be impacted?
EPA Issues Clarification of Free Product Removal Requirements
juin 20, 2023
EPA recently clarified requirements for LNAPL recovery and remediation.
New Executive Order 14096 Broadens Environmental Justice Initiatives
mai 9, 2023
Executive Order 14096, Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All, seeks to deepen the Biden administration’s “whole-of-government” approach to environmental justice (EJ) by fully integrating the consideration of unserved and overburdened communities and populations into all aspects of federal agency planning and delivery of services.
TRC Assists in Securing $11M in funding for small Communities
avril 14, 2023
On May 18, 2023, EPA published the proposed Hazardous and Solid Waste Management System: Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals from Electric Utilities; Legacy CCR Surface Impoundments (proposed rule) in the Federal Register to amend subpart D of part 257 of Title 40 [Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OLEM-2020-0107; FRL–7814-02-OLEM]. TRC initially summarized key aspects of EPA’s proposed rule in Summary of Proposed Coal Combustion Residuals Legacy CCR Surface Impoundments Rule, June 15, 2023. Drawing from our expertise and extensive experience supporting utilities as they navigate the intricacies of the CCR rule, TRC has submitted public comments related to EPA’s proposed compliance timeline and schedule.
Proactive Enforcement is Key in the EPA FY2022-2026 Strategy
octobre 19, 2022
A core element of the EPA FY2022-2026 Strategic Plan focuses on environmental compliance.
Supply Superior Government Services with Modern Geospatial Solutions
octobre 7, 2022
Convert policy to practice, streamline workflows, and increase collaboration using location intelligence.
Preparing for EPA Inspections in Environmental Justice Communities
octobre 4, 2022
The EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Have Expanded Goals to Strengthen Enforcement and Protections Within EJ Communities
New National Emerging Contaminants Research Initiative
septembre 12, 2022
The Executive Office of the President of the United States announced a National Emerging Contaminant Research Initiative
Using Economic Impact Assessments to Share the Story of a Project or Facility
août 24, 2022
Economic Impact Assessments can demonstrate the positive effects a project has on the local economy.
Locana Awarded Wildlife Habitat Analysis Task Order For The Bureau Of Land Management
avril 27, 2022
Locana, a leading geographic data and technology company, has won a 10-year National Geospatial Data and Technology Support Services contract for the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
How to Succeed with Outsourced Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Support
février 1, 2022
Many organizations struggle to keep up with today’s EHS requirements. EHS support services can go a long way toward staying in compliance. Learn more.
Blast from the Past: How TRC Helped a Small UK Village Remove WWII Grenades and Mines from Playground
Décembre 11, 2021
When an straightforward remediation project came to a screeching halt after work crews unearthed live grenades, officials in Weedon Bec turned to TRC.
The View on Climate Change has Changed in Washington
mars 1, 2021
The Biden Administration signals both a renewed and accelerated focus on climate change.
TRC Acquires New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program Contract and Assumes Program Administrator Role
janvier 17, 2021
NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ and LOWELL, MA. – Jan. 17, 2017 – TRC Companies Inc., a recognized leader in engineering, environmental consulting and construction-management services, today announced it has acquired the contract to serve as Program Administrator of New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program™ (NJCEP), which has provided more than $300 million annually in support to homeowners, businesses…
Ecological Risk of PFAS from AFFF-Impacted Sites
juin 30, 2020
The facts on evaluating exposure to wildlife
Security Stew: How to Follow the Federal Regulatory Recipe for Safe Chemical Storage
septembre 19, 2017
Three different federal agencies regulate the storage of chemicals at facilities in the United States – and each for different reasons. Learn about the various rules from the alphabet soup of agencies (DHS, EPA and OSHA) involved and how to keep your business compliant.
TRC and partners win $1 million grant for engineering innovative New York microgrid
avril 20, 2017
TRC is proud to support Huntington, NY bolster power reliability and climate-change resiliency with a sophisticated new “community microgrid’’ combining solar energy, a fuel cell, biogas and traditional natural gas to deliver electricity and heat to local customers and institutions.
EPA to Include CERCLA Sites and RCRA Facilities in Site Remediation NESHAP
juin 23, 2016
EPA has published a proposed rule that would extend the requirements of the Site Remediation National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) regulations to previously exempt soil and groundwater remediation activities under CERCLA and RCRA.
Manchester Moves Legacy Sites
avril 9, 2014
The City of Manchester, NH continues to transform blighted areas of the City into community-based redevelopment projects supported by EPA’s Brownfields Program to improve the environment and public health and expand opportunities for neighborhood and economic development.